Roarks attack on titan fan game outdated

It requires a completely new understanding of the 3DMG to fight things that actually move as opposed to the dummies. Unless you're approaching from behind and the titan hasn't seen you, you have to approach things differently.

You're looking for an opportunity, the titan won't just offer up its nape. Generally what i'm doing is sort of orbiting the titan getting closer every now and the to provoke a strike which generally is an opening. I'd also suggest getting really good at grab countering, if you counter a grab and you're quick enough on the mouse it's almost a guaranteed kill.

As for the new attack, I absolutely hated it for a while, but it's grown on me and I'm pretty sure it's for the better. It might take a few hours or days before you get used to it but it really is better. And when more attacks and specials are added it'll be particularly useful.

Don't bother with titan-locking it's pretty much useless

All in all, don't be discouraged by how hard the game is, that's the beauty of it, it's what keeps me coming back to play. Some plays I feel comfortable and can take down 10 or so titans before dying, other times I can barely handle one!

RAoT is a multiplayer, pvp-focused take on Attack on Titan.  Featuring 14 playable characters, 3 unique weapon classes, and 10 game modes supporting up to 32 players and 4 teams.

Compete online against others in a variety of combat-oriented and objective-based modes, or hone your skills offline in Training, Racing, and Free Roam.






Social Media

Here are our social media accounts! Click the images to be directed to them.

Linux and Mac Support

If you encounter issues using the launcher download below, or are not on Windows and are using Linux or Mac, then you can find a direct download of the game at the itch page here.


Development log

  • Update 6 for RAoT is LIVE!

    Aug 27, 2022

  • Update 5 for RAoT is LIVE!

    Jul 07, 2022

Where can I download Roark's AOT fan game?

It brings a launcher, discord integration, lobby presets, 32 player lobbies, and more! Download the game from!


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