Panasonic ES-LV9Q vs Braun Series 9

Panasonic Arc 5 vs Braun Series 9 really is the battle of the Titans.

These two are arguably among the most powerful, advanced and capable foil electric shavers you can buy today.

But which one is better? More precisely, which one would be a better fit for you?

In this article we’ll address this debate from all angles and go over the most important aspects that should be considered when trying to decide between the Panasonic Arc 5 and the Braun Series 9.

Let’s dive right in.

Table of Contents

  • An overview of the Panasonic Arc 5 and Braun Series 9 models
    • Panasonic Arc 5
    • Braun Series 9
  • Panasonic Arc 5 vs Braun Series 9: shaving performance
    • 1. The closeness of the shave
    • 2. Comfort
    • 3. Shaving longer, curly, flat-lying hairs
    • 4. Wet & dry use
  • Build quality and ergonomics
  • Automatic and manual cleaning
  • Price and value for money
    • Braun Series 9
    • Panasonic Arc 5
  • Final word

An overview of the Panasonic Arc 5 and Braun Series 9 models

Both Panasonic and Braun are two manufacturers that constantly release new updates to their lineups of electric shavers.

The frequency of these update cycles can vary and the model names are often inconsistent and confusing.

Moreover, it’s not always clear if an update is a major one, impacting the performance of the shaver, or just a minor makeover.

These things only make choosing between a Panasonic Arc 5 and a Braun Series 9 even more difficult.

For this very reason, it’s important to clarify any confusion regarding the different models and generations before getting to the actual differences between the Arc 5 and the Series 9 lines.

Panasonic Arc 5

The Arc 5 represents Panasonic’s high-end line of electric shavers.

Fun fact: in 2021, Panasonic introduced a 6-blade Arc 6 exclusively on the Japanese market.

The Arc term designates the slightly arched profile of the shaving head, while the 5 stands for the number of individual cutting elements.

Here’s a short overview of the 3 Panasonic Arc 5 generations:

1. The first generation Arc 5 shavers (released in 2009).

This includes shavers like the ES-LV61-A or the ES-LV81-K.

You can also differentiate them from the newer Arc 5 razors by the bulkier heads and old cleaning stations that use detergent cartridges instead of detergent sachets (more on this later on).

Panasonic Arc 5 ES-LV81-K (first Arc 5 generation).

These first-generation shavers have been discontinued for quite some time, so they don’t really represent a viable option anymore in 2021.

2. The second generation Arc 5 (released in 2013 and updated in 2019).

In this group, we’ll find models like the ES-LV65-S (no cleaning station) and the ES-LV95-S (includes an automatic cleaning station).

See the price on Amazon

With this second generation, the shaving head got smaller and the cleaning stations also received a major update and now use a concentrated detergent that must be mixed with water in the station’s tray.

This is a very economical solution. The stations are also more compact and look a lot more modern.

The updated cleaning station.

The design of the shavers is also a departure from the first-generation Arc 5 lines and paved the road for Panasonic’s latest design language (also used for the new Arc 3 LT shavers).

In 2019, two new models were introduced, the ES-LV67 (no cleaning station) and ES-LV97 (includes a cleaning station).

The Panasonic ES-LV67 launched in 2019.

This was mostly a visual update as the shavers featured a new design; however, the foil and blades remained unchanged and so did the cleaning stations.

Here’s a detailed review of these two models.

3. The third generation Arc 5 (launched in September 2015).

This was quite a big update as the new Arc 5 shavers came with a completely new design (some models featuring a metal body) and new outer foils that are better suited for sensitive skin.

The new Arc 5 outer foil with the two golden rollers for improved comfort.

From the introduction of the original third-generation Arc 5 (also called revision A), Panasonic has released 6 more revisions.

As such, we currently have the following:

Revision A 

This lineup includes shavers like the ES-LV9A-S (international model, automatic cleaning station), ES-LV6A-S (international model, no cleaning station).

They use the same automatic cleaning stations as the second generation Arc 5 — however, they have different part numbers and the new shavers won’t fit in the older stations.

The models for the American market are named ES-LV9N and ES-LV6N, but they are identical to the international ones.

