Meaning of god stood me up

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I have to talk about this.  I find it very disturbing.

God stood me up…..people say this when they face a trial, and God wasn’t there for them…this is what they believe.

People nowadays more than ever before are seeking only instant gratification.  They have expectations unless God makes their wrong….right, he has abandoned them.

Now I know people get angry, especially when they lose a loved one.  People say things without meaning them.  People get mad at God.

What they should recognize is God is and has been there every second.  He doesn’t go on vacation.  He doesn’t just help the rich or the poor.  He cares not for status.  He cares not about race.  God cares and loves all.

God will answer our prayers, when the timing is perfect.  God does not answer prayers on demand.  God does not have to prove himself.  God never abandons us.  When we need him, he is sitting right there with us.  His presence calms us, helps clear our minds.  God is the best listener.

When we face trials, God wants us to trust in him.  God will get us through all.  He wants us to have patience.  Now having patience is difficult.  Padre Pio was always praying to have more patience.  Padre Pio is a Saint.  So, we need to pray and learn patience.

What we shouldn’t do…is make demands on God.  We pray to God, he listens and again, when timing is perfect…he answers us!

God stood me up…..this trend is robbing people of hope and faith.  Words can harm….we should be conscious of that, in every aspect of our lives….

Not preaching…..just sharing my personal thoughts…..

God Bless All🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

God stands NO-ONE up. Sometimes I just wish TikTok and the like would just DO ONE!

(via sandiedog3)

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    God stands NO-ONE up. Sometimes I just wish TikTok and the like would just DO ONE!

anytime now please..

Ever had a feeling that God doesn’t like you?
That you work really hard and he never shows up for his part of the deal? That you’ve been divinely stood up… the literal sense?

It’s a horrible feeling. You sit there, on destiny’s bus stop ,all packed up. You’ve folded your sweat neatly and packed it into the Monarch suitcase .All the groundwork, research and paper work bottled in pretty 100ml green glass bottles .You’ve polished your talents with Kiwi shoe polish and put them in a compartment with the other shoes. You’ve even memorised the motivational quotes just in case you’ll need a fix along the way. You’re ready. Then….you get stood up. Not just an ordinary ‘standing up’, like you would expect from a nervous blind date, but a divine one.

Ever felt like God just stood you up?.

It’s the worst feeling. You sit at the bus stop thinking, “Maybe he’s running a little late………traffic”.
Then after three hours you think, “Maybe he forgot”.

So you call him. Lo and behold, his phone is on voicemail. Voicemail is when you read your Bible and it sounds like a robot is talking to you. No…at you. A robot is talking AT you!!!!. What’s more, you don’t know what the hell it’s talking about. So you slam your bible shut and watch Desperate Housewives instead. But I digress.

So you’ve been waiting all day and its getting dark then it hits you. Omnipresence is one of the attributes of God. Simply put ,He is everywhere everytime. Furthermore, He is Omniscient – he knows everything. So if someone can be at many places at the same time, why aren’t they here too? ,especially if they KNOW you’re waiting. Do you suck that much?

You wait and wait.Now you are angry and rehearsing your ‘its over’ speech, although you know you can’t really dump him. You can’t dump God. You can’t just format and start afresh without Him, because without Him you’re practically without You,and if you are without You then You wouldn’t be reading this.

So you sit at the bus stop and wait. ‘Waiting for God’. Now I know where that phrase comes from. It means waiting a long long time .A mysteriously long time like African time ,which somehow developed some elastic properties the day it landed in Africa…..on a ship……in something called a clock ,which we Africans have a hard time obeying. But I digress again. All this waiting is making my mind wonder.

Actually, all this waiting makes me very angry. Very upset.

I imagine having an argument with God in the living room .Like married people do. Except I don’t smash the expensive vase like the crazy Russian women do.I imagine we just exchange a few unnecessary harsh words and finally I end it just like I always see the women do in the British movies. Those well poised Caucasian women. They have such a graceful way of leaving men those women. Not like some of the African women. I know a few African women who left their marriages in a very interesting fashion. Very quickly and very early in the morning….ehem…just after he had left for work .I understand the English word for such a process is Escaping. They escaped.

These British movie women have a graceful way of leaving men . Just the right amount of drama.

They start with picking a fight in the living room(like I intend to do with you know who),then suddenly Susan they stop, chin up, chest out ,hands on hips (I’ve studied them you see),and they say (in that interesting British accent):

“Oh for Gods sake Tom ,the world doesn’t revolve around you, you know…..(pause)
I can’t do this anymore. …(pause)
I’m leaving you….(pause)
and I’m not coming back!!……(pause)
So this is goodbye….(pause)
Goodbye Tom…”
Then they grab their gloves and leave.

I wish I could leave a man like that. So passively dramatic innit?

Truth is, I can’t exactly say that to God. Its rude….plus anyway, the world DOES revolve around Him…you know.
And there’s really nowhere to go.
Even if there was somewhere to go, I’m nobody without Him.

So I guess- “Aint nobody goin nowhere”.

I’ll just sit here a wait .There must be a good reason why he’s not here. The paradox of waiting for someone who is everywhere everytime. Whos there…but not really there.

I’ll just sit and wait ….counting my blessings .All 701 of them.
Saying that scripture I memorised:
Ecclesiastes 3.
To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven.
A time to be born and a time to die,
A time to plant and a time to pluck what is planted
A time to kill and a time to heal,
A time to breakdown and a time to build up,
A time to weep and a time to laugh,
A time to mourn and a time to dance,
A time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones,
A time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
A time to gain and a time to lose,
A time to keep and a time to throw away,
A time to tear and a time to sew,
A time to keep silence and a time to speak,
A time to love and a time to hate,
A time of war and a time of peace,

So I will wait. Wait for Gods time.

Thought tracks by Nomakhosazana. K. Ncube 2 October 2011
p.s. Thank you Delta Milayo Ndou for encouraging me to keep writing…even when it hurts. You’re a Godsend. xxx. and Yes this is going to be my very first blog post on

This entry was posted on Sunday, October 2nd, 2011 at 1:29 pm and posted in Hard Times. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

Whats the meaning of God stood me up?

people say this when they face a trial, and God wasn't there for them… this is what they believe. People nowadays more than ever before are seeking only instant gratification. They have expectations unless God makes their wrong….

What is the meaning of don't stand me up?

To fail to meet someone for a date, meeting, or appointment, especially without telling them. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "stand" and "up." I'm sorry I stood you up, but I had a family emergency last night. Tom is really bad about standing up his dates.


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