Law of attraction vs law of assumption

When it comes to the law of assumption vs law of attraction, they are both good and useful in my opinion. One isn’t really better than the other, they are just different.

The key main difference between the law of assumption vs the law of attraction is that the law of assumption states you only have to believe you have your desire to receive it, while the law of attraction states that you should be in a high vibration and feel good to receive your desire.

There’s more to it than that, which we will get into in this post. But it’s ultimately about how you are attracting your desire to you. With the law of assumption, you just assume it’s yours and live in the end of having it. 

The law of attraction is a bit more complicated in my opinion. You get into a high vibration and find the feeling of what you want, and it will come to you. When you are in a high vibe, the things you want will come to you easier.

You can achieve success with both of these techniques. It all depends on what your own personal beliefs are. Everyone has unique beliefs and therefore one may work better for you than the other. 

What is the Law of Assumption?

The law of assumption states that you manifest what you assume to be true. It doesn’t matter what your vibration is. The only thing that matters is what you believe (or assume) is true for you.

If you believe something is true for you then it will manifest in your life. You don’t need to be in a high vibe or feel good to receive your manifestation.

You essentially force yourself to believe you already have what you want and then it manifests for you. You act and feel as if your desire is yours until you see it manifest in your 3D reality.

You ignore what your current reality is and only focus on living as if you have your desire.

Neville Goddard is one of the first teachers to talk about the law of assumption as it worked so well for him and the people in his life that he taught it to.

What is the Law of Attraction?

The law of attraction states that you manifest what you are in vibrational alignment with. So, if you are vibrating high, you’ll attract more of the things you want. If you think positively, then you will attract more good things.

Same if you think negatively, you will attract more negativity into your life.

The things you focus on and visualize are the things that you will manifest. So, if you can get into vibrational alignment with them, they will manifest in your life. Your primary focus is to feel good to attract things to you and co-create with the universe.

Law of Assumption Vs Law of Attraction

1. It Doesn’t Matter How You Feel Vs How You Feel Matters

With the law of assumption, it doesn’t matter how you feel. You can feel bad and as long as you believe that you have your desire, then it is well on its way to you.

Emotions don’t matter, you only need to believe in your desired outcome.

The law of attraction focuses on feeling good and getting into a high vibration. It suggests that if you feel good, your desires will be attracted to you much more quickly.

The law of attractions focus is on getting you into the high vibrational state of feeling good. If you feel good, you’ll receive more of what you want. The more time you spend in high vibrating emotions, the quicker you’ll receive what you want.

2. Self (I AM) Vs Co-Creating with the Universe

The law of assumption says that you don’t need any outside forces to bring you what you want. You create everything in your reality. You are essentially God. Everything in your reality is created by you.

I AM is really powerful with the law of assumption because when you say I AM you are creating this reality for yourself. You are the ultimate creator.

The law of assumption states that you are the god within your own reality, there really is no separation. So, you can create whatever you want because you are the ultimate creator of your life.

While the law of attraction says that you co-create with the universe, source, or God (whatever you’d like to call it.) You are working with the universe to bring you what you want. Essentially something outside of you is working with you to help you create.

What exists in your reality is a co-creation with the universe. You get your energy lined up and then the universe will deliver to you what you want.

3. No Free Will Vs. Free Will

With the law of assumption, no one has free will in your reality. You can shape any person or experience to be what you want. If you change what you assume about someone, they have to change as you are the ultimate creator of your universe.

Think of it like a play. You are the main actor or actress as well as the creator, and director. Everyone else is just doing what you say and playing a part. You can change the script at any time, it is all up to you. This is how the law of assumption works.

On the other hand, the law of attraction allows the free will of other people. You focus on what you want and if a person or specific job, etc. doesn’t match that, then a new person, job, etc. who matches that energy will come in. You don’t try to change them with your mind.

For example, if you really want a job and you don’t get it, the law of assumption would change the outcome and assume you have that job. You’d essentially live in a reality (in your mind) where you have that exact job. You’d focus on having that particular job.

Whereas the law of attraction would say, “something else that better matches my frequency will come along, and I will let go of this particular job.”

You work on raising your vibration and becoming a match to the qualities of your dream job while not living in the reality of having that particular job but any job that matches the qualities you are looking for.

The law of attraction is a bit more flexible than the law of assumption in this way.

The Law of Assumption Example

This is a real-life example where I used the law of assumption to manifest a job I wanted.

I applied to a whole bunch of jobs, and I really wanted this one office job. I went on a few interviews and the last interview was for a dishwasher position at Boston Pizza. The manager from Boston Pizza called me and offered me the dishwasher job. At that moment I decided that I was working at this oilfield company that had the office job I wanted.

I said to the manager of Boston Pizza, “I can’t accept this position because I already have a job at CerPro (the name of the place I wanted to work at)”. I then called CerPro, and they hadn’t even looked at my resume but asked me to come in. I got the job and started to next day.

Because I assumed it was mine and actually spoke it to someone else, it became mine very quickly. I did take action that felt in alignment with me having this particular job.

The contrast of being offered the job I didn’t want caused me to firm up my desire and decide that I had what I wanted before I actually had it in my 3D reality. But in my mind, it was mine as soon as I spoke the words that it was mine.

The Law of Attraction Example

If I were to use the law of attraction in the above example, instead of assuming I had the job I would likely say, “I’m going to focus on all the things I want in a job and begin to feel really good, and the perfect job will come to me. It might look different than I think but it will have all the qualities that I am looking for.”

I would allow free will to happen and I wouldn’t assume that any one particular job was mine. I’d know that the universe might have an even better job in store for me than the job I want. I’d allow it to come to me by focusing positively on it.

When working with the law of assumption vs the law of attraction, no which way is wrong or better than the other, both of these techniques can be useful at different times.

Final Thoughts – Law of Assumption Vs Law of Attraction

If you’ve been using the law of attraction and aren’t receiving the results you seek, then it may be time to try the law of assumption.

Or if you have been using the law of assumption and you feel like it’s not bringing you what you want, it’s time to try the law of attraction.

Both have worked for me in different areas of my life, so I know how powerful they are.

What works well for one person may not work well for another person. It all depends on your own personal beliefs.

The law of assumption may work well in one area of your life, but the law of attraction may work better in another area of your life. It all depends on your beliefs.

Mix it up and try different things. Trying a new technique will bring in new energy which will get things flowing again toward your manifestation.

Both these are great to try, and it may take some experience to know which one you like the best that gives you the best results. Or try both at the same time for the perfect combo!

What does the law of assumption mean?

What Is the Law of Assumption? The Law of Assumption states that whatever you assume as true becomes your reality. So the key to using the Law of Assumption to manifest your desires is to assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled.

What's the opposite of the law of attraction?

The philosophy of LoA is the cognitive use of the process of LoA. Therefore the opposite would be to either avoid using or to not consciously use LoA. Seems simple enough, although there one little caveat. And, that is Law of Attraction is always working whether or not you want it too.

What is the law of assumption in manifestation?

The Law of Assumption is a means of manifesting desires by having a state of mind and the feeling that those desires, wishes, and aspirations have been fulfilled. Neville Goddard (who introduced this law), explains that achieving the desired goal has everything to do with your state of mind rather than mere action.

How do you use the law of assumption?

If you can persistently imagine something, it has no choice but to enter your reality. This is the law of assumption in action. The subconscious can not determine reality from imagination. It assumes that what you think and feel are true.


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