Not enough free memory to download this mod fallout 4

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  1. Boards
  2. Fallout 4
  3. Mods: Getting "Not enough free memory to download this mod" error

rockyoumonkeys 6 years ago#1

Starting to get this error a lot. I have 700+MB free, and am trying to download a couple mods of 100 and 200MB (06 Synth and Cross Cybernetics), and it gets up to 100% and then says "Not enough free memory to download..."

I've already tried restarting and hard reboot. I don't think I have a thoroughly unreasonable number of mods already active. Anyone else seen this and know how to get rid of it? I was also getting it when trying to download the Winter mod, which I'd decided to try when all of the green mods proved unusable.

rockyoumonkeys (Topic Creator)6 years ago#2

EDIT: Now up to 917MB free, still can't download the 289MB Cross Cybernetics mod.

Now granted, in the last few days I've been downloading, trying, and deleting a lot of mods, and I'm guessing that has caused absolute havoc on the save file I'm using, but I'm not sure what that has to do with the game itself...why it takes so long to start up and show each save file, and why I'm apparently being locked out of downloading any more mods even though I'm only using half the allotted space.

Is this something where I'm basically going to have to delete everything, reinstall the game, and start over from scratch?

Aggrobiscuit 6 years ago#3

Favourite all your mods to keep track of them, then go to manage your game and find the reserved space (which is where mods are stored) uninstall or remove the reserve and the game will create a new one. Then redownload your favourited mods.

Imminent tears...

TwistBL 6 years ago#4

Go to on your pc, phone or tablet, add the mods to your library, remove them from your library, start up the game and download them.

It should fix this issue.

rockgod420 6 years ago#5

TwistBL posted...

Go to on your pc, phone or tablet, add the mods to your library, remove them from your library, start up the game and download them.

It should fix this issue.

Try this first before you delete and have to re download everything. Whaen mids first came out this issue happened quitea bit and this trick got it to work. If you delete everything any mods that have been pulled from will be gone forever. I lost dont call me settler having to delete my mods

  1. Boards
  2. Fallout 4
  3. Mods: Getting "Not enough free memory to download this mod" error

This "ghost space" accrues when you delete a mod, but some data stays behind. The only way to delete ghost space is to clear your reserved space. To do this:

Go to My games and apps>hover over fo4>manage game>Saved data>Reserved space (2.0GB)>Clear reserved space

Doing this will uninstall all of your downloaded mods and creation club content.

Why do I get an error stating "Not enough storage memory to install the selected mod” when trying to install a mod on Xbox?

The Xbox has a limited storage capacity for the download and installation of mods. If you meet or exceed the storage limit, you will not be able to install any more mods and will receive this error message.  The limit for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim SE is 5GB, the limit for Fallout 4 is 2GB.  If you wish to install new mods at this point, you will need to remove some existing mods and free up some space before you do.

To delete a mod, open the game and select Mods from the main menu. From there, find the mod you wish to delete in your Library, select it, and use the Delete option.

If you are unable to load the game on Xbox to delete your mods, you can still do so manually by following the below steps:

  1. Navigate to My Games and Apps from the Xbox dashboard.
  2. Highlight the modded game from the Games category.
  3. Press [Menu] on your controller and select Manage Game.
  4. Navigate to the right where the Saved Data is located and highlight Reserved Space.
  5. Press [Menu] on your controller and select Clear reserved space.
    1. If the reserved space fails to clear, you should power cycle your Xbox and try again.

Note: When a Mod is removed from, you may lose the ability to view or interact with the mod on your console. The only way to regain the lost space is to remove all of your mods by clearing your reserved space for the game.

What is the mod limit on Fallout 4?

Essentially, on the Xbox One, players of either Fallout 4 or Skyrim are now only able to run the games with up to 150 mods active at any time. You will be able to install more mods, however, and you can enable or disable them at your leisure.

Can you get more mod space in Fallout 4?

The Xbox has a limited storage capacity for the download and installation of mods. If you meet or exceed the storage limit, you will not be able to install any more mods and will receive this error message. The limit for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim SE is 5GB, the limit for Fallout 4 is 2GB.


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