Should you listen to positive affirmations while sleeping?

What are Affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements directly at yourself. You repeat them often enough to boost your confidence, self-belief, and self-worth. 

Daily affirmations are effective as long as you believe them unconditionally. When you affirm “I am successful” or “I am wealthy”, and believe in it, your mind will slowly begin to accept them as the truth and act accordingly. The actual success and wealth automatically follow.

Affirmations framed in specific formats can help you to get rid of mental blocks and limiting beliefs. When manifesting goals, you can rework the goals into affirmations to repeat. This can help you focus and stay motivated to achieve the goal. 

You can use affirmations to enhance your positive energy vibrations and reinforce the feeling of gratitude. Affirmation is a powerful tool for manifesting your dreams.

Does listening to affirmations while sleeping work? 

Your mind is divided into the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind, as the name suggests, is the part of the mind that you are aware of. Everything in your awareness is stored in your conscious mind. 

The subconscious mind, on the other hand, is out of reach of our awareness. It is the data bank of every bit of information you have ever come across. Even when this is deleted from your conscious mind, it remains in your subconscious mind. 

The subconscious mind reveals its presence in your decision-making. Whenever you have a choice to make, the subconscious mind will extract relevant information from its storage and bring it to awareness. Unfortunately, you have no control over what is stored in your subconscious mind or which information is used in the decision-making.

Though there is no direct access to your subconscious mind, you can influence it indirectly. Affirmations are considered highly effective in achieving this seemingly impossible task. Through affirmations, you can do a spring cleaning of the subconscious mind – removing negative thoughts and beliefs and replacing them with positive ones.

When you sleep, only the conscious mind shuts off. Your subconscious mind continues to work. In fact, it is when you sleep that the subconscious mind works at its optimum level as there are no distractions. So, this is the ideal time to clean up your subconscious.

Numerous research and studies show that listening to affirmations while sleeping can help in reprogramming your subconscious mind. Sleep programming is an effective technique to get rid of unwanted thoughts and add desirable ones. The affirmations are heard by your subconscious and this triggers necessary reactions. This will lead to the desired outcome.

How to Listen to Affirmations While Sleeping?

You need to be careful when choosing affirmations. They need to be framed in the present tense and positively worded, preferably beginning with “I” or “My”. Pick affirmations that are relevant to you and your situation. The affirmations need to be concise and remember to include words signifying emotions.

You can say aloud these chosen affirmations before bed. Or you can write them in a journal if that is what you prefer. 

You may make a recording of the affirmations in your own voice. Play this in a loop as you lie down to sleep. You can use speakers or earphones for this purpose. As you drift off to sleep, your conscious mind will stop hearing them but your subconscious will continue to listen.

Ideally, you can make the recording play for 1- 1 ½ hours, as this constitutes the first sleep cycle. And this is when your subconscious is the most active and ready to absorb. If you so desire, you can play the recording the entire night. The night affirmations will create a deeper impression in your mind.

Benefits of listening to affirmations while sleeping

Your subconscious mind is like a sponge that absorbs anything that comes within its reach. It will sort, store and remember every bit of information it comes across. 

The positive ideas conveyed through sleep affirmations are retrieved whenever you need to make a related decision. Even if you have some negative thoughts on the same topic, the overwhelming presence of positive ones will make them ineffective. Slowly but surely, the negative thoughts get thrown out of the subconscious mind, leading to a shift in mindset.

During your waking hours, your focus is divided among so many things that clamor for your attention. However, when you fall asleep, only your subconscious is functioning. This means all the resources of the brain are available at its disposal, making it more active and alert. The Subconscious absorbs more information and does a better job of storing and remembering them.

Do affirmations work while you sleep is a question many ask because they might listen to affirmations before sleep. When we different off does those affirmations still influence our subconscious?

Positive affirmations are an incredibly easy and effective technique to reprogram your subconscious mind, improve happiness and gain success in every aspect of your life. The power of affirmations, when done accurately, can transform your mindset in less time and give you enormous benefits in motivation towards achieving your goals and desires.

Positive affirmations work better while you sleep because you reach a delta brain state with activates and stimulates your subconscious, making your affirmations more effective. This is called sleep reprogramming or self hypnosis. To receive maximum benefits, listen to your affirmations while sleeping for 1 hour up to 7 hours.

