N joy pothos vs pearls and jade

Despite the fact that N Joy caught your attention, many people still confuse it with Pearls and Jade.

Don’t worry, I’ll clear up any misunderstandings in this article and help you learn more about each feature of Pothos N Joy and Pearls and Jade.

Pothos N Joy, Pearls, and Jade are all descended from the Marble Queen. NJOY has lighter green variegation on a white background. In comparison, the pearl and jade both contain a few flecks of green, white, and cream coloration. However, these two cultivars have identical growth requirements.

The Main Distinguishing Feature is The Foliage Color

NJOY’s young foliage has variegation and patches of various green shades.

As it matures, the upper side’s foliage takes on a whiter background with varying green shades.

If you want to keep this plant’s white variegation, it’s best if you keep it in bright light. The color of the foliage can be affected by the environment and lighting conditions.

If you place it in low light, you will notice more variegation of the yellow-green and dark green combinations.

The Pearls and Jade, on the other hand, has a color combination of green, white, and fewer blotches of cream coloration.

How It All Started 

Pothos N Joy 

Pothos N Joy

The variety ‘NJOY’ is the effective result of a planned breeding program. Even though it shares some pothos variety characteristics, it has unique features.

Back then, the breeders wanted to reproduce various Epipremnum pinnatum with brighter variegation of leaves with unique plant forms. (Source)

This new cultivar was possible through the selection of one of the unnamed Marble Queen’s superior clones.

Out of the grouping of more than 100 plants, the ‘NJOY’ appeared as a naturally occurring branch mutation. 

Ashish Arvind Hansoti was the one who discovered this new variety in 2002 at a commercial greenhouse outside but near Mumbai, India.

There were more researches took place, and 25 generations have been reproduced.

Then, they found out that the new cultivar ‘NJOY’ was stable and produced true to type on successive generations. 

Pearls and Jade 

Pearls and Jade Pothos

Like Pothos NJOY, Pearls and Jade also originated in the group of ‘Marble Queen’ plants. Back then, there were no hybridized pothos cultivars in history. (Source: American Society for Horticultural Science)

That’s why Mid-Florida Research and Education Center (MREC) in Apopka, FL, conducted a study and induced mutation in the available cultivar. 

After years of testing and evaluation, they made a new stable and suitable cultivar called “Pearls and Jade.” 

Read my in-depth guide on How to Care for Pearls and Jade Pothos.

Leaf Shape and Texture 

Pothos N Joy 

Compared to the first reproduced ‘NJOY’ variety, the new ones have shorter internodes, smaller leaves, and broader leaves.

But its regular variegation is better than the parent since it is more well-defined. 

Apart from the leaf size, the new variety of ‘NJOY’ produces more than two green shades within its variegation. 

Here is the summary of the NJOY’s leaf shape and structure: 

  • Smaller, broader, ovate, or deltate
  • Bright with many variegation patterns 
  • Stronger and darker green stems
  • Green variegation on the leaves’ white or cream background
  • Various green shades on a single leaf
  • The patch of green color comes with different shapes and sizes on midrib’s each side 
  • Very short internodes 
  • Compact growth 

The leaf arrangement is alternate, with an average length of approximately 5.6 cm and an average width of about 4.1 cm.

Its shape is similar to a blade or ovate. In rare or occasional cases, you’ll see an NJOY variety with a deltate form. 

The texture of NJOY’s top surface and bottom surface differs from one another.

Contrary to the majority’s claim about its texture, NJOY’s top surface is smooth and waxy.

In contrast, the bottom surface is somewhat leathery. Then, its leaf internode length is approximately 0.5 cm. 

Pearls and Jade

Same with the NJOY variety, Pearls and Jade is also small plant. The leaves of the parent plant, Marble Queen, are 12 cm by 8 cm long (4.5-3.0 in), while the Pearls and Jade grows up to approximately 7-8cm or 2.5-3.0 in.). 

Its size is petite, but it can be a lush green plant perfect for your home. The plants’ length and development depend on several factors.

Furthermore, the leaves’ texture feels similar to paper when it comes to their consistency and thinness.


When it comes to cultivated pothos, flowers do not exist. However, if the pothos grows in the wild, it will flower once it reaches the mature phase.

That’s why Pothos N Joy, Pearls and Jade, and other cultivated varieties do not flower. 


Other plants such as philodendron have a new sheath that partly surrounds or protects the stem.

When the plant grows, the sheath becomes bigger. That will turn brown and papery. 

However, pothos and Pearls and Jade do not have these sheaths. The plant can grow on its own without this natural stem protection. 

Growth Habit

Both Pothos NJOY and Pearls and Jade are the cultivars of Marble Queen. They are also known as slow growers. 

Similar to other pothos varieties, NJOY Pearls, and Jade are vining plants. Depending on the location and pot size, they can grow quite long.

To keep their compact shape, expert gardeners often suggest pruning them anywhere along the stem. You can propagate the plants in water or soil. 

Pothos N Joy can grow up to 10-feet or 3-meter tall. It climbs up to a branch or tree, but it also trails, depending on the pots you use.

You can put a vining pole in the middle of the pot or use a hanging pot to let the leaves trail freely. 

Height and Structure 

Pothos N Joy 

Above a 13 cm pot, it can grow up 15 to 25 cm. While its plant spread is up to approximately 30 cm.

Pothos N Joy spreads depending on its location, so you can have more NJOY variety at home. 

When it comes to its branching characteristics, the plant’s center forms clusters of short new shoots.

It becomes short and trails branches with age. NJOY is a very free branching with a lateral branch’s length of about 10 cm. 

Per lateral branch, it has almost 10 leaves. Typically, you will see these features when the plant turns 22 weeks.

