Should babies hands be covered at night

Do you notice baby cold hands while sleeping happening? Hard to tell, right? Wouldn’t it be great if, for the most important things in life, our newly born infants could somehow communicate to us their needs?

Sure, they cry, but who is to say what each individual cry means? And because you aren’t sure, we’re willing to bet you’ll search your baby high and low to figure out what is bothering your little nugget so you can fix it.

The same is true of your baby’s temperature. You will have to do some searching, prodding and poking to figure out if your baby is too hot or cold because, honestly, simply feeling their feet or hands won’t cut it.

So, for all you mums and dads out there that are desperate to know how to keep your baby most comfortable in hot and cold weather at night, this article is for you!

Is It Normal for Babies to Have Cold Hands?

So, is it normal for babies to have cold hands?

Well, actually, it is!

Because circulation is often poor in infants and newborns, it can be expected that your little one’s hands, and even their feet, will run cold at times.

In fact, you may be alarmed to know that your baby’s feet may even develop a slightly blue hue despite the fact that it may be comfortably warm in the room. This is totally to be expected, and generally, isn’t anything to worry about.

What is to worry about, however, is whether or not your baby is too hot or too cold. Either one could potentially lead to illness and could potentially have a serious impact on your little one’s health, such as indicating a baby’s fever. But this can’t be assessed by touching your baby’s hands and feet, only.

Instead, place your hand on his or her upper back, or touch his or her bare chest or stomach. Does it feel hot, cold or just right?

Adjust your baby according to how these portions of their body feels, but be sure to use common sense, too. If your baby appears flushed, is sweating or is panting, these are clear signals that your baby is too hot, and their clothing needs to be adjusted. Wet hair and tiny bumps on your baby’s face or body may also be an indicator of being too hot, as the bumps are often a sign of heat rash.

Furthermore, be sure to keep an eye on the room temperature. Generally speaking, babies do best in temperatures that hover between 20-22 degrees Celsius.

How Do I Keep My Baby’s Hands Warm at Night?

Before delving into what should baby wear to sleep, and what to dress baby in at night, we at Yellodoor believe that it is equally important to explore what NOT to do.

As counter-intuitive as it may seem, you should never attempt to put winter gear, such as hats and coats, on a baby while they are sleeping. Doing so may interfere with safe sleeping practises and increase the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS, through overheating or suffocation.

Having said that, there are times when soft and thin newborn mittens, meant to keep baby from scratching his or her face, are appropriate. Provided that they are lightweight and specifically designed for newborn wear, this might be okay if you aren’t comfortable with letting your baby’s hands go cold throughout the night.

Just be sure that your baby isn’t too hot, and that they stay on his or her hands to prevent added risk.

How to Dress Baby for Sleep

When dressing your baby for sleep, you’ll first want to assess the area that your baby will be sleeping or napping in.

Does it seem to run hot? Cold? Is it warmer at certain times, then gradually cool off as time goes by? All of this will play a key function in how you dress your little one.

You may also wish to invest in a baby monitor that has a room temperature feature so that you can easily monitor the environment, and adjust your baby accordingly.

But, by and large, one of the best ways to determine whether or not your baby is too hot or cold is to assess your own level of comfort.

Unless you are routinely too hot or too cold in comparison to most other people in a room, you may notice that if the room feels too chilly for you, then it is likely too chilly for your little one. Thus, if you’ve got a blanket, your baby will likely need to wear a wearable blanket, as well. If you’ve got socks on, your baby likely will need it, too.

Temperature Guide for Dressing Babies

To delve even deeper into what to dress a newborn in to sleep, use the following as a guide as to how many layers you should dress your child in according to the room’s temperature:

  • Cool: 16-18 Degrees Celsius: Swaddle or Wearable Blanket, Long Sleeve Vest, Long Sleeve PJs
  • Just Right: 19-21 Degrees Celsius: Swaddle or Wearable Blanket, Short-Sleeve Vest, Long-Sleeve PJs
  • Warm: 22 Degrees Celsius or More : Swaddle or Wearable Blanket and Short-Sleeved Vest or PJs

Signs Baby Is Cold at Night

After all is said and done, you may find that your baby still becomes either too hot or too cold at night. By touching his or her back, neck and chest, and watching for signs such as shivering, blue lips or sweat, you can begin to pull back layers, or add them, depending on the need.

Think your little one may have developed a cold or fever from being too chilly at night? Know for sure by using a thermometer (like the one in our baby care kit) or following practical tips for a better gauge on what to do when your child’s doing poorly.

Baby Cold Hands While Sleeping: Knowing What to Do Can Ensure a Peaceful Night’s Rest for Your Little One

To summarise, making sure that your baby is comfortable throughout the night is of the utmost importance. Temperature may even be the reason why your baby doesn’t sleep at night. Since your baby cannot speak for him or herself, it is imperative that you know how to gauge your baby’s level of comfort.

Remember never to use hands or feet as a sign of your baby being too hot or cold, alone. You’ll need to pay attention to other factors, to make that decision, as well.

Bear in mind too, that, in most cases, being too cold, is better than being too hot. Nevertheless, using a room temperature monitor, a baby room thermometer, or using yourself as a gauge, will help greatly to inform your decisions on how to dress your baby at night.


  • Yellodoor Mother Goose Grooming Kit
  • Anti-Bacterial Hand Sanitiser Gel
  • Bathtub thermometer (that doubles as a room thermometer)

Should I cover baby hands at night?

Cover Your Baby's Head and Hands: As babies lose a lot of heat through their head and hands, it becomes really important to get hold of a soft baby cap and lightweight mittens to provide your little one an extra layer of warmth.

How long should babies sleep with hands covered?

"However, I don't recommend using them for longer than about two weeks. It's important for infants to use their hands to explore the world around them through their sense of touch and movement — whether it's putting their hands into their mouths, reaching for things, or learning what objects feel like.

Why shouldn't you cover a baby's hands?

Babies use their hands for self-soothing Whether they grip something like your shirt or finger while nursing, or discover their thumb as a tool for sucking and falling asleep, hands can be important self-soothing tools for babies. Let them access their hands outside of sleepers or mittens that cover them.

Is it OK if my baby's hands are cold at night?

If your baby's hands or feet feel cold, that is not necessarily a cause for alarm! Especially when baby's are brand new, their blood circulates in more “important” parts of the body that need development such as the brains and lungs.


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