How to pay off home equity loan faster

If you have been through some tough times recently-such as a job loss, major medical expenses or a traumatic event-you’re not alone. While some may blame debt problems on irrational spending or poor saving habits, misfortune can wreck the best of plans. For example, over 20% of American adults are struggling to pay medical bills, which are the main cause of personal bankruptcies.

The good news: you may be able to use your home equity to consolidate debt. Let’s take a look at how to determine whether this is the best solution for your financial needs.

Types of Debt to Consolidate

  • High-interest debt, such as credit card debt
  • Debt with large payments that take a huge bite out of your cash flow, such as auto loans

When considering potential solutions, it is important to consider the reasons why you have accumulated a high amount of debt. Talk with your Personal Banker. If your situation was caused by events beyond your control, then it may make good financial sense to use your house to help you recover.

Benefits of Debt Consolidation

  • Trade your high-interest debt for lower interest debt
  • Converting high-interest debt to lower-interest debt will save you money on your monthly debt payments.
  • Get more money since loan limits can be higher with home equity loans than personal loans
  • Improve your cash flow

When you consolidate those high interest, large payment bills into a lower interest loan with a longer term, you could see a cash flow improvement of several hundred dollars per month. The savings you earn each month on monthly payments can either go towards paying down debt or to other needs in your budget. It can also be more efficient to make only one payment instead of several.

Figure out how much you can borrow, what your payment could be and how much you can save each month with Discover Home Loans’ handy online calculators.

Simplify your monthly bills

By paying off your debt with a home equity loan, you can go from many bills to one monthly home equity loan payment. Streamlining your debt payment can help you manage your budget.

Risks of Debt Consolidation

You could lose your home

Some may caution against using home equity to pay off credit cards because of the risk of foreclosure. The key is to understand why you accumulated the debt. If it was due to uncontrollable circumstances, it could be prudent to use your home as leverage. Develop a solid repayment plan to mitigate the risk, such as using some of the monthly savings to pay off your new home equity loan more quickly.

Chance of running up additional debt

If you borrow to consolidate debt for a lower payment, you must be disciplined not to run your credit card balances up again. It is easy to rationalize each little expenditure, but the balance can grow quickly.

Depletion of your safety net

Equity in your home is one of your safety nets, a source of funds for important needs. Use it wisely.

Choosing the Right Type of Home Equity Loan

If you decide to use your home equity to consolidate your high-interest debt, consider the two types of loans below:

Home Equity Loan (HEL)

While the interest rates may be higher than those of a first mortgage, a home equity loan generally has much lower rates than credit cards or personal loans, and also offers low (or no) fees unlike first mortgages. With Discover Home Loans, there are no application, origination, or appraisal fees, and no cash is required at closing. A HEL typically has a fixed interest rate so you won’t have to worry about rising rates. You pay it back in fixed monthly payments over a period of 10 to 30 years. This approach is especially good if you have a low rate on your underlying first mortgage that you don’t want to give up by using a cash-out refinance.

Since a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) usually has a variable rate and is designed for withdrawing funds periodically over time, a fixed Home Equity Loan may be a better choice for debt consolidation.

Cash-Out Refinance

You may be able to consolidate your debts and roll the money you borrow into your first mortgage with a lower rate using a cash-out refinance. Look at the interest rate you could get now compared to what you have, check out current interest rates, and calculate your potential savings. You should factor in the potential costs of refinancing when using this option.

What’s Best for You?

Everyone’s situation is unique. Talk to a trusted financial advisor to find the best solution for you. Being aware of your options and the pros and cons for each will help you to make the right decision. A high amount of debt can be stressful. Finding an option that can help you get back on firm financial footing can also help you to feel more financially empowered.

How to apply for a home equity loan to consolidate debt

To learn more about using a home equity loan to consolidate debt, talk to a Personal Banker at Discover Home Loans today. Call 1-855-361-3435 or Apply online now.

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fixed rate

Use our Rate Calculator to find the rate and monthly payment that fits your budget.

How long does it take to pay off a home equity loan?

How long do you have to repay a home equity loan? You'll make fixed monthly payments until the loan is paid off. Most terms range from five to 20 years, but you can take as long as 30 years to pay back a home equity loan.

Can you make extra payments on a home equity loan?

Go back to your budget to see if there's more room to make additional principal payments. Making these extra payments on your HELOC, will reduce your monthly payments. Alert your lender that the extra payments should be applied to the principal.

What is the best way to pay off a HELOC?

To pay off a HELOC faster, make additional payments each month to be applied to the principal balance or refinance the debt to avoid variable interest rates.

Can I pay off a HELOC early?

At any time, you can pay off any remaining balance owed against your HELOC. Most HELOCs have a set term—when the term is up, you must pay off any remaining balance. If you pay off your HELOC balance early, your lender may offer you the choice to close the line of credit or keep it open for future borrowing.


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