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May 06, 2022 Ayman rated it it was amazing

new favorite book alert.

cried, sobbed, threw up, cut off all my hair, threw myself down the stairs, crash my car into a grocery store, drank bleach straight from the bottle, lit a cigarette next to my dads oxygen tank, and entered a lions den. this is the best written book i’ve come across.

i can’t even put into words how much i not only loved this book but connected to it. olivie puts into words the thoughts and feelings i feel that i myself can’t find the words for. how tf can someone write so

new favorite book alert.

cried, sobbed, threw up, cut off all my hair, threw myself down the stairs, crash my car into a grocery store, drank bleach straight from the bottle, lit a cigarette next to my dads oxygen tank, and entered a lions den. this is the best written book i’ve come across.

i can’t even put into words how much i not only loved this book but connected to it. olivie puts into words the thoughts and feelings i feel that i myself can’t find the words for. how tf can someone write something so captivating?!?

this isn’t your typical love story. it deals with heavy topics such as mental health and mood disorders. the main characters, Regan and Aldo are so complex and deep with each other and separately. i found myself connecting to both of them in someway shape or form. god, i felt like i was fucking fighting for them and i was. i was so connected to their connection. i didn’t want it to end. their love isn’t this pretty perfect thing yet it’s so deep and heart wrenching. it felt tangible and flammable.

someone said this book felt like seeing god and they’re completely right. it felt like i was in heaven and hell at the same time too.

this is a character driven book and the plot is the characters lives so don’t go into it saying “omg it’s so pretentious” like that’s the point. it’s a book that you have to go into wanting to put some thoughts into. it’s a book that could be dissected for ages.

this book is the Amex black card with unlimited credit of all books. the writing is like no other. it’s not this overly descriptive and flowery thing. it’s speaking from the heart and the brain at the same time. i’ve been waiting to read a book that would consume me. this book scratched a part of my brain that heavily needed to be scratched. and i absolutely loved every bit of it.

this is kinda a side note but this book takes place in chicago and that alone can be a five star read for me, but my point is that olivie blake describes chicago so accurately that only a person who has lived here could ever do. olivie blake has all my gratitude for that.


i have many thoughts…..they’ll be in a video soon

Apr 20, 2021 manuela rated it it was amazing

dementia runs in my family... that means i’ll be able to read this book all over again for the first time and i thank my genes for that

Jun 14, 2021 lei rated it it was amazing

olivie blake could do romeo and juliet but shakespeare couldn't do alone with you in the ether olivie blake could do romeo and juliet but shakespeare couldn't do alone with you in the ether ...more

reading this masterpiece is not enough i want it engraved on my tombstone tattooed on my body injected into my veins

Dec 09, 2021 maxine rated it it was amazing

pardon my blasphemy but reading this book felt like seeing God

May 08, 2022 persephone ☾ rated it it was amazing

if art is supposed to make you feel something, then this book is art in its purest form, for there is no emotion this book hasn’t make me feel.

i will cherish this book with every fiber of my being for the rest of my life and i want it engraved upon my heart. call it insanity, i call it common sense because in what world would someone not be completely bewitched by this masterpiece ?

i know this might sound awfully selfish, but if i could, i would keep this book to myself forever and ever and ne

if art is supposed to make you feel something, then this book is art in its purest form, for there is no emotion this book hasn’t make me feel.

i will cherish this book with every fiber of my being for the rest of my life and i want it engraved upon my heart. call it insanity, i call it common sense because in what world would someone not be completely bewitched by this masterpiece ?

i know this might sound awfully selfish, but if i could, i would keep this book to myself forever and ever and never let anyone approach it. it is so dear to me in a way that is almost inexplicable, perhaps because of how heartbreaking yet tenderly comforting it was, who knows, but what i can say with the utmost certainty is that i will treasure it for the rest of my life <3


Dec 18, 2021 tori rated it really liked it

reading this book wasn't enough i need it injected into my veins reading this book wasn't enough i need it injected into my veins ...more

Dec 25, 2021 Haley pham rated it it was amazing

Most underrated book ever and I think Olivie Blake is my fav faction author.

