Is Brand New Cherry Flavor based on a book?

Here’s how Netflix’s Brand New Cherry Flavor compares to the e book, an unique cult horror novel by Todd Grimson. In phrases of primary premise, each the Netflix sequence and the novel comply with the extremely twisted journey of filmmaker Lisa Nova, who will get enmeshed with the supernatural in Nineteen Nineties Los Angeles. However, past primary narrative and character similarities, the TV present and Grimson’s supply materials stay markedly totally different, as emblematic of most journeys from the web page to the display screen.

Netflix’s Brand New Cherry Flavor is a macabre story of energy, temptation, and revenge, triggered when producer Lou Burke (Eric Lange) dupes Lisa Nova (Rosa Salazar) into signing an settlement that robs her rights as director when it comes to her personal work, Lucy’s Eye. While what Lou does to Lisa is a telltale instance of the convoluted energy constructions and exploitation inherent throughout the glittery world of Hollywood, Lisa’s quest for revenge is nothing in need of merciless and ruthless. Vowing to set Lou Burke’s world on fireplace, Lisa enlists the assistance of the supernaturally-gifted Boro (Catherine Keener) to grab away each vestige of hope from the corrupt producer’s life, opening a portal to a hellish world within the course of.


Interestingly, the Netflix present takes the component of the grotesque and the macabre up a number of notches compared to the e book, taking inspiration from David Lynch’s nightmarish surrealism and David Cronenberg’s distinctive model of physique horror. Witchcraft performs a seminal position within the enactment of Lisa’s revenge, which unwittingly exposes her to the horrors of the spirit world and the ghosts of her personal previous. Here are the important thing variations between the Brand New Cherry Flavor present and e book, and the way Lisa’s story performs out in a markedly divergent approach within the Netflix adaptation.

Brand New Cherry Flavor: The Show Vs The Book

It’s essential to acknowledge the truth that show creators Lenore Zion and Nick Antosca understandably strategy Grimson’s novel from a postmodernist point-of-view, versus the writer writing about his personal time. At the crux of each items lies the character of Lisa Nova, who, within the present, makes an virtually fast breakthrough after her quick movie, Lucy’s Eye, is circulated amongst high producers and the Hollywood elite. In the novel, Lisa’s battle is extra pronounced, as she has already co-directed a function named Girl, 10, Murder Boys, centered across the brutal, real-life homicide of Mary Flora Bell. Apart from this, Lisa’s different shorts are even featured in a movie pageant in Seattle, granting extra depth to her filmmaking profession whereas providing a complete glimpse into her multifaceted abilities.

While the Netflix present units up Lisa’s arrival in Los Angeles along with her being observed by an A-list producer proper off the bat, the novel opens with Lisa struggling to make it within the metropolis of goals for a span of two years. In distinction, the present provides a twist of the macabre to the method of Lisa adjusting to Los Angeles, be it within the type of the creepy, decrepit residence constructing she chooses to maneuver in, or the lurid actuality of being duped by highly effective males who intend to personal her in a method or one other. However, whereas Zion and Antosca add a contact of sentimental nostalgia to the town, whereby an optimistic Lisa sails easily upon arrival, Grimson paints Los Angeles as a loss of life entice, an infernal hellhole, with scores of proficient artists like Lisa indulging in rituals of debasement simply to make it by the day.

As Brand New Cherry Flavor season 1 adapts sure elements of the novel, a number of characters like Lou Burke are imbued with larger company when it comes to Lisa’s journey. In the novel, Burke is a minor character who Lisa willingly sleeps with, after which ditches when he’s unable to grant her an assistant director job as promised. In comparability, Lisa’s vengeance in opposition to Lou within the sequence is triggered by the latter’s nonchalant abuse of energy, as he decides to grab away possession of her movie on account of the truth that she had refused his sexual advances early on within the sequence. While Lou’s destiny within the sequence is sluggish and agonizing, even heartbreaking at instances, Lou’s therapy within the e book is brutal, fast, and never dwelled upon. The novel presents Lou being raped and tortured by Boro’s catatonic bikers, finally murdered and reduce into items.

