Strawberry banana protein smoothie without protein powder

Looking for a protein boost? This Strawberry Banana Protein Smoothie is a perfect pick — just 4 ingredients and low carb, dairy free, and gluten free!

4 ingredients, lots of protein

Strawberries, banana, non-dairy milk, and strawberry protein powder. Gather that, and you're set for this smoothie!

Depending on which protein powder and non-dairy milk you use, this smoothie has at least 20g protein per smoothie. Perfect for a protein-filled snack or on-the-go breakfast.

my all-time favorite protein powder

Hands down, my favorite protein powder is Equip Prime Protein! That's what I've used for this recipe.

I have many, many reasons that I love this protein powder, but the most important is that it's the best-tasting protein powder I've ever had — and it's made with beef!

If you've never had it before, that might seem a little crazy — but damn is this protein powder good. The vanilla tastes like birthday cake, the chocolate tastes like — well, chocolate, and the strawberry tastes like strawberry milk.

Ugh. Just too good, all of them!

Beyond the flavor, though, I like that Equip Prime Protein is dairy free and junk free. Of course, that's a big deal when making a dairy free chocolate strawberry smoothie.

Plus, 20g of protein per scoop doesn't lie — it delivers exactly what it's supposed to, which is high quality PROTEIN.

Variations of this strawberry banana protein smoothie

One of the best things about smoothies — they're endlessly customizable! Here are a few suggestions for changing up this recipe:

Can't find strawberry protein powder?

If you don't want to buy Equip Strawberry Prime Protein that I used in this recipe (let's face it: you SHOULD buy it because it's incredible), just use all vanilla.

Since we're also using strawberries in the recipe, it'll still be have plenty of strawberry flavor!

Want a little more green in your smoothie?

If you aren't super concerned with the visual aesthetic of your smoothie, toss in a handfull or two of spinach.

Otherwise, add a cup of zucchini. Seriously, zucchini is a GREAT smoothie addition — it's relatively neutral-flavored and adds a boatload of creaminess to any smoothie.

Also, great way to use up zucchini when you're drowning in it, which I usually am in late summer.

More smoothie recipes to save for later

  • Protein-Packed Chocolate Strawberry Smoothie
  • Chocolate Maca Banana Smoothie
  • Madi's Chai Banana Smoothie

Did you try this recipe? I'd love to hear what you think! Comment below or tag me on Instagram.



Packed with protein, these smoothies make a perfect snack or on-the-go breakfast! Use vanilla protein powder if you can't find strawberry.

  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup frozen strawberries
  • 1 cup non-dairy milk of choice (I used oatmilk)
  • 1 scoop Equip Strawberry Protein

  1. Add all ingredients to a high-powered blender. Blend, starting on low and increasing to high, for 2 minutes or until completely smooth.

Keywords: strawberry banana, smoothie, gluten free, keto, paleo, low carb

How do you make a banana protein shake without protein powder?

Combine the following ingredients in a blender:.
2 tablespoons (32 grams) of creamy almond butter (or other nut/seed butter).
1 frozen banana..
1 tablespoon (7.5 grams) of unsweetened cocoa powder..
1 teaspoon (3 grams) of vanilla extract..
1 cup (240 mL) of cow's or plain soy milk..

How can I get protein in my smoothie without powder?

How to Add Protein to Your Smoothies Without Using Protein Powder:.
Soy Milk. Soy milk has more protein than other plant-based milks. ... .
Hemp Hearts. Hemp hearts have a more protein than most seeds and a little goes a long way. ... .
Chia Seeds. ... .
Nuts. ... .
Nut or Seed Butter. ... .
Tofu. ... .
Lentils. ... .

How can I get protein without protein powder?

14 Easy Ways to Increase Your Protein Intake.
Eat your protein first. ... .
Snack on cheese. ... .
Replace cereal with eggs. ... .
Top your food with chopped almonds. ... .
Choose Greek yogurt. ... .
Have a protein shake for breakfast. ... .
Include a high protein food with every meal. ... .
Choose leaner, slightly larger cuts of meat..

What can I use instead of protein powder?

Natural alternative to protein powder.
High-protein smoothies. Add nut butter, oats or a high-protein yoghurt to a homemade fruit smoothie to up the protein content and help your body repair and recover after a workout. ... .
Hard-boiled eggs. ... .
Greek yoghurt and fruit. ... .
Chocolate milk. ... .
Apple slices with nut butter. ... .
Overnight oats..


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