Is red white and royal blue NSFW?

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Can anyone confirm if this is YA or adult fiction? How old are the main characters?

Vincent Scarfo I would say this is for a 16+ audience. I have no idea what people are talking about with the "graphic" sex scenes, because they used a lot of language that implied sex without explicitly talking about the sexual acts. I feel like these folks would be shocked if they read an actually graphic sex scene. Unless maybe they find gay sex to be more graphic than straight sex?

Lou The book is considered New Adult fiction, though I think older teenagers (sixteen and older) would be perfectly fine reading it! Though there are several sex scenes in the book, I don't think they're all that graphic, though it is made abundantly clear that sex is what's happening. I honestly think the swearing/coarse language (of which there is a lot) is more of an indicator of its New Adult genre than the sex scenes are.

The main protagonists are around the age of 23, give or take a year or two!

Kyle It’s tagged overwhelmingly as “Young Adult” on Goodreads, which is what I saw initially, and went into thinking it was. This is problematic, because there are about a dozen sex scenes, and I (a man in his 30’s) found them to be fairly graphic. The MCs are all in their early twenties. Also, there is a high level of crude language. So, to clarify: this is 100% Contemporary NA Romance.

Is New adult! Author has stated it, too.

My I would say Young adult (in 14, and loved it) and maybe is N/A but i have read worst Y/A (just saying) so i Think it depend on who is reading🤷🏼‍♀️

Ilse van Cooten Me, an European, always gets a bit upset about this "fear" of sex scenes, especially gay sex scenes. Is this an American thing?
On YT there are straight sex scenes without me having to prove I'm an adult one. And the gay ones: please hand me over your ID card so I can check you are old enough to watch. HELP.
I wish I had books like this/ Skam/Young Royals/Love Simon in my 15+ life. It would have helped me so much to be more at ease with myself
So: who cares?

Izzy I am 13+ but i am mature and I read it.

Elizabeth I agree with those that are saying that there are "sex scenes" that are implied sex without explicitly talking about the sexual acts. I think that is the perfect way to describe the sex scenes in this book. However, with that being said, the severe use of coarse and explicit language is what steered me away from calling this a "Young Adult" book, including the words used to describe certain aspects of the sex scenes themselves (I recall a mention, and I am paraphrasing here, where the MC addresses the Prince by stating something to the effect of "You're saying that now after you just had my d*** in your mouth?" - that isn't exactly an EXPLICIT sex scene, but it is quite direct, and language is not spared).

Laurel Wanrow I also was headed for the YA section to find it, but the story is NA, more mature situations and language. As an avid romance reader, I found the sex scenes to definitely be sex scenes, and plentiful, which is typical of the new adult genre, but not written on a too-graphic level.

ruby I thought it was YA before buying it, even looked for it in that section at my bookstore, but after reading it, I can tell you it's definitely not YA (a ton of graphic sex scenes and huge amounts of swearing) and the main protagonists are 21-23 years old. It was under the Romance section at my bookstore.


This answer contains spoilers… (view spoiler)[I think Alex turns 22 in this and Henry is like 2 years older, everything is a bit of a blur at this point since I binged it in less than 24 hours but be aware this is definitely fade to black. Sexy times are led up to and then implied. Doesn't take away from the story though. (hide spoiler)]

Derek I just finished and would classify it as New Adult. There are some pretty graphic sex scenes in it, too graphic in my opinion to be considered YA. Both characters are in their early 20’s.

Adele Alex is in college and I believe Henry has graduated. (I am only 8% in.)

Jessica I believe it is adult. It isn't listed under YA on NetGalley, just romance. The one main character is a senior in college.

PJP noooooo why is everyone saying it's a NA it's NOT, this is DEFENITLY a Young adult (I'm 14, and it's perfect) and I actually don't like to read/watch grafic stuff, and it's not that grafic seriously, I mean, like Riverdale and that kind of series are worse...

Reed Not YA I think most of the characters are in the 21-26 age range

Bill What's a YA book in this day and age when kids are coming-out at 8? Reading level is for advanced readers, junior high+

Lindsay Its not YA, The main character is in his final year of University. There is sexual content in the book.

Danielle It's definitely New Adult. It reads similar to a YA but the characters are in their early 20s.

Charlotte Relating to the sex scenes, there are a lot of them, but they aren’t really very detailed. You kind of just get told that’s what they’re doing but glosses over it

Willower It reads like YA with a lot of semi-explicit sex scenes. The characters are in their early twenties but often act as if they are teenagers.

Mary I would not recommend this as YA. Quite a bit of foul language (Does anyone really use the f word that much?) and the descriptions of sexual activity pretty graphic. Its unfortunate, because the story is very good, although implausible. With some better editing, it would have been great to use as a discussion starter in my classroom.

The main characters, btw, are in their early twenties.

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Is Red, White and Royal Blue inappropriate?

Red, White, and Royal Blue is a great light read for older teens and young adults who enjoy classic rom coms. It's filled to the brim with tropes and romance that you'll love, as long as you don't take it too seriously.

What age is Red, White and Royal Blue appropriate for?

Not YA, But Not A Traditional Adult Romance I would definitely recommend it to adults over teens if that helps with the distinction. I absolutely adored reading it and highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys Romance, LGBTQ+, or just a funny story about two men falling in love.

What is the rating for Red, White and Royal Blue?

Rating: 4 out of 5. I've been holding on to Red, White & Royal Blue for so long and I wish I would have picked up this book sooner! I absolutely loved the relationship between Henry and Alex.

Is there romance in Red, White and Royal Blue?

Set in a reality where the United States elected a female Democrat to the presidency in 2016, the novel follows the secret romance between first son Alex Claremont-Diaz and British royalty Prince Henry. It's pure rom-com, down to its enemies-to-lovers premise and the bubblegum pink of its cover.


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