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What The Show Left Out From The Novel

As the present determined to adapt solely a small chunk of the novel, at the very least for season 1, lots has been disregarded or altered for the sake of advancing the plot. For occasion, within the present, A-list actor Roy Hardaway is introduced as Lisa’s ally, as he, regardless of his self-destructive tendencies, finds solace in her firm. Having skilled intense moments collectively, reminiscent of their time collectively within the motel when Lisa births a kitten by way of an unexplainable opening on her torso, or the controversial intercourse scene that follows after, Roy and Lisa kind an unlikely, but strong bond. In the novel, Hardaway is extra of a creep, obsessive about the concept of Lisa starring in a pornographic movie, with the 2 not often assembly in individual or forming a bond of any kind. The similar may be stated for Boro’s character, gender-swapped for the present, who can soar from one physique to a different – a trait lacking within the novel.

As the novel presents Boro as a witch with no covert intentions in the direction of Lisa, the onus of duty is totally owned by our protagonist, who dives headfirst into terror with ease. In phrases of what the novel completely leaves out is Lisa’s adventures in Brazil, which might probably be the central plot in Brand New Cherry Flavor season 2, assuming it occurs. In the novel, Grimson dives deep into Lisa’s morbid previous, whereas she undergoes a sequence of transformations, together with reuniting along with her father and present process an intense exorcism that pushes her to the brink of loss of life. Another seminal character lacking from the present is Lisa’s finest pal, Christine, though the character of Mary Gray, the lead heroine of Lucy’s Eye, acts as a stand-in, as each Mary and Lucy are Lisa’s former collaborators who search out Boro for revenge.

What Brand New Cherry Flavor Season 2 Can Take From The Book

While it is too early to invest the precise course by which a possible Brand New Cherry Flavor season 2 would possibly department, it’s clear that the subsequent season, if it occurs, will delve deeper into Lisa’s previous in Brazil. As the jaguar creature is revealed to be her mom, and her oft-repeated visions of a moisture-laden forest hang-out her, will probably be attention-grabbing to witness how Lisa will react to the hidden caverns of her previous. Too little is thought about Lisa’s ancestry, and the way she got here to be possessed by an entity throughout the filming of Lucy’s Eye, which may be explored in larger depth, with direct inspiration from the novel. Also, as Boro’s story is nowhere close to over, as she jumps into Mary’s vessel in the direction of the end of Brand New Cherry Flavor, an influence tussle between the 2 is inevitable. As per what the present can take from Grimson’s story, the component of Lisa ingesting uncommon psychedelic medicine to switch her directorial imaginative and prescient onto a 16-mm movie inventory could be attention-grabbing.

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About The Author

Debopriyaa Dutta
(242 Articles Published)

Debopriyaa Dutta is a content material curator, poet, and movie critic primarily based in India and a frequent contributor for High On Films. Apart from being a broadcast writer, Debopriyaa has been writing professionally since 2014, and holds a Master’s diploma in English Literature and Theory from the University of Delhi. An ardent fan of cosmic horror and poetic cinema, she enjoys portray, together with studying literary works steeped in morbid nihilism.

What inspired Brand New Cherry Flavor?

Jeff Ward on 'Brand New Cherry Flavor,' Not Going Half-Way With Material Like This, and Being Inspired by 'Mulholland Drive' He also talks about working with all those kittens.

Is Brand New Cherry Flavor based on Alice in Wonderland?

Based on the novel of the same name by Todd Grimson, creators Nick Antosca and Lenore Zion have offered a thrilling, short series filled with mind-bending visuals, which stands as a sort of new wave, mature Alice in Wonderland-styled trip.

Is Brand New Cherry Flavor a good book?

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars. I totally dug Grimson's Brand New Cherry Flavor. It was my first horror novel and it was way more awesome than what I thought a horror novel would be.

Did Brand New Cherry Flavor get Cancelled?

Sadly, despite the passionate following earned by Channel Zero, Antosca confirmed back in 2020 that fans shouldn't expect to see that series revived. "It's hard to imagine that it'll come back. It's had a healthy second life on Shudder," Antosca shared with io9.


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