Negative pregnancy test but no period reddit

I have an appointment to see my doctor tomorrow but I can't sleep. The more I think about this the worse I feel. I just want to know if anyone out there has had a similar experience that might make me feel better. I am a regular redditer but this is a throwaway because I need to protect my identity. I can't talk to my friends or my family and my boyfriend is freaking out so he's no help. My period is usually like clockwork and so predictable it's not funny. It was due on Friday and it's now Tuesday. My boyfriend and I ALWAYS use a condom because we are afraid of getting pregnant. I took two tests on Monday and one this morning, all negative. My breasts don't hurt even though they look a bit bigger than normal, but that always happens after my period. I get small twinges in my abdomen that feel like period pains but nothing that leads up to anything more. I usually have debilitating cramps. Other than that I have no symptoms and feel fine. In the past month I have increased my exercise regime, taken antibiotics for thrush and been reasonably stressed (even more so the past five days). I am 20 years old, I do not want to be pregnant. Is there any chance I'm late for another reason or am I going to hear some bad news tomorrow. Help me reddit :(

EDIT: Thank you to everyone who gave me such good advice. I am going to do some breathing and try and calm myself before I go to sleep. I will let you know how things go at the doctor's tomorrow.

EDIT2: I'm not pregnant! :D I went to my doctor and she said three negative tests is a great sign considering I didn't have any symptoms. She suspects stress may have caused me to have a late period. I had a blood test to confirm and test for any other hormones in my body that may have caused the late period. When I got home though, surprise! I literally danced with joy. Thank you to all the wonderful redditors who helped me stop from freaking out with their advice. I'm going to leave this thread up here for anyone who might need it in the future.

Posted by1 year ago


hey everyone! two days ago i woke up from my sleep because of cramps which normally indicates my period is coming. which i thought it did bc i lost some blood. amount was more like spotting/a light bleed. then the second day i had only a bit of blood loss when wiping and then during the day it stopped completely. third day and im not bleeding. the clue app is confusing when my period is supposed to start bc it keeps changing but im guessing today it was supposed to start. normally my period starts between day 28-30. Im on cycle day 31. my periods are normally regular and the last time my “period” was off i turned out to be pregnant with my daughter. i took a pregnancy test yesterday and today and they came back negative. (we only had unprotected intercourse once this cycle so the chances are slim but anything is possible). should i just wait a few days?

This happened to me a few months ago. I was 2 weeks late for my period, had two negative pregnancy tests, and finally went to the doctor. Two days after being to the doctor to get a blood test, I got my period.

PP would be fine to go to, all they are going to do is ask some questions, and give her a blood test. I don't think a gyno is going to be necessary. Periods get skipped all the time, especially when you're younger.

So the questions are: Is she on a form of birth control/ was on it when she last had sex? Has she changed her birth control recently/ skipped pills? Has she changed anything in her life style, including a new male in her life, or maybe having sex more frequently than normal? If the answer to anything above is "yes", she most certainly should not stress out over it. Changing your diet, exercise, moving, any stress, being sick... seriously anything that isn't normal and could possibly upset your body's natural rhythm, will do this.

If she's really worried, I would suggest going to get a blood test, however, skipped periods are not something to worry about on their own. Unless she has other symptoms of female ailments, there is no need to see a gyno. If she does go to PP, and she isn't pregnant, they will tell her what to do next. Most likely, they will tell her to wait it out for her period, and tell her it will come, and it's normal to miss a period occasionally. They'll also tell her that her period will be off kilter a bit, but she should still get it. If she does not, she should definitely seek out a gyno. :)

Hi all,

Apologies if I have misinterpreted any rules or left out important info.

My partner and I have been trying to conceive since June 2021. My periods are not completely regular but usually between 32 - 36 day cycles.

We have had one pregnancy that ended in miscarriage in Jan 2021, after which we took a break from TTC.

My last period was February 26th. I had some strange sensations around March 28th that felt like ovulating. I thought perhaps I was ovulating late but wasn't testing for ovulation so can't confirm other than gut feeling.

I took a pregnancy test at 36 days, and another at 42. Both negative.

My period still has not come but another negative test.and I am starting to feel worried that something could be wrong.

I am also starting to feel sad and frustrated. I try not to get down around negative tests, instead I try to channel my feelings into nezt months plan. I cannot do anything until my period comes.

I have a doctors appointment tomorrow evening but am still hoping things change soon. I'm 33 so hoping against hope this isn't the start of menopause or anything like that.

Thank you for letting me vent, any advice appreciated


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