How to look pretty for a boy

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Easy things any guy can do to instantly look better

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  • Appearance
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  • Hygiene
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  • Healthy Habits

Have you ever walked down the street and passed a guy who makes you stop and stare? There’s something about him that makes you want to be like him. You don’t have to be rich or ultra fashionable to turn heads. By putting effort into keeping yourself clean and groomed, choosing the right look, and developing healthy, active habits, you can make yourself look good too.

Things You Should Know

  • Get a new haircut that suits your face shape. While you're at it, groom your eyebrows.
  • Take good care of your skin. Wash your face and apply moisturizer daily.
  • Ditch loose, baggy clothes and instead opt for clothes that fit you just right—not too tight but not too lose either.

  1. 1

    Choose a hairstyle that fits your face and personality. Usually, a symmetrical cut with a square hairline looks best. Browse magazines or ask a stylist for ideas. It can take some experimentation to find the one that works for you.[1]

    • For example, if your forehead is tall and exposed, choose a style that covers it.
    • Use pomade, clay, or another natural styling product to maintain your look.

  2. 2

    Groom unwanted hair. The unibrow has become the source of Internet jokes. If your eyebrows touch or are too thick, consider using a tweezer to pluck them or trim them slightly. Remove the middle part, but don’t let the eyebrows look too thin or circular. Also pluck noticeable ear and nose hair.[2]


  3. 3

    Get fashionable clothing. Look to others to find out what looks good. Steer away from embellished jeans and graphic tees when you want to look your best. Rather, sparingly use bright colors. Opt for more khakis, polos, dress pants, and plain-colored shoes, especially before you develop your own style. Keep your clothing choices simple.[3]

  4. 4

    Choose well-fitting clothing. Let go of clothing that has holes in it or is too loose or tight. Instead, find what rests well on your body. For example, your jeans and t-shirt should not be baggy. Your shirt hem should fall on your hips and your jeans should end at your ankles.[4]

    • A tailor may be able to refit good clothing you want to keep.

  5. 5

    Improve your posture. Bad posture makes you look rounder and weaker. Practice holding your head up and your back straight. Don’t let your shoulders roll forward. Remember not to slouch when you sit as well. You’ll feel better and more confident.[5]

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  1. 1

    Bathe regularly. Going without showering and deodorant causes you to smell bad, but it also affects your appearance. Oil, sweat, and skin cells build up, particularly around your hair and armpits. This causes ugly stains on your clothes and leaves your hair looking limp. Wash your entire body and use shampoo and conditioner on your hair.[6]

  2. 2

    Moisturize your skin. Many boys think of skin care as a girl activity, but your skin also becomes dried out. To prevent your skin from feeling too rough and cracking, get in the habit of applying moisturizer at least once a day. Wash yourself in the shower with a gentle soap first and then apply a mild face wash product. Apply a small amount, about a teaspoon, and use your hands to spread it.[7]

    • Try to choose a moisturizer that matches your skin type. Oily-skinned people should avoid oil-based moisturizers and those with sensitive skin should avoid alcohol-based or fragrant moisturizers.
    • Other skin treatment products can be added, such as acne treatments.

  3. 3

    Treat acne. Everyone knows the worry that comes along with blemishes. Stress, oil, and stray hairs cause it. Make sure to gently wash your face with soap and water every day and after sweating. Keep away from any oil-based moisturizers. Seek out treatment products that have benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid on the label.[8]

    • Benzoyl peroxide kills bacteria while salicylic acid unclogs pores. Some products will have both.
    • Speak to a doctor about acne problems that can’t be controlled by hygiene and store-bought products.

  4. 4

    Avoid tanning. Tanning exposes your skin to harmful sun rays, which damages your skin and causes it to age and droop. Girls may go to tanning salons, but avoid following them. The burnt orange look isn’t attractive. Instead, wear sunscreen when you go out to keep your skin fresh.

  5. 5

    Brush your teeth. A good smile always will improve your look. Brush your teeth at least two to three times a day, particularly after meals or after consuming something acidic. Whitening strips can also be bought at the store to combat yellowed teeth.[9]

    • Ideally, visit your dentist for a cleaning every six months and get braces to correct misaligned teeth.

  6. 6

    Trim your nails. Other people also notice your nails. Make sure you keep them clipped with no sharp edges. Clean out any leftover grime with soap, water, and a nail brush. [10]

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  1. 1

    Eat healthy foods. Processed foods require no effort to eat and are everywhere in flashy packages and fast food restaurants. These make you tired and turn your body flabby. While you don’t have to swear off pizza and soda entirely, limit your portions and substitute in lean meats, fruits, vegetables, and healthier options when possible.[11]

    • The exception is if you’re naturally thin. You need to intake more calories, and this can be done healthily through fish, potatoes, dairy, protein drinks, and other foods.

  2. 2

    Exercise regularly. Lifting weights is useful for building muscle, but simply staying active helps tone your body. Turn off the computer and go outside. Playing sports helps, but you can also run around the neighborhood or do yoga to slim down.

    • A current guideline is 30 minutes of physical activity every day.[12]

  3. 3

    Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep is noticeable. Your skin looks older, sagging and wrinkling. You’ll develop bags under your eyes. In addition to this, lack of sleep affects your brain’s ability to function. Many people tend to eat poorly when deprived of sleep, gaining weight.[13]

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  • Question

    How do I look good in a photo?

    Open your eyes right before the camera goes off. Push your neck outward and tip your chin slightly downwards. Try to figure out what angle makes you look best. Keep yourself groomed and fit. Practice forming a natural-looking smile and don't let your mind wander before the photo is taken. Also avoid making hand signs or doing anything else that doesn't appear natural.

  • Question

    How do I get a girlfriend?

    The tips in looking good will also help getting a girlfriend because not only will you appear more attractive, but you will feel more attractive by feeling more confident. Also, you need to be able to have conversations with girls. Go where they are and start talking to them as friends.

  • Question

    What type of products would you use?

    Choose a concealer for acne problems. Shampoo, conditioner, and deodorant are musts. Sunscreen is an underrated tool. Most people don't realize how much sunlight damages and ages skin.

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Article SummaryX

Looking good as a boy is all about keeping fit and taking care of your skin. Remember to wash your face twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed. This will keep your skin healthy and reduce the appearance of any spots or blemishes. Apply a moisturizer once a day after washing your face to keep your skin hydrated. When it comes to picking a hairstyle, pick whatever you think looks cool. You can take inspiration from your favorite celebrities or search online for trendy haircuts. It’s also important to eat healthy and exercise to stay in shape. There are plenty of fun ways to exercise, like playing sports, going for bike rides, or learning martial arts. For more tips, including how to dress well as a guy, read on!

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  • "I really liked the advice of wearing nice clothes and exercising because, to be honest, half the time I am always..." more

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How do I look cute boy?

Some of the cutest things guys can do is to casually flip their hair with their hand, or shake it in the breeze. Seeing those locks flow back, and revealing your bright, smiling face. Sometimes even the smallest things work, like twirling a few curls of your hair with your fingers as you are studying.

What can I do to look like a boy?

To disguise yourself as a boy, wear a sports bra to hide your chest. Stick to baggy clothes, like jeans and a hoody, to help conceal your curves. If you don't want to cut your hair short, wear a hat instead. Speak in a deeper voice to make you sound more masculine.

How can I look attractive in front of guys?

Dress well. Wear what makes you happy! Confidence is key! You always want to look as feminine and attractive as you can. So, think about what you're going to wear and how you're going to present yourself like you would for a job interview.


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