Makeup for royal blue prom dress

The royal blue dress is one of the most popular colors in prom season. Makeup ideas for royal blue dresses come in various shades, so it’s easy to find your perfect match. However, you may be wondering how to make this color work for you when it comes time for prom makeup. Luckily, we have some tips to help you look beautiful and put together on your big day!

When working with makeup ideas for royal blue dresses, two tones complement the color best: peaches and golds. These hues enhance the blues and keep them from looking too dark or harsh like other colors might do. In addition, many different makeup techniques can bring out additional features on makeup for royal blue dresses.

Makeup ideas for royal blue dress can be either worn light or dark as the occasion dictates, but it’s best to blend them for a more natural look.

Makeup for a royal blue dress can be enjoyable by emphasizing some of the dress’s qualities, such as the eyes, lips, and cheeks!

A smoky eye is a great idea when wearing makeup for royal blue dresses. It will make your eyes look more mysterious and dramatic. It is also added to your lips with gloss or lipstick in a bright color like neons, reds, or dark colors.

Makeup for a royal blue dress can be worn with a bold lip and eye makeup to tell the world who you are, or you can wear it with a muted makeup for a more natural look.

Makeup Ideas For Blue Dress

The most important thing to keep in mind when dressing for a special occasion is your skin tone. Of course, a blue dress goes with every color of makeup, but if you want the best possible match, it’s always a good idea to experiment beforehand and find out what looks great on your complexion. For example, some colors that compliment olive or tan complexions are shimmery pale golds or creamy whites, while deep browns look fantastic against light pinkish skin tones like mine! 

You didn’t know which shade of lipstick would go well with your new navy blue evening gown? Don’t worry, and I’ve got some fresh ideas specially designed just for those occasions where we need not only clothes – but also perfect accessories such as lipsticks! One way is by following our intuition: for instance, if you are wearing a light blue dress and have dark brown skin, you will likely want to wear darker shades of makeup as well – such as deep purples or plums.

However, for those who like more specific guidelines, there’s always the great old color wheel! For example, blues go with greens; reds go with oranges; yellows look suitable against purple (and so on). Makeup should complement your dress and overall outfit but also work together harmoniously.

To make this easier, I’ve come up with some general tips when wearing navy blue dresses for various occasions below:

Prom Evening Dress:

Use gold eyeshadow in place of traditional eyeliner around your eyes, and opt for a rosy blush to go with your dress. Also, make sure you use a light pink lipstick and not a dark red lip, making it appear like you are wearing black lips!

Wedding Dress:

A navy blue wedding dress is elegant and romantic; however, if the bride wants to be more daring in her look, she could opt for some drama, whether using bolder makeup or adding large earrings (or both!).

Workplace Dress:

Suppose the woman works at an office where there is business attire required. In that case, they should keep their makeup classic but straightforward – meaning using neutral eyeshadow colors such as browns, grays, or blacks instead of going too dramatic. Makeup should be in an elegant and natural style while still looking glamorous. Make sure there is mascara on the lashes and use a light application of blush to the cheeks.

Eye Makeup Ideas For Royal Blue Dress:

Make sure the eyes are well-defined, with mascara and eyeliner.

Lip Makeup Ideas For Royal Blue Dress:

Make lipstick the focus point of your makeup look. Please make sure your lipsticks are matte and in a shade that complements the dress color or something subtle like nude colors — reds are also a great option.

Nail Makeup Ideas For Royal Blue Dress:

Ensure the nails are well-manicured in a shade that complements the dress or colors like nude shades and reds.

Prom Makeup Ideas For Royal Blue Dress:

Princess Diaries Makeup Look for Prom with flawless skin. It is not only achievable but also easy to recreate if you have it on hand! The makeup artist created an ethereal look with a bit of shimmer under the cheekbones and in the inner corner of her eyes.

Make sure your makeup is well-applied, with the foundation to even out skin tone and conceal blemishes, blush on cheeks for a healthy glow that’s not overly done, mascara on lashes to open up the eye area, and eyeliner to make eyes look bigger.

Mascara on lashes to open up the eye area and eyeliner to make eyes look bigger.

Eyeshadow Makeup Ideas For Royal Blue Dress:

If you opt for more dramatic makeup, try applying bold colors like deep purple or navy blue in your crease with brown as an accent color. Make sure your eyeliner is precise and thick to make this look stand out.

What color does makeup go with a royal blue dress? 

What color makeup goes with a royal blue dress can depend on what you’re wearing. But it’s best to blend it with similar shades. If you’re wearing a royal blue dress, it’s best to wear neutral and muted light colors like pink or beige as your leading makeup color choice.

If you’re looking for makeup ideas for blue dresses, there are many options and makeup styles that will look great.

The key to beautiful makeup is finding the right colors for your skin tone and picking out products that blend well with one another. Make sure you have some blush, as it’s an essential part of any evening makeup routine.

Final Verdict

Prom season is a happy time for many high schoolers. That’s because it means that the end of senior year is in sight! But, with prom comes some pressure to look your best on this particular night. You may be wondering how to make this color work for you when it comes time for prom makeup. Luckily, we have some tips that will help you look beautiful and put together on your big day!. Let me know what other questions or concerns you might want to answer below in the comments section about makeup ideas for a royal blue dress! 

Mary Greenwell is an editor and make-up artist. Ever the lover of the written word, she served on the editorial boards of her school and college newsletters. Writing articles on makeup, lifestyle helped her combine her love for reading, writing, and research. As an editor, she helps her team members deliver polished and meticulously researched content.

What lipstick should I wear with a royal blue dress?

If you're wearing a dark or royal blue dress, you can try to keep your pout as simple as possible. Wearing nude shade is one among the best lip colors which would blend well with the blue dress. You can choose the right type of nude shade lipstick according to your skin tone and apply the right one.

What color makeup goes with royal blue?

When wearing royal blue dresses, remember to never try to highlight your cheeks. Wishing for an elegantly soothing look, apply the softer tones of pink. And for a warmer feel, a plum colored blush is the best option. Lastly, a matte bronzer also goes great with royal blue dresses.

Which makeup is best for blue dress?

Blue is a cool colour and so, a warm blush such as coral or peach would work well as it prevents making you look washed out and an unhealthy pallor. However, if you wish to go for a dramatic look and make your cheeks look all red and rosy, opt for a wine blush.


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