How to hide text on Reddit mobile

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Posted by3 years ago


I see posts with gray boxes covering text until you tap it. IDK what it’s called. If you know what I’m talking about, please tell me! Thanks in advance!

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level 1

Are you asking about spoilers?

>!spoiler!< is the code you would use, replacing the word 'spoiler' with what you want to hide!

Although I believe individual sub-reddits may have their own preferences, I have found that the one I’ll describe below works often.

Type > ! before your spoiler, then then type ! < afterwards. Do not use spaces in the codes or between the codes and the first and last characters of your spoiler. I put spaces in for illustrative purposes only.

So, for the example you gave, I would type:

> ! The content of the spoiler goes here. ! <

without the spaces in the codes. It should come out looking like this: The content of the spoiler goes here.

Hope that helps!

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Found the internet!


Posted by4 years ago


I want to make a post but it contains a spoiler for what it will be about. Am I able to format my text so that it shows up as the black box on both desktop and mobile? If so, how?

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level 1

I believe you put the text between


It should look like this

level 1


test Multiple

level 1


· 3 yr. ago · edited 3 yr. ago

level 1

Agh Why isn't this working

level 1

It's not working for me. Any tips?

level 1

test. Someone tell me if its working

It looks like you're in the Fancypants mode of editing, which will convert all formatting characters into plain text characters. You can either switch to WYSIWYG mode or you can select the text you want to hide, making sure you do not have any spaces on either side, and use the spoiler formatting button.

If you’re a frequent Reddit user, you may have noticed others using formatting options on their posts. Here’s how to apply text formatting to level up your Reddit experience.

Reddit is the largest discussion board on the internet, with millions of active users and thousands of subreddits. Reddit only allows you to use text in the body of posts and comments. However, they have various options that will enable you to add formatting to your content thanks to Markdown, a markup language that applies text formatting to the content on a web page.

Compared to other text formatting languages, Markdown is well known for being straightforward, easy-to-use, and intuitive, even for new users. If you’re interested in learning more about the language, you can check out our Guide to Markdown. However, this piece will be focused on formatting options that frequent Reddit users will find most useful.

If you’re using Reddit’s new interface on desktop, you likely won’t need to use Markdown as the interface has a visual editor. However, if you’re using old Reddit, the official Reddit app on mobile, or third-party Reddit clients, you will likely still have to use Markdown.

RELATED: What Is Markdown, and How Do You Use It?

Basic Formatting Options

Here are a few basic formatting options that everyone can use for their posts.


*italics* – Italics
**bold** – bold
***bold italics*** – bold italics
~~strikethrough~~ – strikethrough

The above formatting options are ways to emphasize parts of the text. You can wrap single asterisks (*) to italicize a block of text, two (**) to bold a text, and three (***) to put both bold and italics on text. You can also add a line through text with a strikethrough, using two tildes (~~) before and after.

Sections and Headers

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3

The actual font size of these header sections varies from browser to browser. These are intended to separate different sections of a Reddit text post. This is especially true if the text post is fairly long and comprehensive, like a guide or a timeline. Like other documents, the largest size is header 1, followed by 2 and 3.

In-Line Links and Automatic Links

[Reddit Link](// – Reddit Link
u/nameofuser – u/reddit
r/nameofsubreddit – r/AskReddit

To create a link on Reddit, wrap the link text in brackets ([ ]), then place the link immediately after in parentheses. These links must have “http,” “https,” or similar link schemes in them.

You can also have Reddit automatically create certain links for you. Typing “u/” followed by the name of a Reddit user will link to the user with that name. On the other hand, “r/” followed by the name of a subreddit will link to that community. These two are case-sensitive, so make sure to always type them in the lowercase.

Quotes and Code

> Quoted Text
>> Nested Quote Text 
`Code Text`

To quote text from a different user or another source, place a greater-than sign or angled bracket (>) before the text. To add a nested quote within that quote, use two angled brackets (>>) before the text. To turn text into code, place a backtick (`) at the beginning and end of the text.

Line Breaks and Lines

Line Break

Paragraph -enter-
Line Break

Single line breaks are made up of four spaces (    ), while double line breaks, or paragraph breaks, are two spaces, which you get by hitting the enter button twice.


If you use three asterisks, you will also get a horizontal line, also called a line divider, which looks like this:

Advanced Formatting


* Item 1
* Item 2

  • Item 1
  • Item 2

1. Numbered Item 1
2. Numbered Item 2

  1. Numbered Item 1
  2. Numbered Item 2

To create an unordered list, place asterisks (*), plus signs (+), or minus signs (-) before each item. Then add a line break between each item. For numbered lists, place a number and a period (1., 2., etc.) before each item. It will number these items starting from one. You cannot create a non-ascending list, so all lists will automatically be formatted to start from one going upwards.


>!spoiler text!<

If you want to hide a particular block of text so you don’t spoil the ending of a movie or book, use spoiler tags. Wrap the text in “>!” and “!<” tags, and it will prevent someone from seeing a block of text unless the user clicks on it.

Formatting Previews

Reddit Preview

If you want to make sure that your text is good to go before you post it, you can try using a Markdown preview editor. A few examples of these are Markdown Live Preview , Reddit Preview, and StackEdit. If you’re using the old version of Reddit on desktop, you can try using Reddit Enhancement Suite, a browser extension that comes with a built-in Markdown preview box, among other features.

RELATED: How to Disable Reddit's "Open in App" Pop-Up


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How do I hide spoiler text on Reddit mobile?

The only way to spoiler text on the Reddit app is to use the Markdown Mode method. To do this, add >! and ! < around the text in your comment. After pressing Post, the text within those two Markdown tags will be spoilered.

How do I make text invisible on Reddit?

If you want to hide a particular block of text so you don't spoil the ending of a movie or book, use spoiler tags. Wrap the text in “>!” and “! <” tags, and it will prevent someone from seeing a block of text unless the user clicks on it.

Can you hide messages on Reddit?

It's currently possible to hide chat conversations on mobile, it's also possible to delete messages on desktop, but we cannot hide / delete conversations.

How do you add spoiler text on Reddit?

Here's how to use Markdown for a spoiler warning on Reddit:.
Click the Markdown Mode button next to the Comment button..
Type in your comment..
Put a >! at the very beginning of the part that you want to mark as a spoiler. ... .
Put a ! < at the end of the spoiler. ... .
Click the Comment button to publish your comment..


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