Third generation Panasonic Arc 5 ES-LV9N-S

Currently, these Arc 5 models are being phased out and are gradually replaced by the newer revisions.

Revision B

In September 2016 Panasonic released a minor update to this third generation Arc 5, called revision B.

You can differentiate them from the previous 2015 international models by the use of the letter B in their names instead of A (for example, ES-LV9B-S, ES-LV6B-S).

The improvements of this revision B consist in the use of a textured material for the thumb rest instead of a smooth finish, an increase in the front-to-back tilt angle of the head (from 17 to 20 degrees) and a low battery alarm. More details here.

I personally don’t consider these changes to affect the actual shaving performance in any significant way.

Just like the previous iteration, these models have been discontinued and can’t be bought anymore.

Revisions C and D

Panasonic also introduced the revisions C and D for this third-generation Arc 5 in 2017.

You can read a comprehensive guide on what this update brings in terms of features here, but it’s basically a new design, a slightly revised outer foil, and some other new features, like smart unlock function (available on specific models) and a more complex flexible head.

Panasonic Arc 5 ES-LV9Q (rev C)

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These new shavers (ES-LV9C, ES-LV9Q, ES-LV6Q, ES-LV9D, etc.) were not officially released in the USA, but they can be bought from Asia, Europe or Australia.

However, you can still get them on sites like Amazon.

Revision E

The E models (like ES-LV9EX, ES-LV9E, etc.) are only available on the Japanese domestic market.

This is a minor, incremental update and the shavers are extremely similar in terms of design and features with the previous C and D revisions.

For more details, you can check out this guide.

Revision F

In 2020, the revision F was introduced, also limited to the Japanese domestic market.

The differences from the previous revision E are minor, consisting mainly of a slightly revised design and some new colorways.

The things that really matter — the foil and inner blades and the motor — have remained the same.

For more details, I wrote a comprehensive guide on the revision F.

Revision G

This is currently the latest Arc 5 iteration and it was introduced in 2021 in Japan.

Unfortunately, it’s not available in the USA or Europe, so the only option is to import the shaver from Japan (that’s what I did).

The Panasonic Arc 5 ES-LV5U (revision G).

The G revision comes with a new outer foil that is supposedly better at catching longer, flat-lying hairs.

Other than that, there aren’t any noteworthy changes.

For more info, you can check out my revision G guide or the review of the Arc 5 ES-LV5U.

That pretty much concludes the overview of the different Arc 5 generations.

In this article, I’ll mainly refer to the latest (third) generation of Arc 5 rev C shavers and to the second generation when putting them against the Series 9.

Further reading: for all the details and model names, you can check out my comprehensive Arc 5 buying guide.

This may seem overwhelming, but considering the price, availability, and performance, we’ll only really be concerned with the generation 2 Arc 5 (with models like the ES-LV65 or ES-LV67) and the generation 3 revision C (ES-LV9Q, ES-LV6Q).

The rest (D through G revisions) are not readily available outside Japan, are usually pricey, and the performance differences are really not worth the trouble of getting them.

Besides, the latest foils are backward compatible, so you can actually upgrade an older Arc 5 (more details on that later on).

Braun Series 9

The Series 9 is Braun’s current flagship shaver.

The older Series 7 was getting a bit long in the tooth and Braun needed a new product to maintain its top position in the foil shavers segment.

And with the Series 9, it achieved precisely that.

At the moment of writing, there are basically four generations of Series 9 shavers:

1. The original Series 9.

The shavers for the American market are the 9095cc (automatic cleaning station, wet/dry use), 9090cc (automatic cleaning station, dry only use), 9093s (no cleaning station, wet/dry use).

First-generation Braun Series 9 9095cc.

While choosing one variation over another comes down to your personal needs, the shaving performance is identical throughout the entire line.

The shavers in this first generation were however discontinued and can’t be bought anymore.

2. The second generation Series 9.

These updated models start with 92 instead of 90: 9290cc, 9291cc, 9293s, 9297cc, etc.

Braun Series 9 9291cc

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The update is minor and mainly consists of a Titanium Nitride coated HyperLift & Cut Trimmer:

The older shavers featured a blue HyperLift & Cut element that was prone to breaking according to some user reports. This was supposedly one of the reasons behind the updated Series 9 shavers.

