How to see if someone checked your location on iphone reddit

My wife is taking our kids on a vacation to her brother's, several states away. I'm not able to join them this trip. My wife is a bit nervous about the drive as she gets turned around/lost easily.

She can set the GPS navigation and everything on her iPhone, but as a fall-back, she would like to be able to call me, and have me be able to get on a maps program and help direct her.

Whenever we do this now, invariably the first exchange is "Ok, where are you?" to which she replies, "I don't know or I wouldn't be calling you." :)

So if I could pull up a website or app and determine where she is, it would help me navigate her back to a main road or something if the GPS is misbehaving.

I've found a couple apps whose description seems to be what I need, but some of the reviews are concerning and since I only need this for a week or so while she's on this trip (I'm not really interested in tracking my wife's whereabouts all the time), I'm not really convinced I need a pay app.

Any help and suggestions anyone can provide would be helpful. Thank you

Details: Her device is an iPhone 5s. I have my computers if there are website interfaces for my side, but my mobile devices are Android.

Edit: Just realized how nefarious the title sounds. Sorry, not my intent - tracking my wife's every move would be exceptionally boring. :)

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Hey all. I have a client who has been harassed by her ex-husband, sometimes showing up at places meeting with friends, none of which have contact with this guy. I suggested she turn off the "Find My iPhone" feature, don't use "Find my Friends" app, change the password on her Apple ID AND the email associated with her Apple ID. He has told her he , "knows where she is at all times, and that he can pinpoint where she is." Not cool.

At this point I'm unsure if the guy is still tracking her or just trying to instill fear into her. Is there anything else I should tell her to do, in order to keep this guy from tracking her phone? Is there a way to verify that some other person/ip address is not sending requests to locate the phone? I believe she has even had the phone replaced as well.


update: Just sent my client a lot of these suggestions, thanks for the input thus far! I will keep you posted if anything else comes up.

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Can I see if someone is looking at my location on iPhone?

Check Who Can See Your Location With Find My To see who can track your location, open up the ‌Find My‌ app and tap on the "People" tab. People who have shared their location with you and people you have shared your location with will show up in this list.

Can someone check if you've checked their location?

Snapchat does not tell you when someone views your location using Snap Map, but it does show everyone's location when opening the Snap Map from the camera. Therefore, it's tough for Snapchat to display who has viewed your location.

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