Should I skip school if Im tired


Mental health days are always allowed.

There are times when you really should have gone to class, but just didn’t. You get halfway through your veg-sesh and packet of cheetos, and feel a huge pang of guilt: WTF is wrong with me? How have I been so lazy?

Those days don’t feel so great, but we’re not about shaming you for your choices — we think you should take days off where you need them. Especially in one of the following situations.

#1 You Need A Mental Health Day

We’ll say it once, and we’ll say it again, and again, until our faces turn red and we start spitting smoke: mental health days are an actual thing. Take them!

With over 70 per cent of uni students rating their mental health as poor, we need to make sure we nip the warning signs in the bud. If you know something’s wrong, don’t pressure yourself to attend class.

But if you do take a day, make sure you do all you can to start feeling better: exercise, see a doctor, get some sleep, read a nice book. Then, when you feel a little more refreshed and ready to get back to it: go to class.

#2 You’re Using The Time To Do An Assignment

Ya gotta do what ya gotta do. At the end of the day, it’s about the bottom line — yeah, you need to attend tutes to pass, but assignments are way more important.

If you’re falling behind on something due next week, skip class to get it done. Extra points if you’re skipping the class the assignment’s for.

#3 You Genuinely Feel Like It’ll Be A Waste Of Time

We all have those good tutors and bad tutors. The good ones are the kind who will inspire you, encourage you to think, ask questions, and make the hour-long class fly by in no time.

The bad ones are those who just suck an hour out of your life every week and add nothing to your education. Take that 20% leeway and miss those classes.

#4 You Need Money

If you need money for petrol, your sneakers have worrying holes in them, and the last time you bought a textbook was never, you’re not in a position to say no to an extra shift.

Having little to no money makes the stress of being a student even worse. It’s completely reasonable to skip class (once or twice) to pick up a shift instead.

#5 You Haven’t Missed One All Semester And You Just… Want To

Call us ~rebellious~ but we reckon those two unexplained absences are there to take. If you’re having a kind of “meh” day, you’re halfway through a season of Grey’s Anatomy, and you simply do not want to deal — then stay home.

Let’s face it, we all have or are going to skip many classes during our college career. It’s just so easy to turn off your alarm and sleep right through a lecture, especially when friends in class will let you copy their notes. However, because of how easy it is to blow off class, we fail to realize the long-term consequences that may harm our grades. There are very appropriate times when to skip class, and also very inappropriate times. Here’s the Do’s and Don’ts of skipping class.

Do skip class when…

You Are Sick

This is a given. If you are truly sick in bed from an actual illness, and not a hangover, then stay home! The most important thing you need when you are sick is rest, and going to class can be extremely exhausting and cause even more stress on the body. It’s ok to miss a few classes every now and then – Your health should always come first. Just let your professors know; they will definitely understand.


If the unlikely situation happens that your apartment is on fire, your car exploded, or you lost an arm, then class should not be a priority. On the other hand, stubbing your toe or fighting with your boyfriend is not considered an emergency, and you should be able to make it class. Just weight your priorities.

Academic Obligations

Sometimes we have more important things going on in one class compared to another, such as an exam or presentation. This is not encouraged, but if you are watching Troy in your Ancient Greek lecture and have an exam in Calculus that you don’t feel prepared for, then skip the movie and study. It’s true, some classes can be less important than others depending on the situation, and it’s ok to sacrifice some attendance points in order to succeed in a more challenging field. Communicate the issue with your professors; they will let it slide.

Job Interview

The reason why we even attend college is to have a better chance at getting a well paying job after graduation. If the wonderful opportunity for you to interview for a great position has come up, then put that before your class. Unless there’s an exam or something extremely important happening, of course.

Most Importantly…

TELL YOUR PROFESSORS! Through my college experience it was very easy to skip class, but I was still able to get the lectures sent to me in an email by simply being honest and clear with my teachers. I would constantly email them with questions, participate in class, and chat with them after class so they knew who I was and could grow a liking towards me. That way when I was really feeling too crummy or too stressed about another exam they would want to help me out. Befriending and communicating with your professors is key!

Don’t skip when…

Too Tired

Usually you only have three to four classes a day, which totally beats the nine to five schedule for us young professionals. Get yourself out of bed, make some strong coffee, and suck it up!

Too Hung Over

Drinking was your choice, so now you must deal with the painful consequences. I’m not saying that I haven’t partied a night or two on the weekdays; just don’t make skipping because you drank too much a habit.

Just Don’t Feel Like It

I mean, come on. Whether you’re sitting on your couch or sitting in a lecture chair, you’re still sitting. You might as well listen to something important rather than whatever terrible episode of Dance Moms is on.

It’s very easy to skip class, and sure sometimes you would rather go to that rooftop party instead. The easiest way to succeed in school is just simply by going to class. Even if you don’t pay close attention or jot down all of the notes, being there and hearing/seeing the lectures engraves the information into your brain. No on wants to have a mediocre grade because of low attendance or clicker scores.

How do you go to school when your tired?

For tips on how to stay awake in class or in any setting that requires your attention, consider the following strategies..
Get up and move. ... .
Breathe some fresh air. ... .
A little caffeine. ... .
Drink plenty of water. ... .
Participate. ... .
Stick to a sleep schedule. ... .
Get some morning light. ... .
Change seats..

Is it okay to skip school because of stress?

States like Washington and California recognize mental health as a legitimate reason to miss a day of school.

Is lack of sleep a reason to not go to school?

Lack of sleep, could lead to lack of learning, experts say "We know that lack of sleep can interfere with learning and that school success is one of the major predictors that can affect what can happen for the rest of their life," Dr. Elaine Kumler, a local pediatrician, said.

Is it pointless to study when tired?

But while you might think it's worth it to grind through days of hard work on just a few hours of sleep, that's almost certainly a bad idea. The vast majority of people are much better off with an extra hour of sleep instead of an extra hour of studying.


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