How to remove henna from nails at home

You can get henna stains on your nails for a number of reasons. You probably weren’t too careful. Or maybe you applied henna with your bare hands. Whatever the case, having paint or ink stuck in the grooves around your nail or under isn’t pleasing. There are different ways to remove henna without paying for professional service.


Salt has been used as a cleansing agent for who knows when. It’s natural. Hardly anyone ever had an allergic reaction. All you need is a bowl of saltwater solution. Dip the hand with stained nails in the solution for 20 minutes. Saltwater should soften stubborn henna stains, making them easier to dislodge. Rinse your hand. Then apply a moisturizer.

Olive oil and salt

A mixture of olive oil and salt can remove henna. You don’t need much. Mix two tablespoons of salt and olive oil in a small bowl. Blending them evenly is a no brainer. Once you’re done, get a cotton swab and rub gently on your nails.

Salt’s abrasive properties should remove henna residues on your nails and in the grooves. This works if you don’t have nail polish. Otherwise, you might use a different solution. If you have long nails with henna stains stuck underneath, you can use a brush to dislodge stubborn residue.

Lemon and baking soda

These two are known for their cleansing properties. In fact, we use them for a number of house cleaning purposes. Best of all, they are safe.

Squeeze a piece of lemon over a bowl. Add 2 teaspoons of baking soda. Mix them evenly. Get a cotton swab. Dip it in the solution, but don’t soak it. Tape the cotton swabs on the stained nails. Leave them for 2 hours. Afterwards, remove the cotton and wash the area in water. Wash your hands with soap and water. Lemon and baking soda don’t only soften henna stains but also remove them. Once you wash your hands, the stains should just go with the flowing water.

Apply moisturizer to keep your skin soft.

Warm water

Using warm water is pretty much straightforward. It’s very convenient. If you have nothing else in your house. Heat some water. But don’t use water that’s too hot. Only dip your hand with stained nails in warm water for 20 minutes. Doing this doesn’t remove henna, but it definitely softens the paint. Use a brush to get rid of the stubborn dye. You can also use loofah.

Hydrogen peroxide

Some people worry about hydrogen peroxide. It sounds like a scary chemical, but it’s one simple solution with a number of uses. Used usually as an antiseptic, hydrogen peroxide can remove stains, and it’s very cheap. Again, those cotton swabs come really handy. Apply hydrogen peroxide to the cotton swab. Soak it. Rub the damp cotton on affected nails. Let the peroxide solution sit for a couple of minutes before rinsing.

Unlike previous methods, using hydrogen peroxide has almost instant results. In many cases, there is no need to repeat the process. It doesn’t have the smell of bleach but is just as effective in getting rid of organic stains.


  • oneHOWTO
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  • Mehndi - henna tattoos
  • How to Remove Mehndi from Nails

Application of mehndi is an ancient ritual of making your limbs prettier and adorned. It is an indispensable part of any Indian festival, wedding or celebration. It is a belief that the darker color the mehndi leaves on a woman’s hands, the more intensely she is loved by her husband. Normally, the color of mehndi fades away on its own within a few days, but the color of mehndi does not look good on nails, as it leaves orange stains on them, leaving them unsightly. We have already told you How to remove Mehndi at home with natural products. Here at oneHOWTO, we are going to discuss about some of the ways of how to remove mehndi from nails.


  1. Use toothpaste
  2. Soak in salt water
  3. Use olive oil
  4. Use hydrogen peroxide
  5. Use baking soda and lemon juice

Use toothpaste

Although we use tooth paste every morning and evening, little do we know that it can work as an exceptionally good cleansing agent as well. It can be successfully used to remove stubborn stains from your jewelry and mehndi from your nails. Toothpaste has detergents and abrasives that can be effective in pulling out stains and lightening mehndi color from nails.

