Killing spider with babies on back

An arachnophobe got a horrifying surprise after he killed a spider and hundreds of its babies scattered out across the room.

Danny Ford filmed himself crushing what he thought was just a lone wolf spider earlier this month at his home in Hallett Cove, Australia.


But he was stunned when the arachnid's body exploded and numerous critters rushed onto his kitchen floor.

"Look at all the little babies coming out of it," he's heard saying as he frantically batters the mom and her offspring to death.


Ford said it was "his job" to catch the creatures when they were found in his home.

And he said his partner was now "living in fear" of where the daddy spider may be living.

Although they look scary, wolf spiders are not deadly. Their bites only cause swelling, mild pain and itching, according to


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When Danny Ford tried to squash a giant Wolf Spider in Hallett Cove, South Australia, he and his family got the surprise of their lives when hundreds of wolf spider babies came crawling out. (Danny Ford/via YouTube)

Pregnant females produce a silk mat into which they deposit 100 eggs, which is then rolled up into a ball and attached to its abdomen, according to KidZone.

The spider then carries the ball around until the eggs hatch. Then the babies remain on the mother's back until their fat reserves are depleted and they need to find their own food.

Killing a spider with babies may not be the most humane way to go about it, but sometimes you just don’t have a choice.

Most spiders do not care for their young and while they’re responsible for taking care of the eggs, they’ll abandon their spiderlings once they have hatched.

Unlike other babies, most spider lings do not need to be cared for. Once they’re on their own, they’ll start to build webs and hunt for food.

The Life of a Baby Spider

When most people think of spiders, they think of the large, hairy ones that scare us. But there are also many small spiders, some so tiny you can barely see them. These little spiders are called spider lings, they are the broods that came after hatching from the egg sack.

Most spiderlings are born self-sufficient. This means that they are able to take care of themselves from the moment they hatch.

They do not need their parents to help them find food or protect them from predators. This is because spiderlings are born with all the skills they need to survive.

They have special muscles that allow them to climb and build webs. They also have sharp claws that help them catch prey.

Spiderlings are able to find food on their own by spinning webs and waiting for prey to get caught in them. Their diet usually includes small insects, such as flies and mosquitoes.

Once they have caught their prey, they use their sharp fangs to inject the venom and paralyze the prey.

On the other hand, the T. Magnus spiderlings are greatly dependent on their mother for the first 20 days from hatching.

If the mother T. Magnus is killed within the 20 days period, the spiderlings will die within 11 days. Mainly because the baby spiders are highly dependent on their mother for food and protection up until they fully mature.

Species of Spiders That Carry around Their Eggs

While most spiders lay their eggs in silken nests or sacs, some species take a more hands-on approach to parenting.

The mother spider will carefully gather her eggs into a ball, using silk to keep them together. She will then carry the egg sac around with her until the babies hatch.

This proactive parenting style provides several benefits for young spiders. For one thing, it protects them from predators and environmental hazards.

The mother’s body also provides warmth and shelter, ensuring that the eggs develop properly.

The American Wolf Spider

Some species of spiders are more parental than others. Instead of laying their eggs and leaving them to fend for themselves, these spiders carry their eggs around with them until they hatch.

The most common type of spider that does this is the wolf spider. Wolf spiders are found all over the world and range in size from small to large.

Females are typically larger than males and can be up to twice their size. These spiders are hunting spiders and do not build webs. They are also very fast runners.

Wolf spiders are nocturnal hunters that hunt by night and spend their days hiding in burrows or among vegetation.

When a female wolf spider is ready to lay her eggs, she weaves a silken cocoon and attaches it to her spinnerets. She then carries the cocoon with her everywhere she goes until the eggs hatch.

Once the spiderlings hatch, they can ride on their mother’s back as she goes about her business. This arrangement allows them to document her travels and learn how to build webs of their own.

While not all spiders are equipped to carry their eggs, those can offer their offspring a great deal of protection and support.

If a mother Wolf Spider is killed by being smashed with a broom, the babies will scatter all around the place and survive. However, spraying the mother with the babies on her back with a potent insecticide will kill them within minutes.

Nursery-Web Spiders

The female Nursery Web Spider is generally seen with her egg sac in their mouth up until the spiderlings are ready to hatch.

When the eggs are nearly ready to hatch the mother will build a nursery web for eggs to hatch. For over a week, she guards the eggs until the spiderlings go through a post-hatch molt.

Within this phase, the underdeveloped babies are being fed by their mother since the babies are not yet fully matured and aren’t able to hunt their food.

The baby Nursery web spider needs its mother’s care for at least over a week, to be able to survive on its own.

Cellar Spiders

Mother cellar spiders are capable of producing up to seven egg sacs, each containing around 100 eggs. The eggs hatch within two to three weeks and the spiderlings stay with their mother until they are ready to disperse. If a mother cellar spider is killed, the spiderlings will disperse prematurely and may not survive.

Brown Recluse Spider

The brown recluse spider is a venomous spider that is found in the United States. They are typically light brown and have a violin-shaped marking on their head.

They are also known to carry their babies around up until they hatch for a minimum of two weeks.

The egg sacs of the brown recluse spider contain around 50 eggs, which will turn into spiderlings within a month. These spiderlings are also very self-sufficient as they are capable of surviving an extended period even without food or water.

What Would Happen If You Kill a Pregnant Spider?

If you kill a pregnant spider without experiencing any damaging results, then you are very lucky! Firstly because you have killed the mother that carries hundred of eggs inside her belly.

Secondly, you have prevented those eggs from hatching and creating more spiders that might lead to an infestation.

On the contrary, if you kill a venomous pregnant spider there is a high chance that the eggs will be carriers of the poison as well. Spider eggs can be carriers of the venom and will be toxic to humans if they come into contact with them.

In some cases, the venom can cause an allergic reaction and be life-threatening. It is important to be careful when handling spider eggs, even if they are inside of a dead mother.

The babies inside the spider can also be poisoned by their venom if the mother’s belly is squished.

Final Thoughts

Although the mother spider is an important part of her baby spiders’ lives, they are not completely helpless if she was killed. Baby spiders are born with all the skills they need to survive and thrive on their own.

Contrary to popular belief that spiders do not have a maternal instinct, some spiders are overly protective towards their babies.

The Wolf spider is one of them, she will carry her egg sac until the spiderlings are ready to hatch. Spiders are interesting creatures with a complex life cycle.

If you have killed a pregnant spider, be careful of the venom that might be inside the eggs. It is always best to consult with an expert before taking any drastic measures.

How do you kill baby spider sacs?

Usually, vacuuming up spiders and their egg sacs is the easiest and most effective solution. You could also spray a pesticide directly onto spiders and egg sacs. Just make sure your product is oil-based, as water-based pesticides are ineffective against egg sacs.

Should I step on a pregnant spider?

Or as pest control company Terminix puts it, if the spider you stomp on happens to be a female, the impact could release hundreds of spiderlings in your home. RELATED: If You See This Bug in Your Home, Don't Step on It, Experts Warn.

What are the spiders that carry babies on back?

Wolf spiders carry their spiderlings on their back for the first few days of their lives until they can fend for themselves at which time they'll disperse,” she told 9Pickle. “She carries the egg sac they were in on her spinnerets, then when they hatch the babies move on top of mum.


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