↳actual rating: 4.5 stars

great book for heartbroken gorgeous girls and boys and hopeless romantics

Jun 01, 2022 pauline rated it it was amazing


The beginning might confuse you and might leave you scratching your head but godddd, this story was so beautiful. Push through and you're going to fall in love with them.

There are books that are written in such a beautiful way that it feels like no words can do my thoughts justice on this. Their nonverbal interactions had me SCREAMING!! Butterflies in my stomach.

Interactions that seem so small and minute between them felt so intimate and so tender that my heart ached in th


The beginning might confuse you and might leave you scratching your head but godddd, this story was so beautiful. Push through and you're going to fall in love with them.

There are books that are written in such a beautiful way that it feels like no words can do my thoughts justice on this. Their nonverbal interactions had me SCREAMING!! Butterflies in my stomach.

Interactions that seem so small and minute between them felt so intimate and so tender that my heart ached in the best way. It was like I watched it unfold so slowly in front of me. A single paragraph left me so giddy and not a word was spoken between them. It was the way they gravitated to each other that felt so intoxicating and... am I just being dramatic?!?! Idk you'll have to find out and read it (I totally dont think so though 🤗)

Highly recommend!! Their love story is beautiful and complicated and I'm just happy to have read it


“She is in all of his spaces and all of his thoughts. He contemplates formulas and degrees of rationality and they all turn into her. He thinks about time, which has only recently begun, or at least now feels different. He thinks: the Babylonians were wrong; time is made of her.”

This is the most beautifully written book I have ever read.

Jul 28, 2021 zia rated it it was amazing

i was in a horrible reading slump when i decided to read this. the writing style felt pretentious to me at first; how dialogues switch from being in first person i to being in third person she or him. but as the story progressed, i saw the beauty in it. how the characters were viewed in an omniscient way; all their cracks and flaws laid out for us to comprehend. the story seemed personal and deeply thought out which makes this such an emotional book to read.

the moment i read the last paragraph o

i was in a horrible reading slump when i decided to read this. the writing style felt pretentious to me at first; how dialogues switch from being in first person i to being in third person she or him. but as the story progressed, i saw the beauty in it. how the characters were viewed in an omniscient way; all their cracks and flaws laid out for us to comprehend. the story seemed personal and deeply thought out which makes this such an emotional book to read.

the moment i read the last paragraph of this book, i thought ah, i would never find a book like this. i will always single this out of all the books i have read. there is nothing inside my head but aldo and regan and bees and quantum formulas and differential equations and the crevices of their fragile minds and i am at lost for words to describe how utterly devastatingly beautiful this book was.


Jun 15, 2022 maddy ♡ rated it it was amazing

not to be dramatic or anything but this book means everything to me

May 17, 2022 Misha rated it liked it

I spent the first 60% or so MARVELING at the FANTASTIC writing. I don’t want to make light of that. I was moved. The building tension was so good. We were careening towards disaster and I knew it would hurt and I couldn’t wait. I kept imagining that my review would just be one word— Ow.— next to a 5 star rating. I didn’t have a doubt in my mind.

And then… it got worse. The writing became a little too self-indulgent. It took on that fake-deep/Jared Leto/tumblr circa 2014 tone. It started feeling p

I spent the first 60% or so MARVELING at the FANTASTIC writing. I don’t want to make light of that. I was moved. The building tension was so good. We were careening towards disaster and I knew it would hurt and I couldn’t wait. I kept imagining that my review would just be one word— Ow.— next to a 5 star rating. I didn’t have a doubt in my mind.

And then… it got worse. The writing became a little too self-indulgent. It took on that fake-deep/Jared Leto/tumblr circa 2014 tone. It started feeling pretentious.

