Stabbing pain under left shoulder blade when breathing

Have you ever taken a deep breath and felt a sudden sharp pain under the left rib? You might have thought at that point of time that it is a heart attack and an end of you. Pain under the left rib can cause a lot of anxiety, especially when you're a heart patient. As stinging the pain may be, the thought of experiencing an attack can be all the more tormenting. However, instead of rushing to conclusions, you must consider other ailments that can cause pain under your left rib. In case you feel a stabbing pain below your left rib, you need not panic as it can happen due to other reasons too. We have listed some below for you:
Costochondritis refers to the inflammation of the cartilage which connects your ribs to your breastbone. You might feel a sharp pain under the left rib if you take a deep breath which can worsen while coughing or sneezing.

Costochondritis can happen due to an injury, infection and in rare cases, arthritis.
Pleurisy is a condition which leads to an inflammation of the membrane around your lungs. The inflammation can be caused by a bacterial or fungal infection in the membrane. In rarest of the rare cases, pulmonary infections which lead to blood clots or pus in the lungs can also be a symptom of pleurisy. The symptoms of pleurisy could be chest pain, fever and shortness of breath.

Kidney stones
In many cases, a sharp stabbing pain can also be caused by kidney stones. Kidney stones are not easy to detect and can happen at any point of time. They usually happen when waste builds up in your kidney and does not get enough water to flow out.

In order to prevent kidney stones, you must drink enough water and not control the urge to urinate.

Gastritis refers to the swelling in the inner lining of your stomach. It can also cause a sharp pain under the left rib along with other symptoms such as burning pain in your stomach, nausea or a sensation of fullness of your upper abdomen.

Bacterial infections and consumption of anti-inflammatory drugs are the main reasons which lead to Gastritis.

Enlarged spleen
An enlarged spleen can also be the reason behind you experience stabbing pain under your left rib. The spleen might enlarge because of bacterial infection, parasitic infection or a liver disease.

There are high chances that an enlarged spleen gets ruptured and cause further complications. A ruptured spleen can cause internal bleeding and must be reported to the doctor as soon as possible.


Another reason of pain under the left rib is Pancreatitis. It causes an inflammation of the pancreas which further instigates pain. Pancreatitis comes with additional symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

There are two types of pancreatitis: acute and chronic. Symptoms of acute pancreatitis include fever, stomach tenderness and abdominal pain that spreads to your back. Chronic pancreatitis can bring along unintentional weight loss and pain in upper abdomen.

In case you experience pain on the left side of your rib along with cold sweat, shortness of breath, tightness in your jaw and shoulder blades, then there are high chances that you are suffering from a heart attack. In such a situation, you must not ignore it and rush to a hospital to seek medical help.

Upper back pain can go along with breathing problems due to a wide range of possible causes. These include infections, injuries, and heart problems.

If the cause is not obvious, a person may wish to seek medical advice. Pain when breathing can be a symptom of a serious health condition.

Pain in the upper back when breathing usually extends around the chest. A sharp pain could be a sign of pleurisy or a heart attack. A dull ache may be due to a fractured vertebra or muscle strain.

Looking out for other symptoms can sometimes help a person identify the cause of the pain. If upper back pain is causing ongoing difficulty breathing, it is important to seek medical advice, as there may be a serious cause.

Pain can make a person avoid taking deep breaths. Shallow breathing can result in insufficient oxygen getting into the body, which may damage a person’s health over time.

Keep reading to learn more about some of the possible causes of upper back pain when breathing.

Pleurisy affects the tissue covering the outside of the lungs, and this tissue swells because of an infection. This swelling can cause chest pain and difficulty breathing. A person may also feel pain in their shoulder.

The condition typically causes a sharp pain in the chest, which gets worse when a person breathes in. Other symptoms can include a cough, fever, tiredness, and a fast heart rate.

Pleurisy may improve without treatment, or resting and taking pain relievers may be sufficient. However, in some cases, a person may need treatment in the hospital to remove air or fluid from around the lungs. Medication can help reduce the swelling or get rid of an infection.

Causes of pleuritic back pain

Many conditions can lead to pleurisy. A common cause is viral or bacterial respiratory illnesses, such as pneumonia and bronchitis.

Chest infections can make breathing difficult, and muscle aches and pains can affect the whole body. Chest and back pain may be more painful when a person breathes in.

Other causes of pleurisy can include:

  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • lung cancer
  • tuberculosis
  • Familial Mediterranean fever
  • thoracic endometriosis
  • a collapsed lung


It is possible to treat a mild chest infection at home with rest, fluids, and pain relievers. However, people should seek medical advice for a more serious infection or for a child or older adult.

Chest infections caused by bacteria will likely require taking antibiotics. Endometriosis usually requires hormonal medications, but there may be other treatment options. In some cases, a person may need surgery.

A collapsed lung is a medical emergency. A doctor will usually insert a small tube between the ribs to release the air buildup and then insert a thoracostomy tube.

Treating lung cancer depends on the type and stage of the cancer but often requires chemotherapy or radiation.

Muscle strain is a common cause of upper back pain. It can cause pain when breathing, as moving air in and out of the lungs stretches the back muscles.

A person may strain the muscles in their upper back as a result of exercise, injury, or lifting something heavy.


A person can treat a muscle strain with rest, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and ice.

Applying a towel-wrapped ice pack to the upper back for up to 20 minutes regularly throughout the day should ease the pain and swelling.

The vertebrae are bones that make up the spine. A person may fracture a vertebra in a serious accident, such as a car crash or a fall from a height. It can also result from a sports injury.

Older adults who have osteoporosis have weaker bones. Due to this, they are at higher risk for fracturing a vertebra, even from a minor accident, such as a fall from standing.

