How to store spring rolls in fridge


“How do you store fresh summer rolls, though?” This is the question I most often get when I profess my love of these rice paper-rolled treats to anyone who will listen. It’s a genuinely great question, as spring rolls or summer rolls are often best just after rolling, but the answer depends on how long your summer rolls need storing.

Whether you’re making them ahead for a party or stashing leftovers in the fridge, here are two smart ways to store spring rolls. You can either cover them with a clean, wet dish towel or store individually wrapped in the fridge for two days.

If you need to make the rolls a few hours before a party …

Arrange the fresh summer rolls in a single layer on a serving tray. Soak a clean dish towel in cool water and cover the rolls. Do your best to keep the tray away from warm oven drafts or sunshine-filled windows to keep the fillings out of the danger zone. Refresh the cloth with cool water every hour as needed.

This method works best for rolls you plan to serve within a few hours, so you can make summer rolls before a party and still have time to get ready yourself before guests arrive.

If you have leftover summer rolls for the next day …

Refrigeration is notorious for drying out rice paper wrappers and making spring rolls rubbery, so fair warning that these won’t be quite as supple as their freshly rolled friends (but still delicious nonetheless). Wrap individual summer rolls tightly in plastic wrap and store the rolls in an airtight container.

These summer rolls can be stored like this for up to two days for best results. Be sure to bring the rolls to room temperature for about 30 minutes before eating, and don’t forget a good creamy peanut dipping sauce!

Our cooking lesson will walk you through making your best summer rolls yet. From preparing the filling to prepping the rice paper wrap, here’s how to master this summer favorite.

I've made some fresh spring rolls by filling rice paper sheets with vegetables, cheese and peanuts, without any cooking. I've kept the uneaten ones in the fridge for a night in a sealed box. The rice paper has lost its flexibility and moisture.

Is there a recommended way to store fresh spring rolls in a fridge for a few days, without losing the moisture of the rice paper?

asked Apr 6, 2013 at 21:03

In its recipe for Spring Rolls, What's Cooking America indicates:

Spring rolls can be made a day ahead. Cover them with a damp paper towel, then wrap well in plastic wrap, and refrigerate. Refrigerating firms and toughens the wrappers and noodles [inside the roll, in this recipe] slightly (if they are a little dry, wipe them gently with a damp cloth).

In the future, consider that you might not want to make the rolls until you are ready to eat them. Your filling ingredients will probably hold quite well on their own, and hydrating the wrappers to make the rolls is very fast and easy.

answered Apr 7, 2013 at 5:42


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I'm making Spring Rolls for my brother's birthday. I will be storing them overnight in the fridge with a damp dish towel covering them. I discovered it helps a bit to rub a little Olive oil on the platter to keep the rolls from sticking. Also, it helps to keep them from touching one another while being stored, as they tend to want to tear when being pulled apart. Just little tricks along the way... I'd love to learn more!

answered Aug 18, 2013 at 22:46

I rub them down lightly with sesame oil, before I wrap them in Saran Wrap. I then put them in a large Square tupperware container and cover them with a lightly dampened paper towel or tea towel & seal. I also prefer rolling them on a damp tea towel, as it tends to stick less and it's easier to peel apart, verses getting stuck to a nice smooth plate! I generally don't like to leave them uneaten for more than 48 hours maximum, depending what's in them, but preferably I prefer sticking to the 4 to 12 hour, up to no more than a 24 hour period of time before eating. I definitely like to chill them and let them set a little bit, rather than eating them as soon as I roll them. Should they get too dry, I just wash my hands well and massage them with a light stream of water over the sink and then towel them off and serve. I always cut them in half diagonally with a WET knife, to avoid ripping the wrappers.

answered Mar 11, 2018 at 5:20

'A few days' is asking a lot. I wouldn't try to hold them more than overnight, personally.

When I've made spring rolls in advance (even just a few hours), my bigger problem was them sticking to each other and the container. I get around this problem by setting each spring roll in a piece of butter lettuce, and then wrapping the whole container tightly in plastic wrap. (but not touching the spring rolls ... if your don't have a deep enough container for the volume you're making, you could try adding a few more leaves of lettuce on top of any exposed spring rolls before wrapping).

answered Jan 25, 2015 at 15:35


76.3k15 gold badges151 silver badges429 bronze badges

I made some yesterday with shrimp, glass noodles fresh avocado,cukes etc and I made them 1pm yesterday. I had 1 left so i wrapped it tight in plastic wrap{i thought with the sticky rice paper, i will never get this unwrapped}. I stored it in the egg compartment of the refrig and closed the lid. Today at lunch at 12, it unwrapped beautifully, i cut it in half to inspect it. Avocado was not even brown. Tasted as great as they did yesterday. For those of you having trouble rolling, try to find square rice papers. They are 9x9 square and place it on a plate like in a diamond(1 point at top,1 at bottom and 1 on each side. Place your junk in the center and fold left side in, right side in, then roll like normal. It gives you more work space and you wont be near as intimidated.


18.3k12 gold badges50 silver badges92 bronze badges

answered Feb 4, 2015 at 20:24


Wrap each roll tightly in plastic wrap. Holds in the moisture and prevents them from sticking together.

answered Jan 25, 2015 at 15:21

Use lettuce leaf as a bed for each one and could used as part of the presentation, especially if you want to drizzle or serve a dip/sauce.

answered Jun 30, 2016 at 21:50

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How do you store spring rolls so they don't stick?

However, they definitely taste best fresh, because the longer you store them, the drier the rice paper gets. To prevent them from sticking to each other, it is best to place them at a distance from each other so that they don't touch each other, or wrap the individual rolls with moistened kitchen paper or cling film.

Are spring rolls still good the next day?

Contrary to common belief, spring rolls can be revived the next day! Dip the rolls in filtered water quickly and wipe off excess water. Put the rolls in a microwave safe tray and cover with a wet paper towel. Let sit for a minute before enjoying.

How long can fresh spring rolls sit before serving?

Serving and storing spring rolls or summer rolls – Eating these fresh as you roll them is best. The rice paper is soft and pliable and the spring roll is plump. To store them, you can wrap them in plastic cling wrap for about 1-2 hours in a cool area before serving.

How do you store spring rolls in the freezer?

You can also freeze store-bought or Chinese takeaway spring rolls. Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper and lay out the cool spring rolls onto the tray ensuring none of them are touching. Optionally wrap the tray in a sheet of clingfilm. Place the tray into the freezer and allow the spring rolls to go solid.

Can I make spring rolls in advance?

Spring rolls can be made ahead and reheated whenever you're ready to serve them. For best results, bake them according to recipe instructions up to a day ahead. You don't want the wrappers to dry out (this can lead to the spring rolls cracking or bursting when baked), so it's best to go ahead and bake them in advance.


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