Also, all the new Series 9 are suitable for wet & dry use.

As mentioned previously, you can identify the newer models by the distinct golden color of the trimmer (it used to be blue on the previous models) and the 92XX model names (the older ones use a 90XX template).

The shaving head of the Series 9 9290cc with the updated, Titanium coated trimmer.

As you probably guessed, this doesn’t improve the actual performance in a significant way, but it most likely solves a potential problem with the older shaving head that would sometimes fall apart after just months of use.

The original and updated Series 9 generations are currently available and their price can vary quite a bit, so I highly recommend doing a bit of online research before buying one.

3. The third generation Series 9.

In 2019, Braun released yet another minor update to the Series 9 family of shavers.

Braun Series 9 9390cc

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The third-gen models start with 93: 9385cc, 9390cc, 9370cc, 9330s, etc. and were initially only available in Europe and Asia.

Fortunately, they were released in the USA as well in 2020.

As expected, the performance is basically identical to the previous 92xx models.

The only real novelty is a larger battery that can provide up to 60 minutes of cordless operation (as opposed to 50 in the case of the previous) and some minor visual updates (new Graphite color option, white backlighting for the LED display and so on).

The new Series 9 9385cc in the Graphite colorway.

Here’s my review of the 9385cc model if you want all the details.

4. The fourth Series 9 generation (aka the Pro Series 9)

Finally, we get to the latest 2021 Series 9 generation, the Pro.

Braun Series 9 Pro 9460cc

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This is probably the most notable update since the release of the original models.

The main novelty is the updated shaving head (cassette) that features a revised HyperLift & Cut element that is now called a ProLift trimmer.

It should be even better than before and allow the Series 9 Pro to shave a 7-day beard (according to Braun).

After reviewing the Series 9 Pro 9477cc, I can also add that the shaver is also more powerful and just bites into the hairs harder.

Tip: the new Pro shaving head (94M cassette) is backward compatible, so you can actually upgrade a standard Series 9 with it.

Further reading: I also wrote a comprehensive post outlining the differences between the various Series 9 models.

With that out of the way, let’s get to the most important part: the differences between the Panasonic Arc 5 and the Braun Series 9 and how the shavers stack up against each other for the things that matter the most.

Panasonic Arc 5 vs Braun Series 9: shaving performance

Shaving performance is likely the most important aspect to factor in when buying an electric razor.

And since we’re analyzing two of the most advanced shavers on the market, we’re going to divide the shaving performance into 4 distinct parts as there are lots of important aspects to address and both the Arc 5 and Series 9 have their pros and cons.

  1. The closeness of the shave
  2. Comfort
  3. Shaving longer, curly, flat-lying hairs
  4. Wet & dry use

Please note that shaving is a very personal matter and a lot of these considerations are based on anecdotal findings and they should serve as general guidelines when trying to decide which one would suit you better.

1. The closeness of the shave

As I’ve mentioned several times before, I personally find foil shavers to provide the closest shaves.

And among the different foil shavers ou there, Panasonic is the best in my opinion when it comes strictly to the closeness of the shave.

The Arc 5 is one of Panasonic’s top-of-the-line shavers and it absolutely shines when it comes to performance.

The shaving head of the Arc 5 ES-LV67 (second generation).

Don’t get me wrong, the Series 9 is an extremely capable razor and most men will be satisfied with the closeness it provides, particularly the Pro Series 9. But the Arc 5 definitely has the edge here.

So how does Panasonic manage to offer a close shave that’s comparable to what you’ll get from a razor blade? Well, there’s a combination of several things that work together seamlessly.

Starting with the shaving head, the curvature (arch) of the foils allows optimal contact with the skin.

The slightly curved shaving elements of the Panasonic Arc 5.

Then we have Panasonic’s extremely sharp blades that have a very aggressive 30 degrees bevel and cut the hairs clean and efficiently.

The exposed inner blades of a Panasonic ES-LV65-S. The other 3 are built into the foil itself.

Finally, there’s the very powerful 14 000 CPM motor and, as far as I know, it’s the fastest unit fitted to any shaver.

