Reaction between acid and salt is called

general word equation:acid+metal hydroxide→salt+waterhydrochloric acid example :hydrochloric acid+metal hydroxide→metal chloride+waternitric acid example :nitric acid+metal hydroxide→metal nitrate+watersulfuric acid example :sulfuric acid+metal hydroxide→metal sulfate+waterphosphoric acid example :phosphoric acid+metal hydroxide→metal phosphate+water

  • The chemical reaction between an acid and a base (metal hydroxide) is called a neutralisation reaction (or neutralization reaction).
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    Determining the Products of the Chemical Reaction Between an Acid and a Base

    If you place some hydrochloric acid in a test tube with a drop of universal indicator, the solution will turn red.
    If we then start to add a base, such as sodium hydroxide, the universal indicator will change colour from red-orange to yellow-green, and if you continue to add base you might even make the indicator change colour to blue.
    This change in colour tells us that a chemical reaction has taken place.

    If we repeat this experiment without using the universal indicator, we could boil off the liquid and find that at about 100°C the temperature doesn't change until all the liquid has boiled off.
    The boiling point of water is about 100°C, so we can identify this liquid as water.(2)
    When all the water has boiled off, we would be left with a white solid which is a salt.

    You could repeat this chemical reaction using a different acid, sulfuric acid.
    In this experiment you add sodium hydroxide to some sulfuric acid in a test tube with a drop of universal indicator.
    As the sodium hydroxide is slowly added to the sulfuric acid, the universal indicator changes colour from red-orange to yellow-green (and maybe even to blue).
    You could boil off all the liquid and find that it boils at the boiling point of water (about 100°C), and, when all the water has boiled off you would be left with another white solid, another salt.

    From these two experiments we could generalise and say that sodium hydroxide will react with an acid to produce a salt and water.
    We can write a word equation to represent this chemical reaction:

    reactants→productssodium hydroxide+acid→salt+water

    What if you repeat these experiments using a different base, potassium hydroxide for example?
    If we add potassium hydroxide to hydrochloric acid with a drop of universal indicator, the indicator changes colour from red-orange to yellow-green (and maybe blue) and the liquid can be boiled off at about 100°C leaving a white salt.
    If we add potassium hydroxide to sulfuric acid with a drop of universal indicator, the indicator changes colour from red-orange to yellow-green (and maybe blue) and the liquid can be boiled off at about 100°C leaving a white salt.

    From these two experiments we could generalise and say that potassium hydroxide will react with an acid to produce a salt and water.
    We can write a word equation to represent this chemical reaction:

    reactants→productspotassium hydroxide+acid→salt+water

    From all of the above experiments, we could make an even more general statement about the products of a chemical reaction between an acid and a metal hydroxide (a base):

    A metal hydroxide reacts with an acid to produce a salt and water.

    and we could write a general word equation to describe this generalisation:

    reactants→productsmetal hydroxide+acid→salt+waterbase+acid→salt+water

    But what is the "salt" made up of? (3)

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    Naming the Salt Produced in the Reaction Between an Acid and a Metal Hydroxide (base)

    The salt produced when a metal hydroxide reacts with an acid will be made up of 2 parts:

    • a metal (the metal from the metal hydroxide used in the experiment)
    • a non-metal (from the acid used in the experiment)

    The name of the salt is written as two words:

    • first word is the name of the metal (from the metal hydroxide)
    • second word depends on the acid used:

      (i) chloride (if hydrochloric acid is used)

      (ii) nitrate (if nitric acid is used)

      (iii) sulfate (if sulfuric acid is used)

      (iv) phosphate (if phosphoric acid is used)

    So, in general, the name of the salt produced when a metal hydroxide reacts with an acid will be either:

    • metal chloride (if hydrochloric acid is used)
    • metal nitrate (if nitric acid is used)
    • metal sulfate (if sulfuric acid is used)
    • metal phosphate (if phosphoric acid is used)

    Therefore, we can write some general word equations to describe the chemical reaction between a metal hydroxide and an acid that produces a salt and water:

     reactants→productsgeneral word equation:metal hydroxide+acid→salt+waterExample :metal hydroxide+hydrochloric acid→metal chloride+waterExample :metal hydroxide+nitric acid→metal nitrate+waterExample :metal hydroxide+sulfuric acid→metal sulfate+waterExample :metal hydroxide+phosphoric acid→metal phosphate+water

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    De-coding a Word Equation for the Reaction Between an Acid and a Base (metal hydroxide)

    Recall the following facts:

    • In a word equation the reactants are written on the left hand side of the arrow and each reactant is separated by a plus sign (+)
    • In a word equation the products are written on the right hand side of the arrow and each product is separated by a plus sign (+)
    • The name of the base will be two words: metal hydroxide
    • The name of the acid will be two words, the second word will be acid.
    • The name of the salt will be two words, the name of the metal is the first word, the second word comes from the name of the acid used.
    • Water will also be a product when a metal hydroxide reacts with an acid.
    • For the chemical reaction between an acid and a metal hydroxide (base), the products are a salt and water.

      metal hydroxide + acid → salt + water

    If we are given the following word equation:

    calcium hydroxide + hydrochloric acid → calcium chloride + water

    then we can identify the reactants and products of the chemical reaction:

    reactants→productscalcium hydroxide + hydrochloric acid→calcium chloride + water

    The reactants are:

    • calcium hydroxide
    • hydrochloric acid

    The products are:

    • calcium chloride (4)
    • water

    We can also identify the base and acid reactants, and the salt and water produced:

    reactants→productsbase+acid→salt+watercalcium hydroxide+hydrochloric acid→calcium chloride+water

    • base is calcium hydroxide
    • acid is hydrochloric acid
    • salt is calcium chloride
    • liquid is water

    And we can infer what the experimenter may have done: some calcium hydroxide was added to some hydrochloric acid.

