How to work for BitLife in BitLife achievements

Image via Candywriter

It might seem weird to do this, but you have the chance to work for BitLife while playing BitLife. The team has a tiny easter egg where if you earn the correct skills, any of the characters you roll in the game can work for the BitLife team. While nothing your character does directly changes the game, it’s a fun thing to do. It would be best if you had the proper education to work for them, though.

The first thing you need to do is to make sure your character is living in Miami. They can start there, or you can move there after a few years. Regardless, Miami will be the destination you want to seek after you earn your degree.

To meet the qualifications to work at BitLife, you need to enroll in computer science at the university level and enroll in college. Shortly after high school, you can do this and choose to pay for it all with cash, take on student loans, or try your luck with scholarships. If your character has a high enough smarts stat, they should apply for a scholarship and avoid any payments.

After you complete the four years of university, go to the job section to see what is available. You’re looking to apply for the position called Jr. App Developer. Click on it, and then double-check to make sure BitLife is offering the job. If it’s not, disregard it, look through the list, or wait another year to try again. The BitLife team won’t always offer the job, so don’t immediately accept the first Jr. App Developer role. You may need to hit the ‘age up’ button several times before it appears.

With the computer science degree, you should be able to join the team. So make sure to work hard every year and move up the BitLife career chain.

How do you join the BitLife 🤩 team on BitLife 🤩?

To join the BitLife team, you need to work hard in school and college and choose the Computer Science stream. You will get an option to become a developer at BitLife via the Careers portal, so keep an eye on that. Once you have done that, you can simply start your own Youtube channel and start posting BitLife videos.

How do you work for BitLife?

To meet the qualifications to work at BitLife, you need to enroll in computer science at the university level and enroll in college. Shortly after high school, you can do this and choose to pay for it all with cash, take on student loans, or try your luck with scholarships.

How do you get the BitLife achievement stud?

Stud: Have sex with 100 different people in a single life. Hungry Hippo: Get killed by a hippo. Gorilla and the Fist: Get killed by a gorilla. Animal Rescue: Successfully rescue an animal.

How do you win achievements on BitLife?

All Longevity BitLife Achievements.
Complete a Life: Complete a full Bitlife life from start to finish..
Octogenarian: Live long enough to see your 80th birthday..
Nonagenarian: Live long enough to see your 90th birthday..
Centenarian: Live to see your 100th birthday..
Super Centenarian: Live to see your 110th birthday..


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