In fact, Panasonic uses an almost as fast motor even on their lower end shavers, the Arc 3.

The result? The Arc 5 is arguably the closest shaving electric shaver you can buy today.

And this is also true in the case of older generation Arc 5, like the ES-LV65-S or ES-LV67-K, which are still fantastic performers when it comes to closeness, but can now be bought at a great price.

Panasonic Arc 5 ES-LV65-S

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The ES-LV65-S is particularly appealing as it offers fantastic value for money; performance-wise, it’s among the best shavers you can currently buy.

You can also check out my full review where I cover every aspect in great detail.

All Arc 5 models from the second generation and up are really similar when it comes to closeness, so you should get one according to your budget and availability in your country.

But the ES-LV65-S is usually the best pick, with the newer ES-LV67 being a great alternative if you can get it for less money.

Panasonic Arc 5 ES-LV67-K

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Tip: the last letter in the Arc 5 model name only stands for the color and it’s sometimes left out: -S (silver), -K (black), -A (blue) etc. So for example, ES-LV65 and ES-LV65-S refer to the exact same shaver.

2. Comfort

While Panasonic is better when it comes strictly to closeness, Braun has set the benchmark in the comfort department with the Series 7.

And with the Series 9, it has taken things one notch higher.

With a redesigned shaving head, a more powerful motor, and an additional cutting element, the Braun Series 9 is a highly capable shaver. And it is supremely comfortable and gentle to the skin.

Braun Series 9 9390cc

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Shaving with the Series 9 feels effortless and it is a truly enjoyable experience.

Fun fact: the regular Series 9 is in my experience even more comfortable than the Pro. The Pro isn’t quite as gentle and forgiving, but still excellent.

The foils remain cool during use and you’ll really have to struggle to make the Series 9 cause any noticeable discomfort.

However, with the Arc 5 there’s a small trade-off in comfort for that extreme closeness and the Arc 5 is not as forgiving as the Series 9.

Applying more pressure and going repeatedly over a sensitive area can cause irritation. The foils also tend to generate some heat during use, which is not ideal for sensitive skin.

The newest Arc 5 shavers (third-generation like the ES-LV9Q, ES-LV6Q) use comfort rollers to prevent excessive pressure and allow the shaving head to glide smoothly over the skin.

The shaving head of the latest generation Arc 5 shavers with the two golden comfort rollers.

This definitely improves the comfort compared to the previous generations, but the Series 9 is still on top.

To sum it up, the Braun Series 9 would be the better choice for someone with very sensitive, irritation-prone skin.

3. Shaving longer, curly, flat-lying hairs

This is the Achilles’ heel of most electric shavers and the majority of them fall short in these situations.

It is particularly the case with lower-end foil shavers that only perform decently when used for shaving short stubble.

The more advanced electric razors usually fare better in this regard and have specially designed cutting elements to tackle longer, flat-lying hairs.

This is also the reason why an advanced razor is recommended if you’re not planning on shaving daily.

Arc 5 vs Series 9 shaving heads.

The Arc 5 uses a special trimmer called a Quick Comb Blade that catches longer hairs and cuts them to a more manageable size so they can be captured by the foils.

This trimmer is flanked by two Lift-Tech Foils that supposedly lift and cut flat-lying hairs.

Arc 5 shaving head: 2 Finishing foils (1), Lift-Tech Foils (2), Quick Comb Blade (3)

The Braun Series 9 uses a HyperLift & Cut or a ProLift trimmer (the golden cutter in the picture below) that was originally found on the Series 7 (and worked quite well) to tackle the hairs that lie flat on the skin.

The novelty of the Series 9 is the Direct & Cut trimmer that captures longer hairs that grow in different directions.

Braun’s implementation of these specially designed trimmers seems to be superior.

They work in a synergistic manner and allow the Series 9 to perform better than pretty much any other foil shaver when it comes to cutting longer, flat-lying hairs that tend to curl or grow in different directions.

So if you plan on shaving every 3 days or more and have flat-lying hairs that grow in multiple directions, the Series 9 or Series 9 Pro would be the more sensible choice.

The Arc 5 requires more strokes to get all the tricky hairs and this can also irritate the skin.