I found the last third to be totally unsatisfying. The content wasn’t profound enough to match the theatrics of the writing. Just think about how much buildup we got hinting at the final conflict. How dramatically it was referenced. How many times we were told there was this one pivotal moment that unraveled everything and in how many different ways we read about Regan and Aldo dissecting their decisions in retrospect. But… what really happened? What pulled them apart? What drew them back together?

Regan’s art exhibit was so expected that I couldn’t believe it. Really? We’re going in this direction? This is the big finale? The grand gesture? It was so basic! This book was set up to be so much more than that— so much edgier than that— what happened?! How did we end up in Live, Laugh, Love territory?

The way people are ENAMORED by this book in the reviews surprises me. Are you guys just enchanted by the writing? Because, sure, I get that! But, what part of the story was so profound to you? Because to me, it felt like unwrapping a beautifully wrapped present only to find an empty box underneath.

I take zero joy in being a contrarian. I liked all of the same things you guys liked: Aldo, *Regan, the poetic writing, the nuanced observations on the human condition, the romantic tragedy of it all. I’m not… not seeing what you guys are seeing— it just didn’t fully bloom for me. Still. I’m so glad I read this, it was absolutely worth it for me.

*because that dumb bitch was relatable, not because I loved her character.


3.5 This book was an incoherent mess (intentional I know) that deserves an incoherent mess of a review. Here we go.

- Related a little TOO much to Regan

- And not in a good way

- (I don’t know how it could be in a good way? The bitch sucks)

- I finished this in two days so that must mean something, right?

- Both of these characters are autistic because I said so

- The writing in the first half of the book was brilliant, show stopping, never been done before

- Second half was an incoherent mess which I

3.5 This book was an incoherent mess (intentional I know) that deserves an incoherent mess of a review. Here we go.

- Related a little TOO much to Regan

- And not in a good way

- (I don’t know how it could be in a good way? The bitch sucks)

- I finished this in two days so that must mean something, right?

- Both of these characters are autistic because I said so

- The writing in the first half of the book was brilliant, show stopping, never been done before

- Second half was an incoherent mess which I believe was intentional? And yet.

- Not sure if I liked the ever changing narrative style but I’m leaning towards not liking it at all

- I wish all the metaphors from the first half could’ve actually meant something in the end, spoiler alert! They didn’t

- What even was the end?? I don’t even know, but I sure didn’t like it!

- I love you Aldo…

- The side characters were so one dimensional it hurt

- Especially Marc. Marcus? See, I don’t even remember his name.

- He was such an unrealistic character and only existed to tell Regan she sucked, prove me wrong.

- But the writing though……… it really was beautiful, guys……

- But also really pretentious at times if I’m being honest

- The line “occupy her cunt”. Yeah……

- Pls just say sex Olivie, I don’t want to hear about cunt occupation ever again

- How is that in the same book as “If this is what it is to burn, he thought, then I will be worth more as scattered ash than any of my unscathed pieces.”

- Or “She is in all of his spaces and all of his thoughts. He contemplates formulas and degrees of rationality and they all turn into her. He thinks about time, which has only recently begun, or at least now feels different. He thinks: the Babylonians were wrong; time is made of her.”

- It doesn’t compute.

- Also loved the references to classic lit

- “Whatever you are made of, Charlotte Regan, I am made of it, too.” WUTHERING HEIGHTS TEASE?????

- “it is perilously wonderful to suffer so sweetly with you.” WAR AND PEACE TEASE?????

- So I did love it.

- But I also hated parts of it.

- My opinions are as messy as the novel itself and I think that’s fitting.

- So should I sell my copy for 2 million dollars???


