Its Okay to not Be Okay book PDF

© 2018 by Sheila Walsh

Published by Baker Books

a division of Baker Publishing Group

PO Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287

Ebook edition created 2018

Ebook corrections 05.30.2019

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

ISBN 978-1-4934-1535-9

Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

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"It’s Okay Not to Be Okay breathes fresh life on the arresting splendor of God’s grace. Sheila speaks from a place of victory, grounded in the knowledge that we are meant to walk ‘side by side with Jesus, learning to live freely and lightly.’ Her encouragement and practical guidance will provide the tools you need to start again, discovering that through Christ you are always enough."

Lisa Bevere, New York Times bestselling author and cofounder of Messenger International

This may look like a book, but it’s actually a bit of a personal lifesaver that will feel like actual relief. Sheila Walsh doesn’t merely write words, she lives her words—and the Word. When things honestly aren’t okay, I don’t know a wiser, more life-giving, Jesus-clinging guide than Sheila Walsh.

Ann Voskamp, New York Times bestselling author of The Broken Way and One Thousand Gifts

In this powerful book, Sheila shares the transforming truth that life is a process and that God never leaves nor forsakes us. There are rarely quick fixes in life, but Jesus offers us hope, healing, and wholeness. Okay doesn’t live here, but Jesus does.

Christine Caine, founder of A21 and Propel Women

"It’s Okay Not to Be Okay is a beautifully practical way forward through the ache of feeling not-enough. Sheila reminds us that God is so near and willing to meet us in our deepest places of weakness and hurt."

Jennie Allen, author of Nothing to Prove and founder and visionary of the IF:Gathering

"A friend once told me that people aren’t interested in what we got right nearly as much as how we’ve experienced divine redemption when we got it wrong. Sheila is always refreshingly transparent about where she’s gotten it wrong so as to make Jesus the sole hero of her story. Her newest book, It’s Okay Not to Be Okay, is a deeply encouraging—quite possibly transformative—tome for stumbling saints!"

Lisa Harper, bestselling author and Bible teacher

"Sheila Walsh’s characteristic wisdom and encouragement shine in her newest book, It’s Okay Not to Be Okay. Through personal stories and teachings from the Bible, Sheila shows us that it’s okay to fail, as long as we get back up again—a life lesson I’ve tried to teach our children and to live out myself. After reading this book, you’ll be equipped and inspired to strive for more."

Korie Robertson, author of Strong and Kind: Raising Kids of Character and star of Duck Dynasty

"Life’s moments, good and bad, come in waves. Sometimes during those tough moments, we need encouraging and uplifting words to feed our soul. In It’s Okay Not to Be Okay, Sheila Walsh shares her stories and wisdom to encourage us to start afresh and move forward one step at a time. This book reminds us that even in those dark moments, God’s light is there waiting at the end of the storm."

Roma Downey, producer, actor, and New York Times bestselling author

"I have had the personal pleasure of knowing Sheila for a number of years now, and in that time have only known her to be a stunning example of grace and possibilities. Whilst tenacious and strong in spirit, she carries a softness and vulnerability that allows both her story and her take on life to resonate with all who come in contact with her. I am confident that her latest book, It’s Okay Not to Be Okay, will point people to Christ and draw them onwards because of its raw, honest, and genuine nature."

Bobbie Houston, global co-senior pastor, Hillsong Church 

If you’re struggling, if you’re weary, if you’re not okay—this book is for you. In these pages, Sheila Walsh reminds us that Christ doesn’t look at our failures, only at how much we love him. Pick up this book for encouragement and inspiration to keep moving forward.

Mark Batterson, New York Times bestselling author of The Circle Maker and lead pastor, National Community Church

"In the twenty years of Women of Faith, Sheila shared the reality of her struggles year after year, giving millions of women hope and help and healing. Her message was consistently that it is okay with Jesus to not be okay. Now she has put all that she has been through and all that she has learned into this, her most powerful, most helpful, and most hopeful book yet, with the title of her consistent life message, ‘It’s Okay Not to Be Okay.’ There is no finer communicator than Sheila Walsh in person or in print. If you have ever loved hearing her or reading anything by her, you will want this, her best book yet. If you have never read anything by her, start here. If you don’t like it, if you don’t find it powerful and inspirational, let me know, and I will give you your money back out of my own pocket. Yep, that’s how badly I want you to read It’s Okay Not to Be Okay."

Steve Arterburn, founder and chairman of New Life Live! radio broadcast and bestselling author

Are you aching for a second chance? Take a deep breath and read Sheila Walsh’s new book! God will meet you in the fast-turning pages.

Karen Kingsbury, #1 New York Times bestselling author of To the Moon and Back

Here’s the breakthrough you’ve been longing for! Let my friend Sheila Walsh help you escape the shackles that keep you down by finding grace and hope through Christ. Never underestimate the potential of YOU once you’re empowered by the God who knows all of you and loves you completely!

Lee Strobel, bestselling author of The Case for Christ and The Case for Miracles

"Sheila Walsh writes from deep within her soul and touches lives like few people I know. It’s Okay Not to Be Okay is a call to celebrate our identity and victory in Christ and move forward with faith and freedom. As her pastor and friend, I recommend the book wholeheartedly."

Jack Graham, pastor, Prestonwood Baptist Church

This book is dedicated with love and admiration to every weary soul who falls down and gets back up, over and over again. It’s easy to fall; it takes courage to rise up and take the next step.