Even the latest revision G Arc 5 is only slightly better than the older models when it comes to shaving a longer beard.

With shorter hairs, the Panasonic Arc 5 and Braun Series 9 are equally impressive and will mow through even the coarsest beards with ease.

4. Wet & dry use

Wet shaving with an electric razor can improve the closeness and particularly the comfort of the shave. This can be a great option for men with very sensitive skin.

All Panasonic Arc 5 shavers are suitable for wet & dry use (with the exception of a few new models marked as washable), while the first-generation Series 9 offers both wet & dry (9095cc, 9093s) and dry only shavers (9090cc).

The latest iterations of the Series 9 and Pro are all suitable for wet/dry use (9290cc, 9291cc, 9293s, 9390cc, etc.).

This may vary from one user to another, but I find Panasonic shavers to work better with shaving cream compared to Braun.

Precisely, the comfort is improved to a higher degree and the shaver also deals better with flat-lying hairs.

With the Series 9, the dry shaving performance is already really good in this regard, so for most users, I don’t think it’s worth the extra prep work and cleaning.

And I say cleaning because both Panasonic and Braun recommend cleaning the shavers manually of any foam before using a cleaning station.

So if you want to use a Series 9 cc or an Arc 5 with shaving cream, you’ll have to clean all the lather manually and dry your shaver before using the cleaning base.

And that takes away some of the benefits of having an automatic cleaning station.

Braun even put a sticker on the Series 9 cleaning station that clearly depicts this:

For these reasons, and also due to the fact that the Panasonic Arc 5 performs better when used with shaving cream, my advice is this:

  • Choose the Series 9 if you’re mainly going to use it for dry shaving. I would personally choose a variation that includes a cleaning station, like the 9390cc or 9370cc.
  • Choose the Panasonic Arc 5 if you’re also going to shave with cream or gel. The comfort of the shave will be improved and the Arc 5 is also easier to clean manually, so you might as well buy a cheaper model that doesn’t come with a station.

Build quality and ergonomics

A pioneer in industrial design, Braun was often praised for the simple, but ingenious design solutions used in their manufacturing process.

The high-quality materials and flawless finishing were also a highlight of their products.

And this was the norm for many years. However, things have changed with the introduction of the two lines of shavers discussed here.

So how does the Panasonic Arc 5 fare against the Series 9 when it comes to build quality?

Very good, actually.

Braun’s flagship is made entirely out of plastic, with either a matte or a chrome/glossy finish.

The Silver color of some models (like the 9290cc, 9370cc or 9390cc) uses a matte, frosted finish and it’s better when compared to the glossy ones.

The Braun Series 9 9290cc in the silver matte color finish.

The chrome or glossy finish is a fingerprint magnet and will likely begin to tarnish in time. The use of plastic also makes the razor feel less premium.

Panasonic has upped their game with the latest iteration of the Arc 5 line which now features an all-metal body (selected models like the ES-LV9N, ES-LV9Q, ES-CV51, etc.).

This is a clear departure from the older generation, which had a plastic body and a more in-your-face design.

The compact Panasonic Arc 5 ES-CV51/ES-CV70 with a brushed aluminum body

The metal body of the new Arc 5 has a brushed/matte finish that looks and feels outstanding and the whole design just oozes quality.

Even the Arc 5 models that are made entirely out of plastic feel solid and premium, especially when compared side by side with the Series 9.

The Arc 5 revision G features an all-plastic body.

The intricate and massive shaving head, with its distinct golden comfort rollers, is an impressive feat of engineering.

Panasonic Arc 5 ES-LV9Q (revision C)

See the price on Amazon

So the tides have turned and the new Panasonic Arc 5 takes the lead in the aesthetics and build quality department.

The second generation Arc 5 is made out of plastic, but to me it still feels sturdier compared to the Series 9.

As far as ergonomics go, both the Arc 5 and the Series 9 score quite well.

The Series 9 has a slimmer shaving head as it “only” has 4 cutting elements and this makes it somewhat more nimble.

The Series 9 Pro held in hand.

The Panasonic Arc 5 has a massive shaving head and may seem awkward at first, but you will get used to its proportions.

It feels well balanced in the hand and the textured rubber material on the sides and back ensure a very secure grip.

