Steam cant send gift to region

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  3. Buying a gift on Steam for a friend

darkmaian23 4 years ago#1

I have a friend who lives in Europe, and every time I try buy them a gift, I get this message as an error:

Due to regional price differences, the gift you are trying to send cannot be sent to the recipient's region.

Does anyone know how to resolve this?

Cuteness is justice! It's the law.

BMXJouster 4 years ago#2

Unfortunately there's no way to gift the game to your friend. Like it says because of regional price differences they won't allow it (this is typically cause the region you're buying from is significantly cheaper than the region you're gifting to). They started implementing this because people use to "buy" games from users in regions like Russia where games are typically far cheaper than America or Europe.

What you can do is gift your friend a digital Steam gift card so they can buy the game themselves. On the main page for Steam you should see an option to buy a digital gift card for someone. You can't do this with Steam wallet though so you'll have to use a credit/debit card, PayPal, etc. And if they accept the gift card they'll be locked out of the Steam Community Market for 3 days (the Community Market is where you go to buy trading cards, profile backgrounds, CS:GO keys, etc).

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sonic_c_tail 4 years ago#3

another one to add to why steam is a s***ty service. steam has grown too big.

List of girls that couldn't cope with facts: TRULYEPICLAWLS

32x2z 4 years ago#4

Find better friends, I can tell you right now, your friend isn't a REAL MAN like the AMERIMAN!

I'm sorry I thought it was clever

OT: Send him a gift card code. You can go to like walgreens, cvs, eckerds, walmart, kmart, target, 7 elevens not near poor people, wawa, and pretty much anywhere that sells gift cards and is a convenience store by definition. Just another reason to hate steam but we can't get our games off there.

sonic_c_tail 4 years ago#5

trumpy would be proud of you for amerima

List of girls that couldn't cope with facts: TRULYEPICLAWLS

32x2z 4 years ago#6

sonic_c_tail posted...

trumpy would be proud of you for amerima

It's AmeriMan! We upgraded because we just imposed 200bn more tariffs on China while providing welfare to farmers.

sonic_c_tail 4 years ago#7

200bn canadian?

List of girls that couldn't cope with facts: TRULYEPICLAWLS

richisdisturbed 4 years ago#8

sonic_c_tail posted...

another one to add to why steam is a s***ty service. steam has grown too big.

Forget to change to your alt?

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32x2z 4 years ago#9

sonic_c_tail posted...

200bn canadian?

Naw real dollars man which is traded for oil. We would never touch CDN money unless we needed food only sold in cdn like mac...kintosh candies! :D

CoinFlipBimbo 4 years ago#10

Another thing you can do that might work is buying it off as a gift on humblebundle.

I'm not sure if it'll work but if anyone knows, please post about it.

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  3. Buying a gift on Steam for a friend

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Can you send a gift from another region in Steam?

In most cases, there are no region restrictions on products purchased directly from the Steam store. However, products purchased as gifts may have region restrictions.

Why wont Steam let me send a gift?

You must be friends with a user for at least 3 days before you can send them a digital gift card and you can not use funds already present in your Steam Wallet to purchase the gift card.

What does due to regional price differences the gift you are trying to send Cannot be sent to the recipient's region mean?

Its a 10% difference so you cant gift. The biggest joke is this statement from Valve: When there is a large difference in pricing between countries, gifting won't be available and you'll know before purchase.


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