One of Us Is Lying series book 4

Fans of Karen M. McManus will be happy to know that the author has confirmed a deal with Delacorte to release two new thrillers over the next couple of years. This includes the final book in the One of Us Is Lying trilogy, One of Us Is Back,  expected summer 2023, and a stand-alone thriller set for publication in summer 2024.     McManus released the first novel of the series, One of Us Is Lying, back in 2017, and it quickly rose through the ranks of the New York Times bestseller list. For people new to the McManus fandom, …

Fans of Karen M. McManus will be happy to know that the author has confirmed a deal with Delacorte to release two new thrillers over the next couple of years. This includes the final book in the One of Us Is Lying trilogy, One of Us Is Back,  expected summer 2023, and a stand-alone thriller set for publication in summer 2024.

McManus released the first novel of the series, One of Us Is Lying, back in 2017, and it quickly rose through the ranks of the New York Times bestseller list. For people new to the McManus fandom, the story follows four teens as they untangle the lies that led to a classmate’s death in a Breakfast–Club-meets-Scream-style mystery. Unfortunately, thirsty readers had to wait until January 2020 to receive the second novel in the series, One of Us Is Next. Again, dedicated fans made this book a #1 New York Times bestseller, making the wait for the trilogy’s conclusion even more anticipated.


In between the trilogy books, however, McManus released several stand-alone thrillers to entice readers outside the world of Bayview High. Both Two Can Keep A Secret (2019) and The Cousins (2020) followed suit and quickly made their way to the top of various bestseller lists. But while 2023 seems far away, fear not because You’ll Be the Death of Me is expected in November 2021, and, according to McManus’s Instagram, another top-secret novel is in the works for summer 2022.

McManus has written plenty to occupy her readers’ TBR lists. Even better, Peacock has already green-lit the television series based on One of Us Is Lying and is expected to finish filming in October of this year. So while fans have to wait a while for the conclusion of the trilogy, sometimes a bit of patience brings the best rewards.


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I have a school project due on your book, can I ask you some questions?

I'm so happy you are reading my book for school, but I'm not able to take part in school projects. Look below for some of the most commonly asked questions about my work. You can also visit my News page for interviews with me and articles about my work.

If you need to send me a letter for a school assignment, you can send to:

Karen M. McManus

c/o Delacorte Press

1745 Broadway

New York, NY 10019

How can I contact you for business inquiries?

​Please reach out to the following:

  • Book rights: Rosemary Stimola at Stimola Literary Studio

  • Film rights: Jason Dravis at The Dravis Agency

  • Publicity: Kathleen Dunn at kdunn(at)

I am not currently scheduling any school or library visits, and I am closed to blurbs.

What books have you written?

The One of Us Is Lying Series:

  • One of Us Is Lying (2017)

  • One of Us Is Next (2020)

  • One of Us Is Back, coming in 2023

One of Us Is Lying and One of Us Is Next are available as a boxed set.

Standalone Novels:

  • Two Can Keep a Secret (2019)

  • The Cousins (2020)

  • You'll Be the Death of Me (2021)

  • Nothing More to Tell, coming August 30, 2022

What order should your books be read in?

One of Us Is Lying and One of Us Is Next are a series and should be read in that order. All my other books are standalones that can be read whenever. For more detail, see my Instagram post on this topic.

Are you planning to write a sequel to Two Can Keep a Secret, The Cousins, or You'll Be the Death of Me?

I never say never, but have no current plans to do so.

Where can I find signed copies of your books?

One of Us Is Lying: Porter Square Books (Note: you can contact them at info(at) to request signed copies of my other books)

You'll Be the Death of Me: Books-A-Million

Nothing More to Tell: Barnes & Noble

You could also check with your local independent bookstore; indie stores often have signed copies of my newer books.

I'd like to review your book, can you send me a copy?

I don't have review copies to distribute, sorry! For unreleased titles, North American reviewers can check Edelweiss or NetGalley, or contact my publisher at rhkidspublicity(at)  If you are an international reviewer, please see the list of international publishers.

Once a book can be found in stores and libraries, review copies are generally not available.

Can you blurb my book?

I'm honored to be asked, but am currently closed to blurbs.

What's happening with the One of Us Is Lying TV series?

The show began streaming on Peacock in October 2021. You can view the trailer here. There is a media tie-in edition of the book featuring the cast on the cover that you can order here. Internationally, the show streams on Netflix except the U.S., Canada, and Australia, where it will continue to stream on Peacock, W Network, and Stan; and Germany/Austria, where the rights are with RTL (no air date yet). In January 2022, the show was renewed for a second season.  The second season will not follow my sequel novel, One of Us Is Next.

Do you have any recommendations for books similar to yours?

Yes! There are so many fantastic young adult thrillers to read. These articles from Epic Reads, B&N Teen Blog, and BookRiot give recommendations for books that fans of One of Us Is Lying will enjoy. Authors who I regularly recommend include Kara Thomas, Tiffany D. Jackson, E. Lockhart, Maureen Johnson, Caleb Roehrig, Mindy McGinness, Courtney Summers, Kit Frick, Lamar Giles, Holly Jackson, and Jennifer Lynn Barnes.

Where do you get your ideas?

Ideas can come from all kinds of places. I got the idea for One of Us Is Lying while I was driving to work and heard the theme from "The Breakfast Club" movie (I talk more about that here if you're interested). I've also gotten ideas while watching crime shows, reading profiles of prominent families, and from conversations with interesting people.

How did you become an author?

I started writing stories in second grade, but stopped in high school when it became difficult to finish books. I went to college and did many other things until I read The Hunger Games in 2014 and was inspired to start writing again. I wrote two books before One of Us Is Lying that helped me learn my craft. One of Us Is Lying was the book that got me an agent and, ultimately, a book deal.

What advice do you have for people who want to be authors?

My number one piece of advice is to connect with other writers at the same stage of the publication journey as you are, and exchange work with them. Getting and giving constructive feedback is essential to development!

I give additional writing tips (about thrillers, multi POV, and general advice) here.  In addition, this article from Entertainment Weekly outlines my must-haves for a captivating thriller.

Why do you write mystery/suspense books?

Books featuring mystery and suspense have always been my favorites as a reader, from Agatha Christie when I was a kid to Gillian Flynn as an adult. I'm naturally drawn to dark topics and how people react when they're thrust into a situation that scares or confuses them, but I like to balance that with hope and humor.

Do you have playlists for your books?

I listen to music while drafting, and have put a couple of my playlists on Spotify. You can find one for One of Us Is Lying here, and for Two Can Keep a Secret here. Both are samplings of the songs I listened to on repeat while writing.

What's the best place to connect with you on social media?

Twitter and Instagram. I don't maintain an active author presence on other platforms.

How many books are in the One of Us is Lying series?

Karen McManus 3 Books Collection Set (One Of Us Is Lying, One Of Us Is Next, Two Can Keep a Secret)

Will there be another book in the One of Us is Lying series?

The One of Us is Lying sequel, with a brand new mystery to solve at Bayview High, - One of Us is Next - came out in 2020. One of Us is Back - the third One of Us is Lying book, is due out in 2023.

Is One of Us is Lying a complete series?

One of Us Is Lying is an American teen drama mystery television series developed by Erica Saleh. The series is based on the 2017 novel of the same name by Karen M. ... One of Us Is Lying (TV series).

What order are the One of Us is Lying books?

One of Us Is Lying and One of Us Is Next are a series and should be read in that order..
One of Us Is Lying (2017).
One of Us Is Next (2020).
One of Us Is Back, coming in 2023..


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