Lipo 360 and tummy tuck near me

Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures in the UK. The procedure involves the removal of unwanted fat from areas of the body that have an excess of fat, resulting in a more toned appearance and smoother contours. Although liposuction is commonly performed on specific areas of the body, one of the most effective techniques to dramatically sculpt the body is Lipo 360 or circumferential liposuction.

Lipo 360 shares several similarities to traditional liposuction in many ways. Liposuction has traditionally been used to address specific body areas such as the abdomen, thighs or arms. Patients often point to well-localised regions for which they would like liposuction. Lipo 360 differs in that it can target multiple body areas, including the abdomen, in the same procedure. The ‘360’ description refers to the technique involving liposuction all around the torso, including the abdomen, flanks and back, for dramatic body transformations.

What are the benefits of Lipo 360?

Lipo 360 has several key advantages over traditional forms of liposuction. Lipo 360 results are much more significant, resulting in enhanced body contouring compared to liposuction in isolated areas such as the abdomen. Patients who choose to have Lipo 360 are keen to improve their overall body proportions, with many patients achieving an hourglass figure.

Traditional liposuction primarily focuses on extracting fat cells using vacuum suction from common areas such as the abdomen. Lipo 360 also uses this principle but goes beyond this to sculpt and contour the areas of fat that remain to create a shapely body silhouette. Lipo 360 is often combined with a Brazilian butt lift or a BBL for a comprehensive body contouring procedure. Lipo 360 is also an essential technique used for high-definition liposuction.

What areas of the body can Lipo 360 treat?

Lipo 360 encompasses a broad range of body areas around your midsection using a circumferential 360-degree technique. Areas that can be treated with Lipo 360 include:

  • The upper and lower abdomen
  • The upper and lower flanks
  • The lower and middle parts of the back

Your surgeon will tailor the procedure to match your treatment expectations and aesthetic goals. At your face-to-face consultation, the surgeon will mark the areas for treatment with Lipo 360 to give you an idea of how you could look after the procedure.

What does Lipo 360 involve?

Lipo 360 uses power-assisted liposuction or PAL lipo for the gentle yet efficient extraction of fat cells that have proven resistant to diet and exercise. All liposuction techniques first involve the injection of tumescent local anaesthesia, which eliminates any pain or discomfort during or after the procedure. The local anaesthesia solution also contains adrenaline to minimise any blood loss. Specialised vibrating cannulas are then used to extract the fat. The power-assisted technique has a quick liposuction recovery with much reduced bruising and swelling compared to traditional lipo forms.

Lipo 360 is a more extensive liposuction procedure requiring patients to be turned during the operation to remove fat from the back area. The procedure can address several common concerns, including removing tummy fat and the love handles for a more aesthetically pleasing waistline. The muffin top area is also removed, which helps items of clothing to fit better. Many patients note a substantial increase in self-confidence and emotional well-being after having Lipo 360 at Centre for Surgery in London.

Lipo 360 is routinely carried out under general anaesthetic, so you should not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. The recovery after Lipo 360 is relatively straightforward, with only minimal discomfort, which is easily controlled with painkillers prescribed to you by your surgeon. Downtime after Lipo 360 is no more than one week, and we would recommend patients take one week off work to ensure proper healing. Lipo 360 results will take time to appear as you will initially have bruising and swelling, which will rapidly settle down. Once the swelling has improved, you should start to see your results, with the final results being visible in three months. It is essential to wear the compression garment for a minimum of six weeks after surgery to maintain your lipo 360 results.

Am I a suitable candidate for Lipo 360?

As with all types of liposuction, it is essential to remember that Lipo 360 is not a treatment for weight loss. The procedure aims to contour and sculpt the midsection of the body to create a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. The ideal patients for Lipo 360 are those that are at or near their ideal body weight and have residual pockets so fat that have proven resistant to both diet and exercise.

Patients should be non-smokers and have overall good physical and mental health with no chronic medical conditions that could impair wound healing. Patients should also have realistic expectations about what Lipo 360 can achieve, and this will be optimised by having a complete and thorough consultation with your surgeon so that you are aware of the risks and complications of the Lipo 360 procedure.

If you are keen to learn about Lipo 360, please contact us today and speak to one of our friendly and knowledgeable patient coordinators to book a face-to-face consultation with an expert lipo surgeon in London.

Lipo 360 at Centre for Surgery

Centre for Surgery is the leading cosmetic surgery clinic in London and is home to some of the top liposuction surgeons in the UK. We are fortunate to offer a full range of body contouring procedures. Many patients choose to pair Lipo 360 with a tummy tuck or BBL, depending on what they hope to achieve. Lipo 360 can also be used as part of a mummy makeover procedure.

