Most recent option missing from facebook 2022

Last Updated: 6th May, 2021 13:31 IST

What happened to Most Recent on Facebook? The new Facebook update has made it harder for users to find the most recent option. Here's a tutorial for it.


Sometimes it's easier to find our way around a new social networking app altogether than to adapt to a new layout to the app we're already used to. According to Statista, Internet users spend an average of 2 hours and 22 minutes every day on social networking apps. Naturally, users get accustomed to what icon lies where and a sudden change in placement can irk them the wrong way. Recently, Facebook's most recent button went missing from the feed and netizens lost their sanity over it. What happened to Most Recent on Facebook? Let's find out.

What happened to Most Recent on Facebook? Is Facebook Most Recent gone?

Netizens can free themselves from the 'most recent button missing rant' as the feature never left the app, to begin with. Facebook has recently started working on new updates and changes for both the website and the app. These changes are primarily made for two reasons, either for the ease of users or to make the algorithm functioning smoother from their end. The recent Facebook update is an example of the second scenario. Most Recent was an excellent initiative taken by the company to update its users with real-time news instead of only showing them the data the app thinks they want to see. This update was much appreciated by the netizens as well. Here's a tutorial on how to find the most recent button on Facebook.

  • Tap on the three lines icon on the top right of the Facebook app that discloses the entire menu.
  • From there, scroll down to 'See More' to find more features listed below.
  • The 'Most Recent' button has now been renamed as 'Recent & Favourites' and will be displayed somewhere at the bottom of the page.
  • Upon clicking, the user will then be redirected to the most recent timeline, which will be paired alongside favourites.
  • Chances are that Facebook may incorporate more changes to the layout. In that case, users can rest assured that the most recent button missing fiasco is temporary and will most probably be placed somewhere else in the menu itself. The order may change but due to the feature's popularity, the most recent button vanishing from the face of the app seems implausible.


Home / News / Tech / Facebook gives users new way to see all their friends’ posts

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July 22, 2022

Facebook is rolling out an update that enables its 2 billion daily users to more easily view their friends’ posts in chronological order.

The new feature is the company’s latest attempt to keep people coming back to its social network amid intensifying competition with its trendier rival TikTok.

The changes announced Thursday will offer up two different perspectives. When Facebook users open the app, they will initially see the usual news feed featuring posts selected by an algorithm that the company says is designed to highlight topics and friends most likely to appeal to each individual’s tastes and interests. The main feed on the newly dubbed “Home” section will also include an option to look at short videos called Reels — Facebook’s clone of TikTok.

But many users have expressed frustration with the feeds forced upon them by Facebook, while critics of the Menlo Park, California, company have blasted the algorithm for spreading misinformation and creating polarizing echo chambers.

Facebook, owned by Meta Platforms, is trying to address those concerns with a new Feed tab located to the left of the notifications tab on the shortcut bar in both the iPhone and Android versions of its mobile app.

After clicking on the Feed tab, users will be able to toggle over to a chronological presentation of their Facebook favorites, Facebook groups they have joined or feeds consisting exclusively of posts from all their Facebook friends in the order they were shared.

The new option is designed to address complaints from users who believe they have been missing interesting posts because Facebook’s algorithm omitted them from their feeds.

“One of the most requested features for Facebook is to make sure people don’t miss friends’ posts,” Facebook founder and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in the announcement.

Facebook is giving users more control at a time when it has been struggling to grow, partly because other social media such as TikTok have become more popular, particularly among young generations. That stagnation, in turn, is making it more difficult for corporate parent Meta to boost its profits from the digital ads that appear in users’ feeds.


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Where is the recent button on Facebook 2022?

Tap in the top right of Facebook. Scroll down and tap Most Recent. Learn the difference between top posts and most recent posts in Feed.

How do I change Facebook feed to most recent 2022?

When you load up Facebook on your browser, go to the sidebar on the left-hand side of the page. Scroll down until you see "most recent" and click it — this will set your feed to chronological order.

Where has most recent gone on Facebook?

To sort your Feed posts to show the most recent ones, navigate to the left-side menu and select the Most recent option.

Why is there no most recent button on Facebook?

Tap the (three lines) button in the bottom right of Facebook. From there, scroll down, and you should see the "Most Recent" option there. However, you may also need to tap the "See More" button first before it shows up.


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