Jun 01, 2022 starlitpages rated it it was amazing

this book is easily one of my favorite books of the year. possibly even one of my favorite books period! I think I probably highlighted more than half of this book, it’s actually embarrassing.

this is going to sound ridiculous, but this book made me feel like I was floating. I couldn’t put it down and when I wasn’t reading this book I was yearning to pick it up again. It’s actually sad how much of a hold this book has on me. the way that regan and aldo tried so hard to really understand every pa

this book is easily one of my favorite books of the year. possibly even one of my favorite books period! I think I probably highlighted more than half of this book, it’s actually embarrassing.

this is going to sound ridiculous, but this book made me feel like I was floating. I couldn’t put it down and when I wasn’t reading this book I was yearning to pick it up again. It’s actually sad how much of a hold this book has on me. the way that regan and aldo tried so hard to really understand every part of each other was inspiring

“We are somewhere in the depths of time, somewhere people only dare imagine in their dreams. We are floating in dark matter. We are trapped inside a star, which is locked inside a system, which is itself a galaxy we can’t escape and we are lost to each other, to ourselves, and to the inconsequence of space.”


So when people say we’re alone in the ether…?”
“Alone in everything. In time and space, in existence, in religion.”

a masterpiece. “Alone With You in the Ether” is one of the best romance books I’ve ever read. The book was so beautifully written. It’s what I would call a literary romance. I loved the writing style so much, and I really loved the idea of this book.

Still, I’m not sure about my rating to this book. I was bored at the beginning, and it took me some time to finish it. But,

So when people say we’re alone in the ether…?”
“Alone in everything. In time and space, in existence, in religion.”

a masterpiece. “Alone With You in the Ether” is one of the best romance books I’ve ever read. The book was so beautifully written. It’s what I would call a literary romance. I loved the writing style so much, and I really loved the idea of this book.

Still, I’m not sure about my rating to this book. I was bored at the beginning, and it took me some time to finish it. But, as I read later on, I couldn’t stop myself from completing the book.

might be spoilers idk

”even when you know everything about how a piece is made, you’re still only seeing the surface.”

So, Alone With You in the Ether is about a meeting of two people, Aldo and Regan, who will get to know and understand each other even before they get together.

At the beginning, I didn’t know why people would talk about this book and what makes it different from other romance books. as I read, I come to know that it has nothing to do with any romance book I’ve ever read. Two people falling in love and fixing each other, but that wasn’t the case with AWYITE. AWYITE was about two broken people with their own problems falling in love and thinking that their love will fix whatever they are going through. AWYITE shows you that you can’t always depend on someone for your own happiness and for fixing your own problems. Sometimes love can’t fix everything, and sometimes you’ve to fix everything on your own and focus on yourself. Regan and Aldo fell in love yes but love wasn’t enough it was probably unhealthy for both of them to stay together. It’s hard to connect with someone, understand them, and let them knwo the deepest part of yourselves that you’ve even tried to hide from yourself.

"Whatever you are made of, Charlotte Regan, I am made of it, too.”
"If I am a lover of impossible problems then you will have loved me for my impossibilities, so tell me, Regan, what else matters but this, me, us?

Aldo understood Regan in a way no one else could -even Marc her long lasting boyfriend didn’t understand her as Aldo did. I loved how Aldo and Regan were when they were together: how they lived in their own world only both of them are allowed in.

”It’s you and me alone in the ether and you don’t even know it, you don’t even care, but still you are tied to this, and to me, and so be it, really.”

this is really long and I’ll stop here. I recommend this book to everyone. No matter how hard your life is and no matter how many issues you have doesn’t mean you can’t fall in love and be happy with someone and doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve to be happy and loved.

okay one last thing, the talk about math, hexagons, and all the pther complex information was so much for me to take and understand😭

As a reviewer said (I don’t remember who but all credits to them), “Olivia Blake could write Romeo and Juliet, but William Shakespeare couldn’t write Alone With You in the Ether.”