    And we can infer what the experimenter may have observed if an indicator had been added to the acid while the base was added: indicator changed colour.

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    Acid + Base Word Equation Problem Solving

    The Problem: Chris the Chemist added a drop of phenolphthalein indicator to some nitric acid in a beaker. The solution in the beaker was colourless.

    Then Chris carefully placed 1 pellet of white sodium hydroxide in the beaker and stirred slowly with a glass stirring rod until the pellet of sodium hydroxide had disappeared completely.

    Initially, the solution around the pellet turned pink, but turned colourless while Chris stirred.

    Eventually, the pink colour remained permanently and the pellet of sodium hydroxide had disappeared.

    Write a word equation to describe the chemical reaction between nitric acid and sodium hydroxide.

    The Solution to the Problem

    (using the StoPGoPS approach to problem solving)

    STOPSTOP! State the Question. What is the question asking you to do?

    Write a word equation for the chemical reaction between sodium hydroxide and nitric aicd.

    PAUSEPAUSE to Prepare a Game Plan (1) What information (data) have you been given in the question?

    (a) Name of the reactants: sodium hydroxide and nitric acid

    (b) Evidence of a chemical reaction: indicator changed colour

    (2) What is the relationship between what you know and what you need to find out?

    General word equation: acid + metal hydroxide → salt + water

    The name of the salt will be 2 words: the first word is the name of the metal from the metal hydroxide, the second word comes from the name of the acid:

    hydrochloric acid → metal chloride

    nitric acid → metal nitrate

    sulfuric acid → metal sulfate

    phosphoric acid → metal phosphate

    GOGO with the Game Plan General word equation:reactants→products General word equation:base+acid→salt+waterGeneral word equation:metal hydroxide+nitric acid→metal nitrate+waterSubstitute the name of each reactant and each product into the general word equation:word equation:sodium hydroxide+nitric acid→sodium nitrate+waterPAUSEPAUSE to Ponder Plausibility Have you answered the question?

    Yes, we have written a word equation for the reaction between and sodium hydroxide and nitric acid.

    Is your answer plausible?

    De-code the word equation you wrote to try to re-create Chris's experiment.

    The reactants are sodium hydroxide and nitric acid, so Chris added sodium hydroxide to nitric acid.

    If Chris added an indicator to the acid then a colour change would be observed as the base (sodium hydroxide) reacted with the acid (nitric acid). Note that Chris would not observe the formation of the salt because it would be soluble, but Chris could evaporate off the liquid in which case a white solid would remain which would be the sodium nitrate salt.

    Since we can de-code our word equation to arrive at what Chris actually did and what was observed, we are confident our word equation is correct.

    STOPSTOP! State the Solution 

    sodium hydroxide + nitric acid → sodium nitrate + water


    (1) We will be using the Arrhenius definition of acids and bases for this tutorial.
    Acids include: inorganic acids like dilute sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid and nitric acid, and organic acids like acetic acid found in vinegar.
    Bases also include aqueous solutions of ammonia referred to as ammonium hydroxide.

    (2) The temperature that water boils at will depend on where you are.
    If you happen to be in place where atmospheric pressure is 1 atmosphere, then water will boil at 100°C.
    If you are above sea-level, up a hill or a mountain, then the boiling point of water will less than 100°C
    If you reduce the air pressure enough, such as in a evacuated bell jar, you can boil water at room temperature!

    (3) We could perform some tests on the salt to determine what it is made up of:

    (i) Flame Test: identifies the metal by the colour of its flame.

    (ii) Solubility Tests: identifies the anion by precipitation of an insoluble solid:

    (a) Add barium nitrate: if a precipitate forms the salt solution contain sulfate.

    (b) If no precipitate forms in (a) then add silver nitrate solution, if a precipitate forms the salt solution contains chloride.

    What is the reaction between salt and acid?

    A salt consists of the positive ion (cation) of a base and the negative ion (anion) of an acid. The reaction between an acid and a base is called a neutralization reaction. The term salt is also used to refer specifically to common table salt, or sodium chloride.

    What is name of reaction between acid and base?

    A type of reaction in which an acid reacts with a base to form salt and water, is called neutralisation reaction. General form of neutalisation reaction is: Acid + Base → Salt + Water.

    What type of reaction is this acid base

    Neutralisation is a reaction between an acid and an alkali that forms a salt and water. Salts are odourless and have a salty taste, and many are soluble in water. Common examples include sodium chloride, potassium iodide, calcium carbonate and copper sulfate. The pH scale is used to measure acidity and alkalinity.


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