Is it normal to hate your mom sometimes?

I would be hard-pressed to find a woman who claims her relationship with her mother is perfect. Sure, our moms gave us life, but boy can they be frustrating. This complicated relationship is explored in 2017's Mother's Day offering Snatched, starring Amy Schumer and Goldie Hawn (out May 12). The film, written by Ghostbusters' Katie Dippold, follows a young woman, Emily (Schumer), who reluctantly brings her mother Linda (Hawn) on a romantic getaway after her boyfriend dumps her right before the trip. Their vacation turns into an overseas horror story as the women are kidnapped and separated from one another in the jungles of Columbia. The R-rated comedy aims to live inside the complex dynamic between mother and daughter — the good, the bad, and the often ugly. It's a relationship that is relatable for many women — and according to Schumer and Dippold, there's a reason (or two) we both love and hate our moms.

"It's a vicious cycle," Dippold tells me over the phone. "It starts off that you miss your mom so you spend time with her. Then she just annoys you and you get cranky and irritable and you snap. Then you feel guilty, so you spend more time with her and you're like, 'Aw, I feel so lucky to have my mom. Yay!' And then once again, you get annoyed."

This "vicious cycle" might not be the case for all mothers and daughters, but I can certainly relate, and so can Schumer, who says her own relationship with her mother is anything but simple.

"My mom loves me like crazy, but it's tough to give up control," she tells me during the Los Angeles press day for the film. "You have this ownership over your kids and then they're gone. I'll get off the phone with her by being like, 'OK I'm going to go shower.' And she'll go, 'OK, well you shower,' you know? Like, I'm already doing that. But she wants to be like she's telling [me] what to do."

Another element to the often tumultuous mother-daughter bond is the idea that eventually, we all become our mothers. It's an old adage that some daughters may or may not relate to, but Dippold certainly does.

"I see myself becoming more and more like her," she says. "There's something very specific about the mother-daughter relationship. There's no one who you can fight with more, but there's no one you're closer to in your life. I think about my mom — she can get me so annoyed – but if I take even a moment to think about the day when my mom's not there anymore, I will start crying."

Though she's not a mom herself, Dippold is able to step into her mother's shoes and see these frustrating situations through her mom's eyes. "I can't imagine being a mom and having raised this child who is now cranky towards you. I would be livid. I would be like, 'Are you serious? Do you know how much I did for you and now you're going to be cranky to me?' But there's something about moms, they just bring out this side..." she says, trailing off. "Even to this day if I'm visiting my mom and it's in the morning and we're supposed to go to the mall or something, she'll be like, 'Katie, time to get up.' And I'll crankily be like, 'I'm up!' even though I'm still in bed. I'm 37-years-old and I still do that."

Despite the ups and downs that come with having (and being) a mother, Dippold wants nothing but happiness for the woman who brought her into the world. And as it turns out, it was actually her parents' divorce that inspired writing Snatched.

"My parents divorced in college very suddenly. I noticed [my mother] became a little more cautious and less adventurous. She used to always be up for something crazy," she says of her mother before the divorce. "But after something shifted. This was just wish fulfillment of like, 'What kind of trip can I take her on that would shake that up?' And so that's what inspired it."

It's safe to say that Schumer and Hawn's characters emerge from their vacation-from-hell as two completely different women, but their familial bond is strengthened during the arduous journey. Though most daughters won't be thrust into the unthinkable circumstances of Snatched, I know I for one would risk a lot (those pesky tapeworms included) to rescue my mom from a Columbian jungle, as much as I might sometimes hate (read: love) her.

Many people have close relationships with their parents — in fact, some consider their mother or father their best friend. But that isn’t always the case. 

There’s a less fortunate narrative: Some people hate their parents. They don’t just lack that connection or disagree with their parents from time to time; instead, they despise their mom, dad, or both. 

Is this normal? Is it normal to hate your parents? Plus, what are some underlying causes for this hate?

Why Do I Hate My Parents?

The cause of hate can vary from one individual to the next, but in most cases, the parents have mistreated (physically, verbally, and/or emotionally) their child. It’s normal and expected to despise your parents if they’ve mistreated you — whether they intentionally abused you, held you to unrealistic and harmful expectations, or forced you to live a life you also hated. But what about in other scenarios?

