How to use apple cider vinegar to tighten virginia

Just when we thought we'd heard it all when it comes to what people are using ACV for...

Apple cider vinegar AKA ‘ACV’ seems to be considered a cure for pretty much anything and everything these days (despite there being a lack of research into its benefits) from indigestion to cystic pimples and even dull hair. But, just when we thought we’d seen it all, a new use for ACV has emerged from the depths of the internet: Apple cider vinegar vaginal douching.

…say what?

Yep, apparently, some women are using apple cider vinegar in a bid to tighten and clean their downstairs area. Metro reports that a number of online blogs and forums have detailed the “bizarre douching technique” and experts are understandably concerned.

What experts have to say about apple cider vinegar vaginal douching

Professor Linda Cardozo from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in London told the publication that not only is the technique completely useless, it’s actually dangerous. She warned that the practice could disrupt the organ’s delicate ‘good’ bacteria, putting women at risk of infection and irritation.

“Putting cider vinegar in your vagina would not only be uncomfortable but it also has the potential to cause damage and disrupt the natural flora of the vagina.” Cardozo instead suggests pelvic floor exercises if you’re looking to maintain your vagina’s strength and tone. That said, most women do not need to be worried about vaginal looseness. However, if you are it could be down to a larger issue like pelvic organ prolapse, so talk to your GP if you’re concerned.

RELATED: Healing Your Pelvic Floor After Birth

What to try instead

If you feel that you are needing a bit of freshening up down there, it’s best to keep your intimate cleansing routine simple. After all, it’s true that vaginas are “self-cleaning.” Avoid any internal cleaning products (yes, that includes douches of all kinds – not just apple cider vinegar) as these can upset your natural balance. Instead, stick to pH-balanced products purpose designed for exterior vaginal use like these.

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