To use it to get rid of mehndi from nails, apply a small amount of toothpaste on your nails and leave for 10-15 minutes until the toothpaste dries. Then rub your nails with fingertips to remove the mehndi color.

Soak in salt water

Salt has natural properties to reduce impurities and cleanse deeply. To remove mehndi from nails using salt, pour water in a bowl and mix 2 tbsp of salt in it. Keep your nails soaked in this solution for 15-20 minutes, take out your hands and pat them dry. Rub your nails gently using your finger tips and wash with an antibacterial soap. Do this 2-3 times in a day until the mehndi color fades away completely. Salt has powerful cleansing properties that make the mehndi color diffuse in the water and gradually fade away the color. As soaking for long time may make your skin dry and shriveled, don’t forget to moisturize after the soak.

Use olive oil

Olive oil can be successfully used to remove mehndi from nails without causing any after effects. For the process, you will need some a few drops of olive oil, water, cotton swabs and salt. Follow these instructions to remove mehndi from nails:

  1. First of all, you will have to prepare a mixture of salt and olive oil. For this, take some olive oil in a bowl and add 1-2 tbsp of salt in it
  2. Mix them well, dip a cotton swab in the mixture and rub gently on your nails
  3. Keep changing the cotton swab as it dries
  4. Continue rubbing until the color of mehndi fades away from your nails
  5. Now wash your hands and repeat if needed

The color may not go in the first time itself. You may need to repeat the process 3-4 times before the color completely goes off.

Use hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a benign, non-toxic solution that contains bleaching properties to remove organic stains. Easily available in the market, you can successfully use it to remove mehndi from nails. Add a small amount of hydrogen peroxide in a bowl, soak a cotton ball in it and rub on your nails gently. Let it sit for 10 minutes and then wash with warm water.

Again it is advisable to use moisturizer after applying this solution.

Use baking soda and lemon juice

Baking soda is an all-rounder ingredient that can remove almost all kinds of stains, and it is equally effective in removing mehndi from nails as well. You can make a mixture of baking soda and lemon, and successfully clean your nails of mehndi stains. For this, you will need baking soda, lemons, warm water, cotton swabs and loofah. Follow these instructions:

  1. First of all, take 2-3 tbsp of baking soda in a bowl, add juice of 2-3 lemons lemons in it, and mix well to make a thick paste
  2. Apply this paste on your nails using a cotton swab
  3. Leave for 10 minutes
  4. Use a loofah to exfoliate
  5. Rinse hands with warm water

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How to Remove Mehndi from Nails

How to Remove Mehndi from Nails

  • oneHOWTO
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  • Mehndi - henna tattoos
  • How to Remove Mehndi from Nails

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How can I remove henna from my nails?

Tips to remove henna.
Salt water soak. You may want to start the henna removal process by soaking your body in water with an exfoliating agent, like sea salt. ... .
Exfoliating scrub. ... .
Olive oil and salt. ... .
Antibacterial soap. ... .
Baking soda and lemon juice. ... .
Makeup remover. ... .
Micellar water. ... .
Hydrogen peroxide..

Does henna permanently stain nails?

Henna will stain the nail permanently, so if you choose to stop applying henna to your nails, a good way to hide half-hennaed nails is to paint them over with polish until the stained portion grows and is clipped away. Hennaed nails are a deep red. This color fades very little over time.

How long does henna last on nails?

Henna will permanently stain your nails, though the color will gradually fade. You should be able to enjoy the solid color for at least 2-3 weeks until it starts to slowly fade. Now the stain will remain on the nails for at least 3-5 months until new unstained nails have grown.

What removes henna instantly?

Quick and easy ways to remove henna include:.
Soap and warm water. Share on Pinterest Soap and warm water can help remove henna. ... .
Baby oil. Baby oil can help dissolve henna pigments and remove the tattoo. ... .
Lemon juice. ... .
Exfoliating scrubs. ... .
Shaving. ... .
Baking soda. ... .
Micellar water..


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