NJOY’s petiole’s average length is approximately 5.2 cm, while the diameter is about 0.2 cm. Lastly, the petiole has a smooth texture. 

Pearls and Jade 

The structure and shape of Pothos N Joy and Pearls and Jade are quite similar. A petiole is a leafstalk or a stalk that joins the leaf blade to the stem.

You’ll see grooved petioles in Pearl and Jade, wherein it creates a furrow or channel between them.

The texture of each petiole has a smooth surface with a slender appearance. 

Its length can grow from 7.4-8.7 inches, while the size of its largest leaf can vary from 2.6 to 2.8 inches.

Moreover, the length of the width of the largest leaf can range from 1.6 to 1.9 inches. 

Except for Pothos N JOY and Pearls and Jade’s size and structure, these two cultivars of Marble Queen have similarities. Here are they: 


When you look at Pothos N Joy and Pearls and Jade, it’s challenging to know these plants’ distinctive features since they are in the same family.

But as you look more at their characteristics, you’ll know they’re unique on each own. 

Ranks Group
Kingdom Plantae
Class Spermathophytina
Order Lilianae
Family Araceae
Genus Epipremnum Schott – tongavine
Species Epipremnum pinnatum (L.) Engl. – Centipede tongavine, pothos

Growing Requirements 

Soil Requirement

Pothos NJOY and Pearls and Jade have almost the same potting mix. But as long as the soil has good drainage, it can grow healthy as expected. If you are still unsure of what potting mix you’ll use, you can try this one: 

Potting Soil Mixture for Houseplants

  • Sphagnum Moss 
  • 2 Portions of Pumice 
  • 4 Portions of Coco Coir 
  • 4 Portions of Perlite 
  • 6 Portions of Pebbles or 6 Portions of Orchid Bark

I recommend using a potting mix instead of getting soil anywhere to avoid pests or pathogens.

Ensure that the ground where your NJOY sits is free from any living organisms that will kill its nutrients. 

Another suggestion is to use peat moss to slowly improve the soil’s drainage while letting the roots absorb the moisture and nutrients. 

Water Requirements 

Pothos NJOY and Pearls and Jade love moisture. Watering the plants from time to time is crucial—especially during the hot season.

However, overwatering can also kill them. That’s why you need to keep the balance.

Poke the soil with your forefinger, and see if the top inch is already dry, then that is the right time to water. 

They are prone to “wet feet,” and there are two main culprits. These are overwatering and poor drainage.

So, doing finger testing before watering is essential to prevent root rotting. You’ll know eventually if you are overwatering your plants. 

Signs of Overwatered Plants:

  • The end tip of the leaves turns brown
  • Wilting plants
  • Yellow leaves 
  • Edema or water retention in plants 


Maintain a temperature of 50°F (10°C) to grow the Pothos N Joy indoors. But the typical temperature where it strives the best range from 65 to 85°F (18°C to 29°C).

Ensure you place it at room temperature where it avoids too much heat, such as heating and air conditioning units. 


I highly recommend moderate indoor light to keep the NJOY and Pearls and Jade plant thriving.

Yes, they can survive different light conditions. But keeping it to a place where it gets balanced lighting will improve its variegation. 

Your plant will tell you how happy it is by showing vibrant and greener leaves. Find an ideal place to relocate your plant to receive more light. 

However, if you notice pale yellow or white leaves, then it indicates that your NJOY plant is receiving more than recommended light.

Simply transfer your plants to a much shader area to reverse their condition. 


Similar to other pothos varieties, NJOY is a light feeder. It can grow even without fertilizer.

But I know you want to improve your plant’s condition and turn it healthier. If that is the case, then use a well-balanced fertilizer.

Take note that only use a fertilizer intended for indoors or houseplants. Use it monthly or bi-monthly to improve its growth. 


Originally, pothos grew from tropical climates. That’s why it can thrive better by placing it in a humid environment.

If you get the best out of your NJOY plant, maintain a 50 to 70% range of humidity. 


If you see that your NJOY and Pearls and Jade become pot-bound, it is best to re-pot it to a bigger container.

Use another fresh potting soil instead of transferring the same soil on the new pot.

Moreover, your pot should have good drainage to avoid root rots. You can use a pot out of recycled materials. Just make sure that you poke enough holes. 

You May Also Enjoy: Manjula Pothos Vs Marble Queen (Differences and Similarities)

The Key Takeaways

It took years before the researchers began cultivating new varieties of pothos plants.

People are thankful for these unique cultivars since they bring satisfaction and joy to plant growers’ hearts.

What’s more, learning their differences and similarities can help you take care of them according to their needs. 

From what I have listed in this article to differentiate Pothos N Joy and Pearls and Jade, here are the highlights to remember: 

  • Pothos N Joy and Pearls and Jade are both cultivars of Marble Queen Pothos. That’s why these two different varieties have common features and characteristics. They only slightly differ on the structure, leaf size, and variegation colors.
  • Pothos N Joy and Pearls and Jade are great indoor houseplants. They are easy to take care of, and they can multiply more through propagation. 
  • Pothos N Joy and Pearls and Jade have similarities in sheaths, growth habits, and growing requirements. However, their leaves’ texture, structures, and foliage color are unique. 

Are n Joy pothos rare?

NJoy Pothos is not a rare plant.

Is Pearls and Jade a pothos?

Generally pearls and jade is a smaller variety of pothos with leaves growing to only about 3 inches long and 2 inches wide at their peak. This is much smaller than the leaves on a marble queen, which they can be easily confused with.

How do you identify N Joy pothos?

The Main Distinguishing Feature is The Foliage Color NJOY's young foliage has variegation and patches of various green shades. As it matures, the upper side's foliage takes on a whiter background with varying green shades. If you want to keep this plant's white variegation, it's best if you keep it in bright light.


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