I only speak a little bit of spanish in spanish

Finally the Spanish favour the advice of sellers a bit more than their neighbours and a little less notice of Internet users which they [...]

Por �ltimo, se�alar que los espa�oles aprecian m�s que sus vecinos los consejos de los vendedores y un poco menos el de los internautas, [...]

a los que sit�an a su mismo nivel.

I would like to speak, anticipating a little bit, about the forthcoming [...]

Intergovernmental Conference; this conference is


actually already on course without us however knowing the exact conditions.

Quisiera hablar a Sus Se�or�as, anticip�ndome un poquito, de [...]

la pr�xima Conferencia Intergubernamental; en efecto, dicha


conferencia est� ya encarrilada sin que por ello conozcamos sus condiciones exactas.

Today a good part of the population can read, write and speak a little bit of English.

[...] una buena parte de la poblaci�n sabe leer y escribir y habla algo el ingl�s.

[...] a way it is a bit mundane to speak about bread-and-butter issues, having listened to all that has been said, but of course bread-and-butter [...]

issues concern all our citizens.

No obstante, en cierto sentido es un tanto prosaico hablar de asuntos cotidianos tras haber escuchado todo lo que se ha dicho, aunque [...]

los asuntos cotidianos afectan a todos los ciudadanos.

Thirdly, I would like to speak a bit about the wider context and why the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) and the work of the Commission matter.

[...] lugar, me referir� someramente al contexto general y a la importancia del Tratado de prohibici�n completa de los ensayos nucleares (TPCEN) y de la labor de la Conferencia.

While there, I realized that with the


help of my sisters my experience was going to be a

[...] rich one, and that I would speak some bit of Spanish and feel at home.

Cuando estuve all�, me di cuenta de que


con la ayuda de mis hermanas, iba a ser una rica

[...] experiencia, que podr�a hablar un poco de castellano y sentirme en casa.

The third is the most tricky

[...] one and requires a little bit more knowledge of Spanish to notice that the [...] [...]

use" chosen by the Translator is incorrect and can even be considered sexually inappropriate.

[...] enga�osa y requiere un poco m�s de conocimiento del espa�ol para darse cuenta de [...]

que la acepci�n del verbo


"to use" �que el traductor est� escogiendo es una muy incorrecta y hasta sexualmente indecorosa.

He Speaks Spanish, French, a little bit of Italian and Portuguese.

Habla espa�ol, frances y un poco de italiano y portugu�s.

People can sometimes speak Bengali, Telugu, Urdu and a bit of Gujarati in addition to the various [...]

La gente a veces puede hablar Bengal�, Telugu, Urdu y un poco de Gujarati adem�s de los diversos [...]

You are most welcome .. thats wat we are all ,, here for .. to help each other .. - Joydeep_Singh, SEP 8, 2015

and its "muchas gracias" (not mucho) .. - Joydeep_Singh, SEP 8, 2015

Well, I wouldn't say.. del espanol in this context .. because del is the contraction of "de + el = del) so if you say del espanol .. it would in essence mean .. de el espanol .. and there doesn't seem to be a need of using the definite article "el" in - Joydeep_Singh, SEP 8, 2015

LOL. You see, I am a beginner. Gracias must be feminine ;-) - Kitenut, SEP 8, 2015

this case .. it may not be grammatically incorrect but might sound weird .. like in English also we won't use the definite article "the" in this case .. we will say .. I can speak a little spanish (and not .. I can speak a little of THE spanish) - Joydeep_Singh, SEP 8, 2015

Yes it is a feminine noun ,, "las gracias" .. but don't worry .. you are doing great as a beginner .. these are small lose ends which will burl out with time .. - Joydeep_Singh, SEP 8, 2015

What is un poquito?

Translation of "un poquito" into English Please wait a bit.

Is habla español correct?

It is considered polite and appropriate for formal business use. "Hablamos Español" ("We Speak Spanish") is also used, and it is correct.

How do you respond to hablas español?

In E nglish “hablas espanol” means “do you speak Spanish”. The answer may be “si yo hablo español” that means “yes, I speak Spanish or “no yo no hablo español” that means “no, I don't speak Spanish”.


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