Based on 135 reviews.

Zara Khan


Amazing from start to finish, the communication was the main thing was fully informed and looked after, on the day of my breast augmentation, the staff were fab and made me feel at ease through out the whole process. Thank you so much.

Mohammed Farid


I’ve had such a great experience with excellent advice, care and attention and surgical treatment (gynaecomastia) - I can fully endorse the treatment I have received from Centre for Surgery with absolutely no qualms at all. Brilliant in every way - thank you all so much.

Caroline Thorpe


Very pleased with my whole experience of having a procedure. Was so nervous about getting treatment and i was reassured and felt so comfortable throughout thanks to the amazing nurses. I definitely made the right decision to have breast augmentation at centre for surgery with dr erel.

Melissa Briggs


So glad I went with centre for surgery, the whole process went very smoothly from the consultations down to the actual day of the procedure. I was so nervous on the day but the whole team put me at ease and I’m happy with my results as I feel a lot more comfortable wearing certain clothes now. My surgeon was Alberto Di Giuseppe who performed a breast Augmentation on me, and I would definitely recommend as he was very clear on what the outcome of the surgery would be and which size would look the best for my frame.

Raphinha kiki


Couldn’t be happier with Dr Tillo work,i had my breast surgery one week ago and so happy with the results so far,all the staff are extremely nice and very supportive,i would definitely recommend their services,thank so much

Grace Olafemi


From start to the finish everything was perfect for tummy tuck surgery. All staff is very friendly and the aftercare has been good. The Doctor and the nurse team was fantastic. I'm so happy...result is amazing. Thank you!!!

Ranjit Singh


This was overall a great experience, all the staff at Centre for Surgery were friendly and put me at ease. It is a nerve wracking thing to go through an op but the staff were so nice. Mr Ertan has got a great team around him. On the day of the operation everything went smoothly to plan, there was no delay or holdups, I had another consultation with Mr Ertan who confirmed what was going to be done and that I was still happy to proceed. I was prepped for the procedure, I met with the anaesthetist who again was really nice and put me at ease explaining his role. After the procedure I woke up with the nurse by my side making sure I was OK and checking on me, I was able to stay in the clinic until I was ready to leave and was not rushed at all. I was well looked after from the start to the point when I was discharged. Post operation I was staying at a local hotel it was so close there was no point in even getting a taxi and I was able to walk back where my partner was waiting for me. I was expecting a lot of bruising to both my eyes but there was very little if any by the time the cast came off after 7 days, I am now at the two week post operation point and it is healing well with no outwardly visible bruising or scaring. The next milestone is a checkup at the 6 week point with my surgeon. If you're thinking of having something like this done I would highly recommend getting in touch with Centre for Surgery.

Layla Karami


The staff at Centre for Surgery were very kind and accommodating. They answered any questions I had about the procedure and were constantly checking up on me. A special thank you to Christina for all her support throughout.

Gemma Small


I would just like to state the quality of care received from the nurses at Centre for Surgery was beyond the highest level. Sophie takes her patient care to another level beyond words. She always puts me at ease. She is there for me even at awkward hours just when I mostly needed reassurance and she is one of the most compassionate nurses I have come across and demonstrates her passion naturally for caring for others. She totally deserves recognition at its finest and thank you for always being there for me. 😍

Start your journey with us today

If you have a question about a treatment, or you would like to find out more about how we can help you, call us on 0207 993 4849 or fill in the form below and one of our patient care coordinators will contact you to book a consultation with a specialist practitioner

Can you get a tummy tuck and lipo 360 at the same time?

Liposuction and a tummy tuck pair well together for many patients. In a study published in 2012 by the American Society for Plastic Surgeons 98 percent of patients undergoing the two procedures together would do so again and 99 percent would recommend the treatment to others.

Do you need tummy tuck with lipo 360?

Combining a Tummy Tuck and Lipo 360 It isn't an either-or choice for some people between Lipo 360 vs tummy tuck. They may opt to combine the two for a more sculpted appearance, especially if they also have excess abdominal skin from weight loss or pregnancy.

Which is better lipo 360 or tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck is usually the best surgical solution if you have loose skin around your abdomen. If you have excess stubborn fat around your abdomen, you might consider lipo 360 vs tummy tuck surgery. Lipo 360 reshapes and contours the entire abdomen, 360 degrees around.

How much do you have to weigh to get lipo 360?

There isn't a specific weight you need to be for liposuction, but you do need to be within your goal weight. Most surgeons recommend being within at least 30 pounds of your goal weight or within 30% of your goal weight.


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