Cover    1

Title Page    3

Copyright Page    4

Endorsements    5

Dedication    9

Introduction: It’s Okay Not to Be Okay    13

1. Take the First Step    19

2. Admit That You Are Stuck and Struggling    35

3. Change the Way You Think    53

4. Face the What-Ifs Even If You Are Afraid    73

5. Let Go of What You Can’t Control    93

6. Rise Above Disappointment    113

7. Celebrate Your Scars as Tattoos of Triumph    135

8. Decide to Start Again . . . and Again    159

Conclusion: You Were Made for More    183

Acknowledgments    195

Notes    197

About the Author    199

Back Ads    201

Back Cover    203


It’s Okay Not to Be Okay

I wish I could take my twenty-one-year-old (recovering-from-teenage-acne) face in my hands and tell her, It’s okay not to be okay, I promise. Would she have believed me? I don’t think so. She was determined to get everything right.

It started with a photograph. I was cleaning out drawers the other day and found an old photograph under a roll of Christmas paper. I sat down on the sofa and studied the picture. I’m in a white dress and a graduation gown, twenty-one years old, graduating from seminary. My hair is short and dark. It had taken about three years to recover from my experiment with a perm that left me looking like a pack of dogs had assumed my hair was lunch. In the photograph I’m smiling, confident, ready to take on the world for Jesus.

My heart aches. There’s so much I’d like to tell her.

Moisturize your neck! You’ll thank me later!

If I had only ten minutes, I’d cut to the chase. I’d tell her this will not be the life she imagined. I’d tell her that she will disappoint people and they will disappoint her, but she’ll learn from it. I’d let her know that she’ll fall down over and over again, but rather than understanding the love of God less she’ll get it more. I’d let her know her heart is going to break, but she’ll survive and it will change how she sees people, not as causes to be saved but as people to be loved. I’d let her know that sometimes the night will get very dark, but she will never be alone even when she’s absolutely convinced she is. I’d let her know that she’s loved. I’d tell her to get rid of her punishing list of things she thinks she needs to get right.

I lived so much of my life with a list of things to change, to do better—if not on paper then in my mind. I think most of us do, and the message is always the same: we can do better.

We’ll not only join the gym, we’ll go!

This new diet plan will work and by summer we’ll be bikini ready. (Note to self: don’t you dare buy a bikini. Even if you’re thinner, things are not where they used to be and no one but your loving husband needs to know that.)

We’ll start that read-through-the-Bible-in-a-year plan again. (Last year I got to May 7 and got distracted, and by the time I realized it, I was a whole Leviticus, fifty-three Psalms, and Romans behind.)

We’ll recover from the overspending and be financially responsible.

We’ll cook wholesome, nutritious meals for our family and sit down at least five nights a week together at the table.

We’ll reduce our television watching and read more books.

But sometimes the messages carry much more weight.

This marriage will work.

We will get out of debt.

Our children will come back to Christ.

We’ll eat better to save our lives not our waistlines.

I don’t know what your internal list looks like, but if it’s anything like mine it usually serves to let us know where we’ve failed. Lists are written when the kids are asleep or you’ve had a good night’s sleep and a cup of coffee. The trouble is, the kids wake up and that impossible woman you work with gets louder and more obnoxious by the minute and no amount of coffee is going to help.

And what about our spiritual lives? That can be the most judgmental list of all. When we assume that God’s love is based on our behavior we’ve set ourselves up for a devastating fall.

I’ll pray more.

I’ll share my faith at work.

I’ll read my Bible from Genesis to the maps in the back of the book.

I’ll trust God without questioning.

So, why did I title this book It’s Okay Not to Be Okay? These words might sound a bit like a bumper sticker to you, but they don’t to me. I want you to know that these words were fought for. They could sound like the waving of a white flag, six words of surrender, but they’re not.

For me they are words of victory!

I’ve let go of beating myself up trying to live a life that Jesus never asked me to live. The life my fresh out of seminary, determined to save the world, to love the unlovely, get nine hours of sleep every night and never let God down self tried to live for so long.

I don’t know where you’re at in life as you read this, but if I could sit down with you for a while, I’d say, Take a deep breath in and hold it for five seconds, and then let it out. Again. Again.

Then I’d tell you that it really is okay not to be okay. That’s why Jesus came.

I gave my life to Him when I was eleven years old. As I write, I’m sixty-one. That’s fifty years of falling down and getting back up. Fifty years of trying to be worth loving. Fifty years of doing the same things over and over, hoping they’d turn out differently this time. (Yes, I do know that’s the definition of insanity.)

Here’s the great news: It’s also fifty years of the faithfulness of God and this beautiful invitation from Christ:

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly. (Matt. 11:28–30 Message)

What a lovely place to start again, side by side with Jesus, learning to live freely and lightly.

I read an old Chinese proverb that said, The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second-best time is now.

I like that. Those are hope-filled words. They say that we get to start again and again and again. No matter what’s true in your life at this moment, I want to remind you that God loves you, right now, no matter what’s going on around or inside you. These words may fall flat for you right now if you find yourself in an unfamiliar place, a difficult season.

Perhaps you’re facing the end of a marriage and you either feel like a failure or that you’ve been betrayed and abandoned.

You may be facing an empty nest and have no idea what your life should revolve around now.

Perhaps you have lost a loved one and the very idea of moving forward not only seems impossible, it feels wrong.

You may think, I’ve done this before. I’ve tried to start again and it didn’t work.

Or perhaps, if you’re honest, you are just too tired to try. I understand that. I’ve been there.

I’d like to simply say, gently, you were made for more. You are worth fighting for. Christ thought you were worth dying for. Would you be willing to open your heart to the possibility of moving forward, one day at a time?

Life rarely offers quick fixes; it’s a process, and God is in it with us, all the way. He doesn’t look for perfection in us; He sees that in Christ. You don’t need to be okay because Jesus has made you all right.


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