Red Dead Redemption 2 PC optimization Reddit

It's in terms of performance cost, if they crank something up to maximum value (Ultra?) whatever the performance in terms of FPS is set to 100% performance cost.
You dial it down one notch and you gain x% in FPS, which means performance is y% better.
They also observe the visual impact of every setting, what it's supposed to do and how it looks on each step in the quality setting.
So they can say while the performance cost for X is very large, the visual quality loss of downgrading it to say High, isn't worth it (they explain what you may lose, visually).

The end result is a compromise between the FPS cost and visual fidelity.

You might still get shit FPS if you have a toaster for a PC, but I like this method because it serves a weight scale / guide for you, or at the very least a base.

Is Red Dead Redemption 2 PC Optimised?

Red Dead Redemption 2 PC Performance Guide: Best Graphics Settings for 60 FPS. Rockstar's blockbuster title, Red Dead Redemption 2 came to PC earlier this year, but the reception was less than positive. The performance optimization was sub-par and the game ran performed poorly even on the most powerful graphics cards.

Should I run RDR2 on Vulkan or dx12?

The way the game performs with these APIs can differ depending on what hardware is being used. Based on the earliest benchmarks are reports from players, Vulkan offers slightly higher average frame rates (< 5%), while DirectX 12 offers a slightly smoother experience overall (particularly on NVIDIA graphics cards).

How do I make RDR2 smoother?

If you want to squeeze the smoothest framerates out of RDR2, focus on the Favour Performance option. The second and third lowest slider presets are what you want if you're running the Western on Rockstar's recommended graphics cards – the Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB and AMD's Radeon RX 480 4GB.

Is DLSS good on RDR2?

DLSS is known for cleaning up edges better than most other anti-aliasing approaches out there, so while it's not exactly surprising to see this result, it still feels a bit like magic when the game not only runs faster but manages to look better than a native render at the same time.


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