Jan 24, 2022 signe rated it it was ok

it was cool in the beginning with their dialogues about bees, time travel and art etc, but as the book dragged on i just found myself less interested in the characters, and when the writing style changed into just endless paragraphs without any conversations at all towards the end, i just lost my patience with it. i can still totally see why people adore this book, but it just wasn't my cup of tea it was cool in the beginning with their dialogues about bees, time travel and art etc, but as the book dragged on i just found myself less interested in the characters, and when the writing style changed into just endless paragraphs without any conversations at all towards the end, i just lost my patience with it. i can still totally see why people adore this book, but it just wasn't my cup of tea ...more

i don’t understand why so many people like this book lol desperately trying to be deep and existential, aldo and regan giving very much mgk and megan fox, did not enjoy it, was hard to finish

This book has the capability to show you the essence of life, holding it up to you for close examination, saying Look at it, look at the ragged edges, look at the rounded curves, look how it splinters and fixes itself but is slightly different each time. It depicts the human soul, the balance of fragility and strength. This book makes you want to laugh and cry and scream. The story within its pages illustrates the contradictory nature of love: how we can be too loud and yet feeling unheard, too This book has the capability to show you the essence of life, holding it up to you for close examination, saying Look at it, look at the ragged edges, look at the rounded curves, look how it splinters and fixes itself but is slightly different each time. It depicts the human soul, the balance of fragility and strength. This book makes you want to laugh and cry and scream. The story within its pages illustrates the contradictory nature of love: how we can be too loud and yet feeling unheard, too broken and yet beautiful beyond words. This book makes you feel alive, and that's why it's ineffable. ...more

Dec 01, 2021 richa rated it it was amazing

My prediction of loving the absolute hell out of this book came true and I simply let it consume all my waking thoughts. I was happy, deliriously mad.
This follows a simple story of a boy meets girl and they fall in love, but it's the writing style- had a dazed, spiralling down a mania feel to it with character monologues that were thought provoking, quips by the narrator, a bit of foreshadowing. This weaves so many thoughts on quantum physics, time, bees, addiction; I want to read this over and
My prediction of loving the absolute hell out of this book came true and I simply let it consume all my waking thoughts. I was happy, deliriously mad.
This follows a simple story of a boy meets girl and they fall in love, but it's the writing style- had a dazed, spiralling down a mania feel to it with character monologues that were thought provoking, quips by the narrator, a bit of foreshadowing. This weaves so many thoughts on quantum physics, time, bees, addiction; I want to read this over and over again till I'm sick of it.What a journey this has been!

It isn’t pretty, he wanted to say, it’s lonely, it’s desolate, it’s a chilling portrait of vastness. How ignorant are you to look at this and diminish it to some kind of trinket, are you dead? It’s the human condition! It’s the entire universe itself! It’s the depths of spacetime you utter fucking philistine and how dare you, how fucking dare you stand there and fail to weep? What kind of sad, unremarkable nothingness have you so callously lived that you can witness the splendor of her existence and not fall to your knees for having missed it, for having misunderstood it all this time? Pretty, that’s what you think this is? You think that’s all she’s capable of? You fool, she’s done the impossible. She has explained everything there is to know about the world in less than the time it took for your eyes to fully focus, and do you realize that I will spend a lifetime trying to do the same and never come close? This is an opus!, this is a triumph!, this is the meaning of life and you would think the answer would be satire, but it isn’t, it’s Truth. She told the Truth like you could never dream of telling it, and I pity you, that you could see the inside of your own soul and reduce it like this, so pitilessly. So carelessly. With the vacuous deficiency of,
Oh, this is pretty.

I will not understand how this book is classified as a romance when it felt like a horror story in my eyes. Following two vulnerable and flawed characters who come together to form a deeply unhealthy, sex-addicted, codependent relationship, this book left me baffled that people can romanticize and idealize the relationship between Aldo and Regan when I was actively rooting for them to separate and seek help.

Their personalities had two or three distinct traits and little to nothing else to cling

I will not understand how this book is classified as a romance when it felt like a horror story in my eyes. Following two vulnerable and flawed characters who come together to form a deeply unhealthy, sex-addicted, codependent relationship, this book left me baffled that people can romanticize and idealize the relationship between Aldo and Regan when I was actively rooting for them to separate and seek help.