Also, the latest Arc 5 (generation 3) has probably the most adaptable shaving head of any foil razor.

This can be useful when shaving difficult areas that are problematic for foil shavers, like right beneath the jawline.

However, in my experience the Series 9 with its simple shaving head and the greater range of motion of the 4 foils was actually better at maintaining contact with the skin.

The range of motion of the Series 9 shaving head.

None of the two however is ideal for finesse work (shaving around a goatee or the sideburns) due to the large shaving heads. Both feature a head locking mechanism that comes in handy in these situations.

The long hair trimmers found on the Panasonic Arc 5 and the Braun Series 9 are different in the way they are designed, but both are suitable for light grooming and touch-ups.

The Arc 5 uses the same design as all Panasonic shavers, with the trimmer placed behind and perpendicular to the shaving head.

The Series 9 has a trimmer that slides forward but doesn’t extend beyond the shaving head.

In both cases the trimmer is slightly obscured by the massive heads, but you can sort of get around this problem by removing the foils and blades before using the trimmer.

Removing the inner blades and foil frame on the ES-LV65-S Arc 5 allows you to use the trimmer without the shaving head getting in the way.

I personally find the trimmer on the Arc 5 a lot better; it just seems to be sharper and to cut the hairs clean with fewer strokes.

Automatic and manual cleaning

When deciding whether the Panasonic Arc 5 or the Braun Series 9 would be a better fit for you, the automatic cleaning stations deserve a separate topic.

And that’s because there are quite a few things to consider here.

Traditionally, Braun’s cleaning stations were superior when compared to those of the competition. They use alcohol, do an excellent job of cleaning and sanitizing the shaver, they are quiet, fast and efficient.

But most importantly, they’re practical and somewhat necessary.

So if we were to compare the first generation Arc 5 shavers and the Series 9, I would simply tell you to skip the station for the Panasonic shavers and go for it if you were to choose a Braun.

With the second generation Arc 5, Panasonic also updated the cleaning stations.

They now use concentrated detergent gel instead of cleaning cartridges and it must be mixed with water in the station’s tray.

The cleaning bases are also more compact in size compared to the previous ones.

Panasonic ES-LV95-S Arc 5

See the price on Amazon

The switch to the detergent sachets is also economical. They are cheap to buy and also last longer than Braun’s cleaning cartridges.

This means that the cost associated with the cleaning stations can be lower in the case of the Arc 5 shavers when using the OEM cleaning solutions.

With Panasonic you also have the option to just dry the shaver; however, you can’t do that with Braun’s cleaning stations as you’ll always have to perform a complete cleaning cycle.

For these reasons I can safely state that the automatic cleaning stations that come with the newer Arc 5 shavers (second and third generations) are at least as good as Braun’s.

If you really want a cleaning station with your Arc 5, my recommendation would be to consider a model that includes one if you’re buying a second or third generation Arc 5 and skip it if you’re going for a razor from the first generation.

Those stations were very bulky and would sometimes leak and these two problems were addressed with the second and third generation Arc 5.

Or you can skip it regardless and save some money as Panasonic razors are dead easy to clean manually.

Cleaning the Arc 5 with water.

This would actually be my personal choice.

Regarding the Series 9, definitely consider a model that comes with the Clean & Renew station, like the 9370cc, 9385cc, 9390cc, etc.

The Series 9 during the automatic cleaning cycle.

Braun shavers are more difficult to clean manually due to the fact that the blades and foils are integrated into one piece, called a cassette.

In time, hairs and dirt can remain lodged inside.

The very intricate inner part of the Braun Series 9 shaving head makes it difficult to clean manually.

This is when the station can be very useful. You don’t have to use it after every shave; in fact, I recommend you not to.

Only perform an automatic cleaning once a week or so and in the meantime remove the cartridge from the station, put the plastic cap back on to avoid the evaporation of the cleaning fluid and store them safely in a cabinet.

This is where Braun cleaning stations are a lot more practical compared to Panasonic.

You also have a lot more options for cheap third-party cleaning solutions (more details in the next section).

On the other hand, Panasonic shavers are dead easy to clean, so if you decide to skip the station and save some money it won’t be such a big deal.