I’ve been utilising positive affirmations before sleep and throughout the night for many years, and the developments in my life and mindset have been unthinkable. It provides me with the confidence to reach my goals, the motivation to get up early in the morning and work hard and hasenabled me toattract prosperity and abundance.

  • Why Affirmations Work Better During Sleep
  • How To Listen To Affirmations While Sleeping
    • Should you use Headphones? 
  • How Long Should You Listen To Affirmations For Each Night?
  • How Long Does It Take For Affirmations To Work?
  • Does Listening To Affirmations During Sleep Actually Work?
  • How To Write & Record Your Affirmations
  • Ways of Using Affirmations Effectively
  • What Does Affirmation Mean?
    • 31 Helpful Affirmations
  • How to Make Your Affirmations More Powerful
    • #1. Attach Emotion To Each Word 
    • #2. Combine Imagination 
    • #3. Use The Same Affirmations Each Night
  • Do Affirmations Work While You Sleep Summary

Why Affirmations Work Better During Sleep

Affirmations work better throughout sleep because your mind and brain release chemical that naturally slows down brain activity. You enter a theta brain state, which can be described as a hypnotic or dream-like feeling. When your mind reaches a theta brain state, your conscious mind or awareness is switched off, and your subconscious mind is stimulated.

It’s now that the subconscious mind is open, and reprogramming can begin. By listening to your affirmation at this transition point, your mind transfers from awakeness to rest. Your statements and words are deeply impressed into your subconscious mind.

Because your conscious mind is switched off, there is no blocking of the words and messages entering your mind. The subconscious mind freely absorbs the affirmations and begins to believe the messages are real. 

To maximise your success and benefits, listen to your affirmationsfor a minimum of 90 minutes, capturing the first sleep cycle of the night.It’s here where your subconscious mind is the most stimulated and active to develop. Furthermore, to boost your affirmations being absorbed, continually listen throughout the whole night sleep. The more the affirmation play, the deeper they are impressed into the subconscious mind.

Do Affirmations Work While You Sleep: Complete Affirmation Tutorial

(Click Here To Watch This Video On YouTube)

How To Listen To Affirmations While Sleeping

I like to keep the method really manageable and easy because I need it to be part of a habit which I perform every night. The more straightforward the process, the more likely you are to include it into your night routine and perform it every night.

For maximum benefits and growth, you must repeat affirmation each night while you sleep.

  • To begin, find a positive affirmation which you can listen to during the night with earphones or speakers.
  • Pick affirmations that will transform your current situation and move your closer to your goals.
  • Then drift off to sleep ignoring the affirmations playing.
  • Your conscious mind will sleep but your subconscious mind will be listening to those affirmations and absorbing every word and statement within them.

For example, if you want to attract more money fast and become wealthy find affirmation that has statements about wealth. If it’s happiness, you desire or finding love there are hundreds of affirmations on Youtube that can help you. 

Should you use Headphones? 

I honestly think headphones are the best way to listen to your affirmations because they are being absorbed directly into your mind. Furthermore, your affirmations are personal, so if you share a house or bed with others, you don’t want them to listen to your affirmations. 

If you are a side sleeper like me, headphones won’t work, and earbuds really hurt, so I use a sleep headband designed for sleep and comes as a eyes mask to block light. I’ve linked the exact one I use here. But if you don’t want to use headphones, place your mobile phone or speaker near your bed and listen that way.

How Long Should You Listen To Affirmations For Each Night?

The crucial period for reprogramming your subconscious mindis the first 30 – 90 minute of sleep. The reason, your conscious mind has stopped blocking any thoughts going into your subconscious mind. Your subconscious is open to receiving anything you want to impress into it.

Think about your conscious as a security guard who is stopping thoughts from entering your subconscious. The initial phase of sleep is when that security guard sleeps, and anything can enter your mind. 

However, for maximum benefits and quicker results, the longer and more times you repeat the affirmations the more impact it has on your subconscious.When we are consciously awake and carrying out our daily tasks, there are periods of negativity, fear, worry and doubts.

These negative periods influence your subconscious mind, and you struggle to move towards your goals and desires. If those negative things don’t stop immediately, it can impact your mindset and outcomes.