If a person fractures a vertebra in the upper part of their spine, it can cause pain in the upper back when breathing. This pain often gets worse with movement.


The type of treatment will depend on the severity of the fracture, and a visit to a doctor is the only way to determine the severity of the injury. A back brace, physical therapy exercises, and a gradual return to normal movement can help a person heal.

Body aches can be more common in people who have anxiety and other mood disorders.

A person may feel upper back pain as a result of anxiety and panic attacks. Other possible symptoms include chest pain, difficulty breathing, sweating, shaking, dizziness, and a racing heart.


Treatment for anxiety disorders can involve therapy, anxiety medications, and relaxation techniques. Breathing exercises may help if a person feels as though they are about to have an anxiety or panic attack.

A person may need to try different treatments before they find something that works well for them.

The symptoms of an asthma attack can be similar to a panic attack, and the two conditions sometimes occur together. Therefore, upper back pain can sometimes occur with asthma-related breathing difficulties and chest pain.

In addition, in cough-variant asthma, a person may experience a persistent, dry cough which may strain or pull a person’s back muscles over time, causing back pain.

In people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), breathing difficulties and coughing can also cause strain on the chest and back.


Treatment for either COPD or asthma may involve preventative measures, such as limiting exposure to allergens that may trigger symptoms, getting an annual influenza vaccine, maintaining a healthy weight, and undergoing immunotherapy.

A person may also need to use a bronchodilator or corticosteroid inhaler.

Scoliosis is a condition that causes a sideways curve of the spine. Depending on the severity of the condition, a person may also experience back pain. The back pain may be spinal pain and is not always dependent on their breathing.

Other possible symptoms include slightly uneven shoulders or hips and the body leaning to one side.


For children and teenagers, a back brace or surgery can help stop a curve in the spine from developing any further. Exercises can help strengthen the back muscles and support the spine to reduce pain.

Problems with the heart can cause chest and back pain, as well as breathing difficulties. Heart problems can include a:

Heart attack

Although heart attacks can occur suddenly, most start slowly.

Heart attacks can also cause an arrhythmia, which describes a heartbeat that is irregular. Without a diagnosis, the problem can go on for a long time and cause complications. These can include chest pain and shortness of breath.

Females are more likely than males to experience back pain as a symptom of a heart attack.

Symptoms of a heart attack can include:

  • chest pain
  • feeling sick or dizzy
  • pain in the back, neck, or jaw
  • shortness of breath
  • pain in the arm or shoulder

Pulmonary embolism

A pulmonary embolism is another condition that can cause difficulty breathing and pain in the upper back.

The heart is responsible for pumping blood through the vessels throughout the body. When there is a blockage in an artery that feeds blood to the lungs, the lungs do not get an adequate blood supply. This results in parts of the lung dying due to a lack of oxygen.

A pulmonary embolism often begins with a blood clot that forms somewhere else, such as in deep vein thrombosis (DVT), and migrates to a spot that prevents the lungs from getting blood. The symptoms include:

  • a stabbing chest pain when breathing that may occur with upper back pain
  • an irregular heartbeat
  • difficulty breathing
  • fast breathing
  • coughing up bloody phlegm


Both a heart attack and a pulmonary embolism are medical emergencies. If a person is experiencing any symptoms, dial 911 immediately.

A person having a heart attack may require CPR until emergency services arrive. A trained person may perform this manually or use a defibrillator, if available. Once hospitalized, a person can receive a number of different treatments including a coronary artery bypass or angioplasty.

Treatment for an embolism will require hospitalization, where the person will receive oxygen through mechanical ventilation and receive blood-thinning medications to break up the clot.

If the upper back hurts when a person breathes, they may have strained a muscle. If this symptom occurs after an accident or injury, it is important to see a doctor, who can check for any damage to the spine.

Pleurisy and chest infections can both cause pain when breathing. A person may need medication to get rid of the infection.

Sharp pain and difficulty breathing could indicate a more serious medical problem, such as a heart attack. Therefore, people should seek urgent medical attention for sharp chest or back pain.

This section includes some additional answers to questions a person may have about upper back pain while breathing.

Can I prevent upper back pain?

Preventing upper back pain when breathing is challenging if the onset of symptoms is sudden and acute. Not every potential cause is preventable. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and good hygiene practices may reduce the likelihood of developing a cardiovascular condition or infectious disease. In addition, exercising and stretching can help a person avoid muscle strains.

When should I see a doctor?

Any time a person experiences sudden pain, difficulty breathing, or a sudden worsening of existing symptoms, they should call 911 or go to the emergency room immediately. If the experience is not acute, a person should visit their doctor when the symptoms begin to interfere with their daily life or if they do not know the cause. This will ensure a person is getting the right diagnosis and the best treatment.

Can COVID-19 cause upper back pain while breathing?

COVID-19 is a viral infection that may cause pleurisy, which can lead to breathing difficulties, chest pain, and pain in the upper back.

Why does my back left shoulder blade hurt when I breathe?

If the upper back hurts when a person breathes, they may have strained a muscle. If this symptom occurs after an accident or injury, it is important to see a doctor, who can check for any damage to the spine. Pleurisy and chest infections can both cause pain when breathing.

How serious is pleurisy?

Pleurisy is inflammation of the lung's outer lining. The severity can range from mild to life threatening. The tissue, called the pleura, between the lungs and the rib cage can become inflamed.

What can cause pain under left shoulder blade?

7 Possible Causes of Pain Under Your Shoulder Blade.
Poor posture..
Improper lifting technique. Lifting weight above your head without proper technique can leave your upper back and shoulders susceptible to injury. ... .
Overuse. ... .
Cervical herniated disc..
Dislocated rib. ... .
Heart condition. ... .
Compression fracture..


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