Their personalities had two or three distinct traits and little to nothing else to cling onto, as a reader, as we meander throughout their relationship that seems all consuming to them, but, as an outsider, deeply confused me because they speak for hours on hand but manage to say nothing in the process. Their connection is superficial and deeply obsessive (they both don’t have a single friend and barely reach out to their family because they are all consumed by each other), and it concerns me that their ending connection feels like a triumph when they are not in a good place to be in a relationship.

There’s even a point in the novel where they have a fight and Regan has thoughts of stabbing Aldo, her family, and herself, all because she cannot have a man that she is literally addicted to because she puts all her value as a human being into one other person. Um…. Are we going to act like that’s okie dokie?

I will never understand how this is labeled as a romance when it left me horrified, concerned that impressionable readers will seek out toxic relationships similar to this, and the fact that therapy and medication is subtly made out to be the wretch in their relationship, the thing that’s holding them back? Yeah………… no.

I understand this is the point of it all, but that doesn’t mean I have to enjoy the ride, nor does it negate how often I see people praising this as one of the most romantic books they’ve read.

I have more to say, but wow. Wow. Wow. Wow….


Jan 03, 2022 hammd. rated it it was amazing

just finished this in one sitting banging my head against a wall until I pass out.

fifth read 😫😫😫: july 01, 2022
if i read this book more than 10 times please take me to the mental hospital

second read: july 06, 2021
not to be dramatic but i wanna memorize every single page of this book— all the words on each paragraph, i want it all engraved in me. i want this tattooed on my mind so aldo & regan’s story will stay with me forever.

first read: june 06, 2021

"where are we in the cosmos, because i have lived this so many times in fantasy that it has become six different forms of r

fifth read 😫😫😫: july 01, 2022
if i read this book more than 10 times please take me to the mental hospital

second read: july 06, 2021
not to be dramatic but i wanna memorize every single page of this book— all the words on each paragraph, i want it all engraved in me. i want this tattooed on my mind so aldo & regan’s story will stay with me forever.

first read: june 06, 2021

"where are we in the cosmos, because i have lived this so many times in fantasy that it has become six different forms of reality and now, tell me, which reality are we?"

this was so beautifully written in ways that i could never fully explain. olivie blake’s writing has become one of my favorites ever since i read the atlas six and this book further solidifies that.


Nov 17, 2021 Jonathan rated it it was amazing

yes. 4.5 stars

this is exactly the kind of thing i like to read.

the writing was beautiful. it just hit. it was really raw and felt kinda manic, which makes sense considering the main character definitely has some kind of mania going on.

at the same time the writing felt almost slow at times and you got those opposing forces fighting each other: one trying to slow down and the other just going nonstop. which again makes sense because that's literally just how the two main characters are.

i related t

yes. 4.5 stars

this is exactly the kind of thing i like to read.

the writing was beautiful. it just hit. it was really raw and felt kinda manic, which makes sense considering the main character definitely has some kind of mania going on.

at the same time the writing felt almost slow at times and you got those opposing forces fighting each other: one trying to slow down and the other just going nonstop. which again makes sense because that's literally just how the two main characters are.

i related to both aldo and regan a lot. which is probably not a good thing to say.

maybe i'll reread it someday and write an actual review. who knows. it's definitely one of those books that i would reread and annotate a lot if i had a physical copy.

anyway. here, have some quotes:

"You wouldn’t make love with him, you’d make art. Maybe that would be worth it, but still, art is tragedy. Art is loss. It’s the fleeting breath of a foregone moment, the intimacy of things undone, the summer season that passes. It’s the peeled lemon and bony fish in the corner of a Dutch still life, rotten and dead and gone. It’s him lying next to you, legs tangled with yours, only to know he’ll be a specter in your thoughts by next month, next week, ten minutes from now. This is what makes it art, Charlotte, and you’ve always understood that. You’ve always understood, above everything, that what makes beauty is pain."