The blades and foils of the Arc 5 can be separated, making it easier to clean all the hair clippings and dirt from the shaving head.

The Arc 5 foil block offers easy access for thorough cleaning.

Panasonic also has a special cleaning mode, called sonic mode, activated by turning the shaver on, then pressing and holding the ON/OFF switch for 2 seconds.

This makes the blades vibrate really fast, dislodging any debris and dirt. It also prevents water splashes.

Important: third and fourth generation Braun Series 9 solo models (like the 9330s or 9419s) will work with a compatible station purchased later on (type 5430). A Panasonic Arc 5 bought without a station (like the ES-LV65-S) will not work with one.

To sum it up:

  • If the Series 9/Series 9 Pro is a better fit for you, go for one that includes a cleaning station — it’s a necessary evil.
  • If the Panasonic Arc 5 is your pick, skip the cleaning station for the first generation; for the second and third it’s up to you to decide if the added convenience of automatic cleaning is worth the extra money. Again, they are not really necessary.

Price and value for money

When assessing the costs of the Panasonic Arc 5 vs the Braun Series 9, we must consider three components:

  • Purchase price
  • Replacement foils & blades
  • Cleaning cartridges/detergent (optional)

Also, please note that the availability and price of these parts can vary tremendously and I’ll do my best to keep this post updated and relevant.

Newly launched products are usually expensive and that was (and still is to some extent) the case with the Braun Series 9 and the latest Panasonic Arc 5 models.

So here’s an overview of the situation at the moment of writing.

Braun Series 9

The first and second-generation Braun Series 9 have been discontinued and can’t really be bought anymore in most countries.

Therefore, the third generation (93xx) is currently the Series 9 to get in most cases.

My picks would be the cheapest cc models you can find.

Those are usually the 9390cc/9385cc, but also the 9370cc (particularly for US-based users).

Braun Series 9 9390cc

See the price on Amazon

If you’re absolutely certain you won’t be needing the cleaning station, you can get a solo Series 9 like the 9330s.

It’s usually cheaper and the shaving performance will be identical. In fact, the differences between all the models in a generation only come down to color, accessories, cleaning station and so on.

As for the Series 9 Pro, you will need to up your budget, especially for the models that include the cleaning station and the new power case (like the 9477cc).

I would personally buy the Pro over the regular one if I could get a nice discount for it.

The replacement shaving heads for the Series 9 are now pretty reasonably priced as well; they were difficult to find at first, but are now widely available.

Braun Series 9 92s/92b/92M shaving head

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The 94M of the Pro model is also beginning to show up on various stores, but it is usually more expensive.

As mentioned earlier, you will be able to use it on the older Series 9 shavers.

Regarding the price of the cleaning solution, your costs should be around $2 to $3 per month. This depends on the price of the cartridges (which can vary) and how often you use the station.

Also, buying them in bulk (a pack of 4 for example) will usually mean a lower price per cartridge.

Braun Clean and Renew Cartridges

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Due to Braun’s popularity, especially in the USA, there are a lot of cheaper cleaning solutions.

Some of them must be mixed with rubbing alcohol, while others come ready-made. You can check out this article for more details.

Please do keep in mind that being alcohol-based, the fluid tends to evaporate fast and the cartridges will need to be replaced more often.

To avoid this, make sure to remove the cartridge from the base and put the cap back if you’re not using the cleaning station daily.

For more details on how to make a Braun cleaning cartridge last longer, check out this guide.

To sum it up: apart from the OEM replacement cassettes that are still pricey, the Series 9 is looking decent in terms of overall costs, at least for a high-end electric shaver.

Panasonic Arc 5

As mentioned previously, there are three generations of Arc 5 shavers and all of them are still available.

Unsurprisingly, the older ones can be found at a great price, especially the models in the second generation that don’t come with a cleaning station.

And since they can be easily cleaned manually, they represent a fantastic option for someone on a tighter budget.

The Panasonic ES-LV65-S Arc 5 below would be my personal pick in this case.

Panasonic Arc 5 ES-LV65-S

See the price on Amazon

The ES-LV67 would also be a good alternative if the ES-LV65-S is not available (or it costs more).