By using affirmations during the night for 6 to 8 hours, it helps reprogram your subconscious mind and removes all the negative thoughts, ideas and images you had throughout the day. The more you repeat the process, the less negativity returns and the faster your mindset transforms.

Once your mindset is positive, and your thinking about success, everything in your life will change and get better.   

How Long Does It Take For Affirmations To Work?

On average, it takes affirmations 22 days to work. However, it could take up to 66 days or longer to reach their full benefits. To reduce the time frame, listen to affirmations throughout sleep using audio. It influences your subconscious mind faster and speeds up the likelihood of your affirmations working.

If you want to know exactly why it takes 22 easy for affirmations to work and why, here’s the full article.

There isn’t a set timescale for when your subconscious mind will be reprogrammed. There are many things to consider before you can make that determination. First, it depends on how much negativity impacts your subconscious mind.

If you have spent years only focusing your mind on all the negative aspects and have had countless negative conversations, then it could take a while. Secondly, you must hold belief and enthusiasm in the method because if you hinder the subconscious mind with all the reason why it can’t work, then nothing will improve.

Nonetheless, if your willing to put the time, effort and recognise reprogramming your subconscious mind with positive affirmations can transform your life, you will see amazing results in 6 weeks. The best part, it’s like compounding, you add to your existing positivity, and it continues to grow and develop the more your practise the method.   

How Long Do Affirmations Take To Work? I Tired This…. Let Me Explain

Does Listening To Affirmations During Sleep Actually Work?

Yes absolutely, I can’t say it any clearer than that. The subconscious mind has a vast memory storage capacity, and it will remember every bit of information it is given.

If you spend the hours before sleep listening or writing your affirmation, the subconscious mind will remember everything and action them. It’s the power of the universe at work, what we think about the most will come true.

If you listen to affirmation throughout the night and have a positive and successful day, it is the power of your own subconscious mind at work. If you were to tell yourself each night of 8 hours you are happy and joyful when you wake up, you could only be happy and joyful.

The only way to fully appreciate the immense power of affirmation is to have a go yourself and practice for a week. You might be surprised by the changes you start to attract in your life. But you might want to know how many affirmations should you listen to at once? Find out here.

How To Write & Record Your Affirmations

To utilise affirmations to bring significant changes into your life:

1. Start by making a list of your negative qualities.

2. Include the criticism you got from other people.

3. Look at every item and find common themes.

4. After this, create affirmations about positive aspects of the judgment.

5. Utilise powerful words in your affirmation. You can make your affirmations more effective by asking a friend to read your affirmations and suggest changes.

6. After this, you can record audio of these affirmations.

Play the audio while sleeping at night. It is ideal to listen to affirmations while sleeping. Mind reprogramming works better when performed regularly. You can utilise the power of affirmations to have an actual embodiment of change. Can you type your affirmations on your phone? Does it still work or do you have to handwrite them? Heres the answer.

Ways of Using Affirmations Effectively

Now we know that it is critical to reprogram the mind, and the most effective way to accomplish this is by listening to affirmations while sleeping. But you can also say your affirmations out loud before you sleep. It gives your subconscious the same activation.

Prior to going to bed, you must have strong and positive statements associated with your goals. To make these affirmations even more powerful, state them using the present tense as if they are already happening. Never use them in the past tense.

For example, state this: 

  • My body is strong with large muscles. 
  • I am satisfied with how I look.
  • I have $10,000 in my bank account.
  • I have meet my dream partner.
  • I am the sales manager for my company.
  • I live in my dream house.

Another efficient way to reprogram the mind while sleeping is by listening to affirmation audios. You have the option of either creating your own or purchasing prerecorded audio. You can record your affirmations in a gadget and play them through the night.

You can consider starting the affirmations prior to going to sleep. When you feel tired and drowsy, your mind is like a sponge absorbing these affirmations effortlessly. You can accomplish many things with this routine each night before going to sleep.

Since the subconscious is always alert and awake, the entire time you listen to positive statements while sleeping is comparable to listening to them while awake. Many would think that they will forget these affirmations.

But keep in mind that the subconscious listens and learns without you being aware of it. If you listen to these affirmations while you sleep, you will feel more positive and energised the next morning. Suddenly your mind gets filled with tons of ideas. It proves that your mind has absorbed whatever you were listening to while asleep.

What Does Affirmation Mean?