“Sometimes I feel like I’m just waiting for something that will never happen,” he said. “Like I’m just existing from day to day but will never really matter. I get up in the morning because I have to, because I have to do something or I’m just wasting space, or because if I don’t answer the phone my dad will be alone. But it’s an effort, it takes work. I have to tell myself, every day, get up. Get up, do this, move like this, talk to people, be normal, try to be social, be nice, be patient. On the inside I just feel like, I don’t know, nothing. Like I’m just an algorithm that someone put in place.”

"Aldo, I cry when it rains, I pick fights sometimes, I don’t know why. I look at the sky and feel this inexplicable sense of dread. I’m afraid that everything will end; are you ever afraid like that?"

are they all about me? maybe. definitely.


Sep 27, 2022 h rated it it was amazing

this hit too close to home; prying my brain out of my skull.

Apr 20, 2021 casandra rated it it was amazing

The New Collection of Sacraments and Gospels Previously Titled The Holy Bible Famously Written By Olivie Blake Alexene Farol Follmuth Our Lady and Saviour Our Purger Of Sins

This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. [ 5 stars ]

"…So when people say we're alone in the ether..?
alone in everything. in time and space in existence in religion.
But," she said and stopped . "but the bees."
she felt certain she could feel him smile.

I have no thoughts but this book.
I want this book to be engraved in my brain forever I NEED more.
This was so beautifully written and beautiful in so many ways. Olive blake I want to kiss your brain for giving us this masterpiece and aldoregan🫶

A work of art. That is what this book is.


[ 5 stars ]

"…So when people say we're alone in the ether..?
alone in everything. in time and space in existence in religion.
But," she said and stopped . "but the bees."
she felt certain she could feel him smile.

I have no thoughts but this book.
I want this book to be engraved in my brain forever I NEED more.
This was so beautifully written and beautiful in so many ways. Olive blake I want to kiss your brain for giving us this masterpiece and aldoregan🫶

A work of art. That is what this book is.

anyways here's a song that reminded me of aldoregan for some reason (mostly regan lol) and caused me more emotional damage :)

aldo to regan❤️‍🩹



Jun 03, 2022 arabela ☻ rated it really liked it

No thoughts, head empty, just "Whatever you are made of, Charlotte Regan, I am made of it, too." No thoughts, head empty, just "Whatever you are made of, Charlotte Regan, I am made of it, too." ...more

Olivie Blake is the pseudonym of Alexene Farol Follmuth, a lover and writer of stories, many of which involve the fantastic, the paranormal, or the supernatural, but not always. More often, her works revolve around what it means to be human (or not), and the endlessly interesting complexities of life and love.

Olivie has penned several indie SFF projects, including the webtoon Clara and the Devil
Olivie Blake is the pseudonym of Alexene Farol Follmuth, a lover and writer of stories, many of which involve the fantastic, the paranormal, or the supernatural, but not always. More often, her works revolve around what it means to be human (or not), and the endlessly interesting complexities of life and love.

Olivie has penned several indie SFF projects, including the webtoon Clara and the Devil with illustrator Little Chmura and the viral Atlas series. As Follmuth, her young adult rom-com My Mechanical Romance releases May 2022.

Olivie lives in Los Angeles with her husband and new baby, where she is generally tolerated by her rescue pit bull.


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Does alone with you in the ether have a happy ending?

It's a literary romance in the best sense of the word and because it is a romance novel, there is a happy ending, or as happy as it could be given the personalities of the characters. But it is a happy ending.

Is alone with you in the ether self published?

An intimate study of time and space, ALONE WITH YOU IN THE ETHER is a fantasy writer's magicless glimpse into the nature of love, what it means to be unwell, and how to face the fractures of yourself and still love as if you're not broken. Independently Published, 9798655480407, 302pp.

How long is alone with you in the ether?

Product Details.

Does Olivie Blake write fanfiction?

Through her years of writing fan fiction and self-publishing, Blake said she knew she had a small, loyal audience that she thought would appreciate her latest effort, which chronicles the tumultuous journey of six magicians vying for a place in the secret Alexandrian Society of magical academicians.

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