How to make chocolate milk in Little Alchemy 1

How to Get Chocolate Milk:element 1element 2
coconut milk

What Chocolate Milk Can Make?element 1element 2result
chocolate milk


chocolate milk


chocolate milk


hot chocolate

element on Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone, Windows 10 Mobile, Google Chrome or any web-browser and where Chocolate milk uses. In addition on this page you can look Little Alchemy Chocolate milk guide and cheats.

All Little Alchemy guide and cheats, combinations and combos lists.

Special element!

This element is one of the 27 Pokki Candy Cheats. This additional content pack is not available anymore, as far as I know.

How to make chocolate milk in Little Alchemy 2?

Video: How to make CHOCOLATE MILK in Little Alchemy 2

What can you make with chocolate milk in Little Alchemy 2?

Walkthrough for chocolate milk in Little Alchemy 2

  1. water + water = puddle
  2. fire + fire = energy
  3. earth + fire = lava
  4. earth + earth = land
  5. earth + land = continent
  6. puddle + water = pond
  7. air + lava = stone
  8. earth + energy = earthquake
  9. continent + continent = planet
  10. pond + water = lake
  11. earth + earthquake = mountain
  12. fire + stone = metal
  13. air + planet = atmosphere
  14. lake + water = sea
  15. earth + metal = plow
  16. atmosphere + water = cloud
  17. earth + sea = primordial soup
  18. earth + plow = field
  19. cloud + water = rain
  20. energy + primordial soup = life
  21. earth + life = soil
  22. land + life = animal
  23. rain + soil = plant
  24. animal + field = livestock
  25. livestock + mountain = goat
  26. goat + water = milk
  27. field + plant = vegetable
  28. vegetable + water = juice
  29. fire + juice = sugar
  30. milk + sugar = chocolate
  31. chocolate + milk = chocolate milk

How to make milk in Little Alchemy?

Video: How to make MILK in Little Alchemy

What can you make with milk in Little Alchemy?

Walkthrough for milk in Little Alchemy

  1. air + water = rain
  2. air + fire = energy
  3. earth + water = mud
  4. earth + rain = plant
  5. earth + plant = grass
  6. mud + plant = swamp
  7. energy + swamp = life
  8. earth + life = human
  9. human + plant = farmer
  10. farmer + life = livestock
  11. grass + livestock = cow
  12. cow + human = milk

This element is one of the 27 Pokki Candy Cheats. This additional content pack is not available anymore, as far as I know.

How to make chocolate milk in Little Alchemy?

What can you make with chocolate milk in Little Alchemy?

Combinations with any other elements are not known.

Did you get stuck in Little Alchemy? Or maybe you're just looking around to see what other things you can find in the game?

Regardless of your motivation, you can get Little Alchemy hints right here!

Go ahead and try some random hints!

Little Alchemy is a game of trial and error. Start with 4 basic elements and mix them to create hundreds of unique items.

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How do you make chocolate milk in little alchemy?

How to make chocolate milk in Little Alchemy 2?.
chocolate + coconut milk..
chocolate + milk..

How do you make a chocolate in Little Alchemy 1?

Sugar + Milk..
Sugar + Oil..
Sugar + Coconut milk..
Sugar + Seed..

How do you get milk in Little Alchemy 1?

Little Alchemy 1.
Farmer + Cow..
Cow + Human..

How do you make hot chocolate in little alchemy 1?

Chocolate milk + Heat..
Chocolate + Heat..


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