Knock it out of the park meaning

None found.

Other terms relating to 'knock':

Definitions include: a life during which many bad things happen.Definitions include: to impregnate.Definitions include: variant of "knock around".Definitions include: to mistreat.Definitions include: to drink.Definitions include: to have sexual intercourse.Definitions include: to impress.Definitions include: A formal introduction-Definitions include: stolen.Definitions include: In a deep sleep.Definitions include: Also the past tense of "knock up".Definitions include: adverb - really, very, conveying a sense of the extreme.Definitions include: stop.Definitions include: to have sexual intercourse.Definitions include: a forgery.

Other terms relating to 'of':

Definitions include: a worthless person.Definitions include: sexual activity.Definitions include: a good estimate.Definitions include: a little crazyDefinitions include: of lower than average intelligence.Definitions include: "not all there".Definitions include: skittish.Definitions include: an amount of violence.Definitions include: having an opinion or belief prior to it becoming common or popular.Definitions include: an impressive.Definitions include: an impressive.Definitions include: many.Definitions include: an emphatic "yes".Definitions include: better than all that.Definitions include: the best.

Other terms relating to 'out':

Definitions include: the feeling when you defecate huge and your anus is stretched.Definitions include: fatigued after amphetamine use.Definitions include: very; really; extremely.Definitions include: to ask a person on a date.Definitions include: in an irreparably bad situation; "out of luck"; "screwed".Definitions include: to defecate; "poop".Definitions include: to get someone out of jail by posting bail.Definitions include: to tell on someone; "snitch".Definitions include: a session of getting baked (i.e. high from marijuana.)Definitions include: to leave.Definitions include: See also balls to the wall.Definitions include: to hit or cause bodily injury.Definitions include: to study to excess or to be over-competitive in school-work.Definitions include: to beat severely.Definitions include: to beat severely.

Other terms relating to 'park':

Definitions include: something easy.Definitions include: an estimate.Definitions include: a rough numerical estimate.Definitions include: to go to a remote area (or a drive-in movie theater) in a car to make out.Definitions include: to defecate.Definitions include: to sit.Definitions include: to vomit.Definitions include: the gear stick in an automatic vehicle.Definitions include: a parking spot very close to one's destination.Definitions include: lower class people who live in trailer parks.

Other terms relating to 'the':

Definitions include: the real information or the proof, instruction, the know how, where, when, and why about something or someone.Definitions include: walking, generally as opposed to driving.Definitions include: interrogation.Definitions include: extremely intoxicatedDefinitions include: information.Definitions include: something you have now is worth more than two things you have just a chance of getting.Definitions include: a good estimate.Definitions include: a secret advantage.Definitions include: inclusive.Definitions include: to make a bad situation worse.Definitions include: with the amount of time left to finish a task rapidly disappearing.Definitions include: having an opinion or belief prior to it becoming common or popular.Definitions include: of a male, to urinate.Definitions include: Someone being butthurt over having something, they do to others regularly, done to the themDefinitions include: secret sexual activity with a person other than one's partner.

Definition of Knock It Out of the Park

What does the term "knocked it out of the park" mean? What is meant by "knocking it out of the park"?

The term "knock it out of the park" is borrowed from the game of baseball.

In baseball, a "home run" occurs when a batter hits a fair ball into the stands.

In some cases, the batter will not only hit a home run, but they will also hit the ball so hard that the ball will leave the entire ball park (stadium). This occurs sometimes in stadiums such as Wrigley Field in Chicago and Fenway Park in Boston.

If you "knock it out of the park" in your daily life, this means that you have done very, very well with something.

For instance - let's say that you have to give a sales pitch at your place of work. The company receiving the pitch loves what you have to say so much that they commit to a massive buy of your company's product.

Your boss is overjoyed with your performance and promises you a promotion.

In this case, you would have "knocked it out of the park" with your presentation. In short - you hit a home run.

What does it mean knocked it out of the park?

knock (something) out of the (ball)park To do or perform something extraordinarily well; to produce or earn an exceptional achievement. An allusion to a baseball that is hit hard enough to land outside the stadium. Great job on that report, Jacobs—you really knocked it out of the park!

Where did the phrase knock out of the park come from?

It is thought that this phrase most likely arose in the late 19th century. It was first used in the context of baseball to congratulate players who performed well. One of the earliest examples comes from 1894, in a newspaper describing a player's performance!

What does knock out mean in slang?

If you describe someone as a knockout, you think that they are extremely attractive or impressive. [informal, approval]

What is it called when you hit a baseball out of the park?

Definition. A home run occurs when a batter hits a fair ball and scores on the play without being put out or without the benefit of an error. In almost every instance of a home run, a batter hits the ball in the air over the outfield fence in fair territory.


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