Say you have perfect parents: Despite their dedication to raising you and loving you as their child, you don’t feel that same love for them. You feel hate instead. Is that normal? This isn’t as common, but that doesn’t mean you’re abnormal. There is most likely a hidden cause behind these negative feelings and the best way to combat the hate is to get to the bottom of it. Consider the following possible underlying causes:

  • The desire for independence. You may simply desire or be seeking more independence, and your relationship with your parents is consequentially suffering. This typically happens a lot with age. When I moved back home for the summer after my freshman year of college, I expected a greater degree of independence and more flexibility and freedom from my dad. However, it was as if I returned to my home as a teenager in high school. This definitely hurt my dad and I’s relationship and had we not respectfully talked about the issue, it could still be suffering today.
  • A phase of rebellion. A lot of teenagers go through a period of rebellion and parents never know the best way to handle it—it’s tricky and also troublesome because it can either strengthen or, more often than not, damage the relationship. If parents respond with punishment and scorn, then it can certainly result in the child’s loathing.
  • Media exposure. Your relationship can even be affected by the type of TV shows or movies you’re watching. You may see a slightly different or more desirable parent-child relationship portrayed on screen and wish that your relationship with your parents was more like it. This can lead to unrealistic expectations and deep resentment.
  • Differing morals and/or lifestyles. While our parents typically raise us with their ideals as the backbone of our growth, we don’t always take after their belief systems or lifestyles. This can cause significant strain on your relationship if your parents object to your choices or if your differences are so different that they create big issues. For example, a family that is devoutly Catholic may have a problem with their son declaring he doesn’t believe in God or even deciding to date someone who doesn’t believe in God.

Do any of the above resonate with you? As we mentioned earlier, the reason you hate your parents might differ from the reason someone else hates their parents. However, you might be able to trace your resentment back to one of the above causes.

I Hate My Parents: What Do I Do?

If you hate your parents, you might be feeling panicked about what to do next. First, stay calm. Remember that it’s normal to have negative feelings toward your parents and other family members. Then, follow a few tips for navigating your next move, which will require first making one decision: whether you want to salvage your relationships or cut contact with your toxic parents. If that’s not possible or you don’t wish to make amends, then here are a few pieces of advice for you:

  1. Move out of the house. If you’re still living with your parents, it’s time to move out (if you’re 18 of course). While this is easier said than done, it’s important to get out of the unhealthy living situation. Talk to a friend about looking for an apartment together. Or, consider finding a place by yourself. Living alone might give you the space and freedom you’re searching for.
  2. Limit interactions with your parents. Prior to moving out and after moving out, don’t interact with your parents unless you have to. If you’re still living with them, it’s probably best to respond when they speak directly to you, in order to keep the peace, but otherwise, keep to yourself. When you no longer live with your parents, it’ll be much easier to keep these interactions to a minimum.
  3. Be the bigger person. If your parents are known to strike up uncomfortable conversations or arguments, do your best not to retaliate. Be the bigger person. Matching their volume or aggression will only fuel the fire and make matters worse. Again, do your best to keep your interactions with them minimal and focus on getting some much-needed space from them.
  4. Secure a support system. You might be all anger right now — but sometime in the future (probably soon), you’ll likely succumb to other negative emotions like sadness. It’s tough to end a relationship and remove a loved one from your life, even if that relationship wasn’t the healthiest. Be sure to talk to your loved ones or a therapist about how you’re feeling and get the support that you need.
  5. Focus on you. Stop focusing on your hate for your parents and start focusing on yourself. You can become the person you want to be, despite the resentment that you harbor toward your parents and the cause of that hate. Start spending time with people you love and doing things that fill you with joy.

If you are interested in mending your relationships with your parents, then you must sit down with them and have a heart-to-heart. Hate is a strong word and stems from strong feelings. If your relationships with your parents have gotten to this point, it’s time to share your feelings with them. Be sure to listen to what they have to say, too. 

It might also be helpful here to consider moving toward neutrality rather than telling yourself you have to like your parents. “Trying to accept the imperfections within your relationship will be much easier at first than jumping straight into trying to cultivate positive feelings,” says Emily Simonian, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and Head of Learning at Thriveworks. “You can move toward neutral feelings toward your parents by trying to acknowledge things about them that are not all bad, even if they’re small things that are unrelated to you, like how your mom is dedicated to her career, or your dad is a good cook. Teaching yourself to think in this way will create a more balanced perspective that could lessen your negative feelings over time.”

If you need or would like a mediator’s help in repairing relationships with your parents, consider going to family therapy. A therapist serves as that mediator, offers an outsider’s point of view, and comes with professional expertise to help you improve your relationships. You can book a family therapy session here. 

Is it normal to hate parents sometimes?

It's normal and expected to despise your parents if they've mistreated you — whether they intentionally abused you, held you to unrealistic and harmful expectations, or forced you to live a life you also hated.

Why am I mad at my mom for no reason?

The causes of life-long anger that some of us hold against our parents could be due to any of the following: Physical or emotional neglect. Your parents may not be intentionally abusive but were affected by their own vulnerabilities or limited emotional capacity. Physical, mental, or sexual abuse.


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