How to save game in GTA 5 Online PS4

I can't seem to be able to save on Grand Theft Auto Online on my Xbox 360. I've tried using the phone but I can't see a save icon. Does anyone have any idea?


9,55016 gold badges67 silver badges128 bronze badges

asked Apr 17, 2016 at 20:26


It saves automatically after certain important events. If you want to be sure that it saves when you stop playing you can leave the GTA online session by either of these methods:

  • Press start and quit.
  • Hold down on the d-pad and select one of the 3 campaign characters.

Then it will auto save.

Personally I use the d-pad down and select a campaign character.


17.2k4 gold badges58 silver badges82 bronze badges

answered Apr 20, 2016 at 9:05


There's a few things you can try:

  • Change your style
  • Change your appearance
  • Do a quick and easy mission (such as Special Cargo)

These should force the game to save


36.7k47 gold badges169 silver badges296 bronze badges

answered Jan 19, 2020 at 20:48


There are a couple of things that you can do to force GTA Online to save your progress:

  • Change from GTA Online to GTA V from the Character Wheel or Pause Menu
  • Do a monetary transaction like purchasing snacks or selling vehicles (since 1.05)
  • Change the session from the pause menu

The easiest way to know if the game is being saved is to see if the yellow spinning circle is present at the bottom right of the screen.

answered Jan 19, 2020 at 21:23


9,55016 gold badges67 silver badges128 bronze badges

If you register as a CEO or motorcycle club it saves your game.

answered Aug 20, 2020 at 20:46


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This guide will let you know how to savethegame in GTA 5 Online. You will also learn how to fix the Game Didn’t Save error.

If you want to save the game manually, you first have to go to the clothing store from the map, as shown in the image below.  

You need to go inside the clothing store and move to the clothing selection when you get there. You will see you can edit and save the loadouts option on the bottom screen. You have to press the square button from the controller and then make two different loadouts. 

After that, go to the empty slots, name them and then press the X button from the controller to save them. You have to close the options and get back to the store. You will need to go to the interaction menu by pressing down the d-pad. You need to tap on the style option in the interaction menu and navigate the outfit option, as shown in the image below.  

Select the outfit you just created and press the X button from the controller to save it. Then go back to the store, and you will see a small saving loading icon on the bottom right side of the screen.

How do I save my online GTA 5?

If autosave is turned on, then gta V will automatically prompt you to save your game after you complete any mission. If it is turned off, then you will have to do any of the either: Open your phone and select the quick save button, (the one showing the cloud and up arrow) just bellow the first button.

How do you save and quit GTA 5 Online?

there is 2 ways to save your progress before quitting GTA:O..
Hold Up on the Dpad, switch to a single player character..
Press start -> Online -> Leave GTA:O..

Does GTA online save by itself?

Turn on autosave. Your game will be saved automatically after everything you do. If you buy a gun or ammo or just a pair of shoes, your progress will be saved. Go to the house of whichever character you're playing as and sleep in the bed, you'll be asked if you want to create a save file or not.


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