Words of Affirmation: Expressing affection through spoken affection, praise, or appreciation. According to the Dictionary, to “affirm” is to state that something is true. When applied to the spiritual life, an affirmation is a statement of truth which one aspires to absorb into their life.

The more you repeat an affirmation, the deeper they impact your subconscious mind. Once your subconscious mind believes in your new affirmations, your body and vibration transform. You have to say the same affirmations each night or your subconscious mind might get confused.

31 Helpful Affirmations

Here are 31 amazing affirmations I think cover the most critical areas of our lives and self-improvement. Your affirmation can be either written or listened to, but once the new positive affirmations delivers a transformation in your life review the list. 

  1. I am the author of my life. 
  2. I am the creator of my reality.
  3. I am compassionate towards others.
  4. Everything I seek I can find.
  5. I am important. 
  6. I contribute to the world every day.
  7. I accept and love myself just the way I am.
  8. I am supported and loved by the universe.
  9. I am infinitely abundance.
  10. I am abundant with wealth.
  11. I am healthy, active and confident.
  12. I am flowing with happiness, joy and delight.
  13. My body is relaxed. 
  14. I can overcome all the challenges that confront me.
  15. I am becoming confident and stronger every day.
  16. My potential to succeed is infinite.
  17. I am knowledgeable about my chosen subject.
  18. I am creative and exploding with brilliant ideas.
  19. I am brave and overcome my fears.
  20. I accept my past and look forward to the future.
  21. I am patient, polite and tolerant towards others.
  22. My mind is peaceful. 
  23. My soul is in harmony.
  24. I can achieve whatever I desireI am grateful for my life.
  25. The universe encourages me in every possible way.
  26. I am positive in every situation.
  27. I can achieve greatness. 
  28. Everything drives me towards success.
  29. I am forgiving.
  30. Every experience in my life makes me better.
  31. I am safe and protected by the universe.

How to Make Your Affirmations More Powerful

#1. Attach Emotion To Each Word 

The best way is by attaching emotion to your affirmation because the subconscious mind reacts to emotions the greatest. If you genuinely and emotional want to change something in your life, it will happen without any doubt. Each word must mean something to you and is an expression of the person you want to become. 

#2. Combine Imagination 

The final thing to supercharge your affirmation power is by imaging the affirmation is going to happen. Picture yourself having or doing the thing you want the most. If you add the emotion and imagination to your affirmations, you would never stop doing them.

#3. Use The Same Affirmations Each Night

Don’t get tempted to change your affirmations every night because they will be less effective. For instance, if you want to manifest money and your affirmations are money specific but the next night you listen to weight loss affirmations, you are losing the benefits of the money affirmations.

Do Affirmations Work While You Sleep Summary

I hope you enjoyed my article on do affirmations work while you sleep and hopefully I’ve answered your question. Affirmations are get to use before and during sleep. You have multiple ways to use your affirmation but listening to them as you sleep will give you the biggest return. You can also say, write or type your affirmations before sleep and get amazing results.

Some people like to use a combination of all three methods with superchargers their results. But the most important element is the affirmations themselves. If your affirmations are poor and don’t describe what you desire they might not work.

How do you use affirmations while sleeping?

30 Sleep Affirmations to say before bed.
My mind and my body are ready to rest. ... .
I am grateful for my body, my body is relaxed. ... .
I did my best today. ... .
My dreams are a place for positivity and hope only. ... .
Sleeping is a natural state for me. ... .
Calming thoughts and optimism will fill my dreams. ... .
I will let every worry go..

Does listening to motivational tapes while sleeping work?

Absorbing complex information or picking up a new skill from scratch by, say, listening to an audio recording during sleep is almost certainly impossible. But research shows that the sleeping brain is far from idle and that some forms of learning can happen.

When should you listen to affirmations?

Practice affirming yourself every day To get the most benefit from affirmations, you'll want to start a regular practice and make it a habit: Start with 3 to 5 minutes at least twice a day. Try saying affirmations upon waking up and getting into bed, for example. Repeat each affirmation about 10 times.

What happens when you listen to affirmations all day?

According to a recent study by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, practicing affirmations—whether listening to pre-recordings or creating your own, it helps lower stress by alleviating perceptions of threat and defensiveness by expanding self worth through broader dispositional self-views.


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