Panama City to Tallahassee drive time

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  1. Take the bus from Panama City to Tallahassee

2h 15m

$25 - $40

1 alternative option

  1. Drive from Panama City to Tallahassee

2h 2m

$26 - $40

Panama City to Tallahassee by bus

The bus journey time between Panama City and Tallahassee is around 2h 15m and covers a distance of around 165 km. Services are operated by Greyhound USA. Typically seven buses run weekly, although weekend and holiday schedules can vary so check in advance.

7 Weekly Buses

2h 15m Average Duration

$25 Cheapest Price

See schedules

Questions & Answers

What is the most cost-effective way to get from Panama City to Tallahassee?

The cost-effective way to get from Panama City to Tallahassee is to drive, which costs $26 - $40 and takes 2h 2m.

What is the fastest way to get from Panama City to Tallahassee?

The quickest way to get from Panama City to Tallahassee is to drive which costs $26 - $40 and takes 2h 2m.

Is there a direct bus between Panama City and Tallahassee?

Yes, there is a direct bus departing from Panama City and arriving at Tallahassee. Services depart once daily, and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 2h 15m.

How far is it from Panama City to Tallahassee?

The distance between Panama City and Tallahassee is 136 km. The road distance is 157.1 km.

How do I travel from Panama City to Tallahassee without a car?

The best way to get from Panama City to Tallahassee without a car is to bus which takes 2h 15m and costs $25 - $40.

How long does it take to get from Panama City to Tallahassee?

The bus from Panama City to Tallahassee takes 2h 15m including transfers and departs once daily.

Where do I catch the Panama City to Tallahassee bus from?

Panama City to Tallahassee bus services, operated by Greyhound USA, depart from Panama City station.

Where does the Panama City to Tallahassee bus arrive?

Panama City to Tallahassee bus services, operated by Greyhound USA, arrive at Tallahassee station.

What is the time difference between Panama City and Tallahassee?

Tallahassee is 1h ahead of Panama City. It is currently 4:12 PM in Panama City and 5:12 PM in Tallahassee.

Can I drive from Panama City to Tallahassee?

Yes, the driving distance between Panama City to Tallahassee is 157 km. It takes approximately 2h 2m to drive from Panama City to Tallahassee.

Launch map view

  • Distance: 136 km
  • Duration: 2h 15m

What companies run services between Panama City, FL, USA and Tallahassee, FL, USA?

Greyhound USA operates a bus from Panama City to Tallahassee once daily. Tickets cost $25 - $40 and the journey takes 2h 15m.

Bus operators

Panama City to Tallahassee drive time

Greyhound USA

Greyhound is a leading bus company based in Dallas, Texas, serving over 3800 destinations across North America, Mexico and Canada. Greyhound carries around 18 million passengers a year who travel 5.4 billion miles (8.6 billion km) a year on their fleet of around 1700 vehicles. For travel flexibility, you can board or get off a Greyhound bus at official Greyhound stations, partner stations and curbside stops. There are around 230 Greyhound stations across the US where you can both catch your bus and buy tickets, that are also available on the official website and via the mobile app.

Rome2rio's guide to Greyhound USA
Contact Details
Phone+1 214-849-8100/[email protected]
Bus from Panama City to Tallahassee
Ave. Duration2h 15mFrequencyOnce dailyEstimated price$25 - $40Websitegreyhound.comEconomy$25 - $40Flexible$50 - $75

Panama City to Tallahassee drive time

Greyhound interior


Panama City to Tallahassee drive time

Greyhound exterior


Panama City to Tallahassee drive time

Greyhound exterior


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How long is the drive to Panama City Florida to Tallahassee Florida?

There are 84.53 miles from Panama City to Tallahassee in northeast direction and 98 miles (157.72 kilometers) by car, following the FL 20 route. Panama City and Tallahassee are 1 hour 53 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop .

Why is Tallahassee so famous?

Tallahassee has the third tallest capitol building in the US. The name Tallahassee comes from a Muskogean Indian word, which means “Old Fields” or “Old Towns”. Tallahassee is the hilliest spot in Florida. It is known for its rolling red hills and its highest peak is approximately 200 feet above sea level.

What is the halfway point between Tallahassee and Panama City?

The city at the geographic halfway point from Panama City, FL to Tallahassee, FL is Woods, Florida.

How far is Tallahassee from the beach?

Tallahassee is located just 22 miles from the Gulf of Mexico, which is home to some of the world's top beaches. With more than 1,600 miles of coastline and beautiful, sugar-white sand, there are plenty of options for residents looking for beaches near Tallahassee.