Im breastfeeding can i drink apple cider vinegar

A. Pregnant and breastfeeding moms can consume apple cider vinegar and add it to their diets. Use only organic apple cider vinegar. Avoid Unpasteurized apple cider vinegar as it comes with harmful bacteria which may harm the baby.

You may hear about the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar and wonder whether it’s safe for breastfeeding moms!  According to research, it’s unknown whether Apple Cider Vinegar would be safe for pregnant or lactating women.

So, when there isn’t solid scientific backing for a food item suitable for breastfeeding moms, you may want to avoid it, except if your doctor suggests otherwise.

Some women use organic, filtered, and pasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar, but avoid raw and unpasteurized ones as they may contain harmful bacteria and, thus, won’t be ideal. In short, when using Apple Cider Vinegar when breastfeeding, it’s best to ask your doctor. Read on for more information.

What Is Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple Cider Vinegar, as the name suggests, comes from fermented apple cider. It contains acetic acid and many nutrients. People use it for salad dressings and so much more!

It’s interesting to learn the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar as it may come in handy at different points in your life. For example, even though you may want to avoid it during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, it’s still good to know whether it would be helpful for you later once you stop breastfeeding your child.

What Are The Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple Cider Vinegar has many health benefits, which is why women may find it interesting. However, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, consult your doctor before using it!

There are also different types of Apple Cider Vinegar. You may find the clear and unfiltered ones, but it’s easily available over the counter.

By looking at the cloudy substance called the mother floating in the mixture, you can differentiate the distilled Apple Cider Vinegar from the unfiltered one.

Consider the following:

  • Apple cider vinegar can help in lowering blood sugar levels.
  • It can help in reducing the appearance of varicose veins.
  • Some women consume Apple Cider Vinegar for weight loss.
  • It helps with metabolism and digestion issues as it contains probiotics.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar also helps in lowering bad cholesterol.

When consuming Apple Cider Vinegar, it’s best to dilute it as it can cause side effects when used in large amounts and for a long time. You must also ask your doctor or health care professional if you have underlying health concerns before adding it to your diet.

There is a trend where celebrities or influencers guide people towards weight loss and may ask to add Apple Cider Vinegar or any other such food item to the diet, but it’s best to explore your options and talk to your healthcare provider first. What works for one person may not work for the other! So, always take precautionary measures when trying anything for the first time.

Can You Use Apple Cider Vinegar When Breastfeeding?

Since there is no scientific backing for using Apple Cider Vinegar when breastfeeding, it’s best to avoid it until you wean off the baby. There is no emergency in using it! Also, if you are pregnant, it’s best to avoid using Apple Cider Vinegar.

However, once you finish breastfeeding, you can explore your options, and if you like the benefits, you can consider using Apple Cider Vinegar.

Meanwhile, stick to a healthy diet and don’t rush into losing weight. Remember that your body took almost a year to give you a chance to breastfeed with ease and comfort.

Now, give yourself some time and relax! However, if your doctor recommends, you can consider using Apple Cider Vinegar!

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Nursing Mothers

Numerous illnesses and health conditions, including obesity, osteoarthritis, skin issues or conditions, and some chronic disorders, can be treated with apple cider vinegar thanks to its many advantages.

Some supporters of ACV even go so far as to assert that pregnant women who consume apple cider vinegar give birth to children who have the ideal chemical makeup that enables them to adapt and thrive in a variety of environments.

The advantages of consuming apple cider vinegar while breastfeeding is listed below.

Combats Diabetes

Apple cider vinegar can help breastfeeding mothers with Type 2 diabetes by balancing blood sugar levels. The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar acts as an anti-glycemic ingredient and lowers blood sugar levels.

Enhances Digestive Health

Heartburn and other postpartum digestive problems can be greatly alleviated by taking apple cider vinegar while you are breastfeeding. Due to the pectin that it contains, it is frequently used to relieve intestinal spasms.

Reduces the Risk of Urinary Infection

When it comes to preventing urinary infections, apple cider vinegar is incredibly helpful. This beverage is excellent for getting rid of all types of bacteria because apple cider vinegar contains numerous minerals and enzymes that help to treat bacterial infections.

Encourages Weight Loss

It is perfect for assisting you in losing weight. It has been demonstrated that drinking 15 to 30 ml of diluted apple cider vinegar can significantly speed up weight loss, especially after childbirth.