And at least in the UK/Europe, that seems to be the case more often and the blue ES-LV67-A is usually very reasonably priced.

Panasonic Arc 5 ES-LV67-A

See on

Regarding the latest Arc 5 models, the price is pretty high at the moment, higher than the price of a Series 9. But if this is not an issue, they really are fantastic performers and definitely Panasonic’s best shavers yet.

The ES-LV9Q or, better yet, the ES-LV6Q (no cleaning station) would be my picks.

One of the most significant improvements of the second and third generations Arc 5 was the cleaning station.

The detergent sachets are cheap and the monthly cost is even lower compared to Braun’s OEM solution.

Panasonic WES4L03 detergent (3 count)

See the price on Amazon

Also, since they don’t use alcohol, you won’t have to worry about any evaporation issues.

The ES-LV95-S (second generation) comes with the same cleaning station as the latest generation Arc 5, but the shaver and particularly the replacement foils and blades cost less.

It is an excellent budget Arc 5 if you also want the convenience of a cleaning station.

Panasonic ES-LV95-S Arc 5

See the price on Amazon

The Panasonic replacement foils and blades used to be pretty expensive compared to the ones for similar Braun shavers.

For the second generation Arc 5, they are not however significantly more expensive than the cassette used by the Series 9.

WES9032(P) Foil and blades set

See the price on Amazon

Regarding the latest Arc 5, the foil & blades sets are more expensive and more difficult to get.

In its defense, the third gen Arc 5 is newer, so the price will probably go down in the future. Again, this is where the older Arc 5 can be a great option as the foils and blades are priced a bit lower.

TIP: the new Arc 5 outer foils that feature the golden rollers are backward compatible with the first and second generation models, so you can safely use them. Here’s a complete guide on the Arc 5 foils and blades.

Takeaway: The Panasonic Arc 5 can also offer excellent value for money, especially in the case of the older models.

The low price of the detergent will reduce the cost of ownership — in the case of second and third generation Arc 5.

Regarding the latest models, the foils & blades sets are still expensive and sometimes difficult to find (you can order them directly from Panasonic as well).

In conclusion, I would say that the Panasonic Arc 5 and Braun Series 9 are pretty similar in terms of overall costs.

Final word

This concludes our Panasonic Arc 5 vs Braun Series 9 comparison. By now you should hopefully have a slight bias towards the shaver that looks like a better fit for you.

The Panasonic Arc 5 and Braun Series 9 are fantastic performers, but depending on your particular needs, choosing one over the other can make more sense.

Also, there are currently 3 Arc 5 generations and particularly the second one can still be a great budget-friendly alternative.

Regarding the original and updated Series 9, just buy the one you can find at a more reasonable price as the performance will be the same and the new shaving heads are backward compatible.

Finally, since these are probably the best foil shavers on the market, it’s hard to think that you won’t be happy with either of the two.

Is Braun or Panasonic shaver better?

After nine weeks testing ten designs side by side, we picked the Panasonic – Arc3 as best electric razor. With blades that cut close and a motor that doesn't let you down in tough stubble, this shaver is also a great value. If your follicles and skin are especially sensitive, we recommend the Braun – Series 7 razor.

Is the Braun Series 9 worth the money?

Final Verdict. If you can afford it, the Braun Series 9 Pro is worth the investment. It's easily the most efficient razor I've tried and delivers a shave that's nearly unparalleled when it comes to electric razors. The extra bells and whistles, especially the Power Case, are icing on the cake.

Which electric razor is rated the best?

The Best Electric Razor.
Our pick. Braun Series 7 7071cc. The best electric razor for most faces. ... .
Upgrade pick. Braun Series 9 9370cc. Superior performance for heavy growth. ... .
Budget pick. Remington F5-5800. Adequate performance, affordable price. ... .
Also great. Philips Norelco Shaver 9300. The best rotary option..

Are Panasonic shavers any good?

As their flagship shaver, the Arc 5 has always been at the very top in this regard. Luckily, the 2021 models are still at least as good as the previous ones when it comes to closeness. In short, they're fantastic. I think anyone switching from any previous shaver to the new Panasonic Arc 5 will be impressed by it.


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