Aids in Nasal Issues

A blocked nose can be successfully unblocked by apple cider vinegar, which can also guarantee uninterrupted sleep all night. By drinking this vinegar with warm water, you can prevent sinus problems and clear up stuffy noses.

Contributes to Blood Pressure Reduction

Blood pressure has also been shown to be controlled and reduced by apple cider vinegar.

Raise Levels of Good Cholesterol

The heart’s functionality is enhanced by the polyphenols and chlorogenic acid in apple cider vinegar, which work to slow down the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Additionally, it aids in lowering your body’s bad cholesterol levels, thereby defending your heart.

Maintains Skin Health

Applying apple cider vinegar topically can treat a variety of skin problems that new mothers experience after giving birth.

Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects During Breastfeeding

Apple cider may be good for your health, especially if you’re breastfeeding. However, you should only ever consume it in moderation. The following negative effects may occur if apple cider vinegar is consumed in excess while breastfeeding:

Dental problems

There are a lot of acids in apple cider vinegar. Your teeth may become harmed, and your tooth enamel may begin to erode. Apple cider vinegar can also cause gum irritation and itching.

Reduced Potassium Levels

A drastic drop in potassium levels can result from consuming excessive amounts of apple cider vinegar while nursing, which is extremely risky for both you and the infant.

Skin Rashes

When consuming apple cider vinegar during this time, some people claim to get skin rashes.

How Can Apple Cider Vinegar Be Consumed?

For nursing mothers, some straightforward and convenient ways to consume apple cider vinegar include:

Dress your salads first

If you enjoy salads, you can make a straightforward dressing with apple cider vinegar and eat it. To make the delectable dressing, simply combine 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, and 1/4 cup cider vinegar in a bowl. For a more flavorful touch, season with salt and black pepper.

Consume it with honey

Prepare your detox drink in a tall glass with some ice cubes, 1/2 teaspoon of organic honey, 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. To achieve a sweet-sour tangy flavor, thoroughly combine. For an extra kick, try adding a little pepper!

Sip on some herbal tea

If you prefer it hot, add one teaspoon each of apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and honey after letting your regular green tea steep in the water for a few minutes. Cinnamon might make the flavor even better!

As long as you use it sparingly, it’s perfectly safe to consume apple cider vinegar while you’re nursing. Additionally, before undergoing AVC, speak with your doctor to ensure that it is safe for you.


Can you do the consumption of Apple Cider Vinegar during pregnancy?

Since there is no scientific evidence, it’s best to avoid using Apple Cider Vinegar during pregnancy. Some women use filtered and organic ones. The unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar may contain bacteria that can affect pregnant women; thus, it would be best not to take any chances.

What can you safely consume while breastfeeding?

You can prepare a list of safe food items for breastfeeding women. You can customize the list if you have allergies. Your healthcare provider can suggest what’s best for you and the newborn. You must also consume enough water to keep your fluid intake in check, as it helps with the breast milk supply.

What to do if people suggest you use Apple Cider Vinegar?

If someone is using Apple Cider Vinegar and it’s suiting them, it may be different for you. It’s wise to follow the suggestions and recommendations of your doctor. When you are a breastfeeding mom, it’s best not to take any chances unless you are sure about what you are doing! If you find Apple Cider Vinegar safe for your use and your doctor has no issue, you can use it.

Can you apply Apple Cider Vinegar to your skin?

Some people use Apple Cider Vinegar to treat acne on their skin. For example, you may get acne during pregnancy due to hormone fluctuations. Still, instead of applying Apple Cider Vinegar, it’s best to talk to your doctor and tell them about your skin concerns. Apple Cider Vinegar can cause skin burns if applied directly and used for a long time. So, it’s best to take precautionary measures. In addition, not everything is for everyone, so always remember that during this time.

Wrapping It Up

Although some women consume diluted, organic, and pasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar while breastfeeding, no scientific backing claims whether it’s safe for lactating and pregnant women.

So, it’s best to avoid it in the first place, and when in doubt, you can discuss your concerns with the healthcare provider, especially if you are trying to lose weight and want to add Apple Cider Vinegar to your diet. If your doctor gives you a green signal and has no issues, you can consider it!

Meanwhile, follow the preventive measures and be on the safe side. You can try other safe alternatives with scientific backing that are universally accepted for lactating and breastfeeding women. Also, learn more about breastfeeding and milk supply to make this journey smooth and easy for you.






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