The hero who seeks revenge anime

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Full Name

Raul Evans


The Hero

Former Hero
Great Savior (by the Demon Children)


Fukushuu O Koinegau Saikyou Yuusha (The Hero Who Seeks Revenge Shall Exterminate With Darkness)


Hero (formerly)

Chosen One of The Gods
Serial Killer
Punishment of Mankind

Powers / Skills

Modifiable Immortality
Supernatural strength
Supernatural mobility
Supernatural stamina
Supernatural senses
Supernatural durability
Supernatural endurance
Supernatural resilience
Power of Darkness
Power of The Hero
Mastery of manipulation
Incredible deception abilities
High intelligence
Murder and torture methodologies
Elemental manipulation


Avenging past grievances.

Killing and torturing his victims.
Creating an entertainment of a brutal stage.
Sadistically repaying Princess Victoria's torment and his "friends"' betrayals.


Enact brutal retribution on all those who wronged him and killed his family and all those he cared about.
Humiliate Princess Victoria in front of her subjects to begin her suffering.
Kill General Brown for murdering his mother and cousins.
Kill the Priest Gustalf for raping his sister.
Expose Victoria and her inner circle's treachery and crimes publicly.
Drive Sandra Divas against the Princess for torturing and raping her.
Ruin Victoria's reputation and clear his name of his falsely accused wrongdoings.
Have the demon children torture and kill Allingham.
Get even with and kill Archmage Wendell for selling him out.
Dispose of Saintess Cristiana for setting Victoria upon him (all succeeded).
Devastate the kingdom which unjustly executed him.
Assassinate the king of the country in retribution for his flunkies' crimes.
Eviscerate the capitol and its citizenship for their complacent belief in Victoria's lies.
Reunite and be together with the Goddess of Love once his vengeance is over (all ongoing).


Mass murder (inc. child murder)
Rape by proxy
Enforced cannibalism
Abuse (physical, psychological & sexual)
Sexual harassment
Usage of dark magic
Mass manslaughter
Identity theft
Mass destruction
Unethical experimentation
Manipulating catastrophe

Type of Villain

Vengeful Anti-Villain

“You're so stupid, Princess! The balance is no longer in your favor!„~ Raul to Victoria, after he and Cristiana revealed Victoria's true nature to publicity.“Did you forget? Victoria. I, the Hero, am not going to die to some skewers. Too bad... I couldn't answer your expectations.„~ Raul to Victoria revealing his immortality after being stabbed by the knights' swords.“By the way, Princess! Why aren't you wearing a white dress even though this is the event of your marriage announcement? The color of blood won't look pretty on a red dress.„~ Raul to Victoria before stripping her dress.“Raul: Now then, anyone who wants to get revenge, come here.
Demon Child 1: Let me do it!
Demon Child 2: Me Too!
Demon Child 3: I'm going to avenge my little sister!
Raul: It's sounds like just about everyone's interested, hmm? Well then, let's do this basic on shifts. You people first.„~ Raul announcing the demon children for their revenge upon Allingham.“Raul: Look, I want to quickly get to my next destination, so hurry up and make a decision. Three...Two...One...
Theodora: Give me the key...!!
Raul: Yeah, that's right... You need to "take good care of you own life", hm? Until next time, partner. And thanks for exacting my revenge for me!„~ Raul to Theodora before he gives her the key and going to deal with Cristiana.“Then try doing so right now. Ah! You can't do it alone, can you? Aha- If not for me, You would've just been a naive girl who couldn't even exact revenge on Allingham, a mere merchant...„~ Raul daring Theodora to kill him“It's my third time here, huh...? Looks like she did a good job. Seems like you really can do it as long as you try, hm, Theodora? Aha- I wonder how she's feeling right now. She never even considered for a second that she was been used as a pawn for my death though.„~ Raul after second death.

Raul Evans is the titular main protagonist villain of the manga series Fukushuu O Koinegau Saikyou Yuusha (The Hero Who Seeks Revenge Shall Exterminate With Darkness).


  • 1 Biography
  • 2 Appearance
  • 3 Personality
  • 4 Powers and Abilities


Originally, he was a simple villager from his hometown, known as Baden Village. He was chosen as a hero to fight against the Demon Lord and his forces. When his sister is pregnant, he is a would-be uncle. However, after defeating the enemy of the world, he was betrayed and killed by one of the series’ main antagonist, Princess Victoria (his archenemy, torturer and later victim). Including, as he would later discover, the part that his family and fellow countryman were in fact murdered alongside his birthplace being destroyed by the order of the traitorous King Baltra many years ago. Until one month (a year in the light novel) later, he was revived by the Goddess of Love to get his revenge on the kingdom, its people, everyone who ever wronged him and humanity as a whole. He sneaked in to Victoria's wedding event of humiliating and sexually harassing her in public. Killing treacherous self-indulgent priests, Gustalf in particular (who sold out his remaining family and indulged in gangraping his older sister with his fellow clerics at Wendell's instruction) and the self-proclaimed strongest man, General Brown (the murderer of his mother & kinsmen as well the one who destroyed both his childhood and particularly favored residence; Macaulay Village for which he was framed for) alongside the cannibalistic commandant's wife and two sons. Even going so far as destroying the Kingdom of Kurz's scientist division headed by Dr. Reene Beneke and her family (relations of Brown's wife) before his coming to a village of highway robbers whom not only let die, but then violated the remains of, soldiers under the heroes command whom the abominable concoctions of said technician subjected them too. All before returning to the Kingdom of Kurz to assassinate Victoria herself with her deceitful father soon to follow. While infiltrating the Kingdom of Kurz, he found the former knight commander, Sandra Divas (who was barely alive and naked after she has been severely tortured and sexually violated by Victoria and her soldiers) and brainwashed her into killing the retainers of Victoria's father as well as some of her soldiers.

In the end with the assistance of both the King and Saint Cristiana, he successfully exposed all of the most hated would-be future ruler's schemes and atrocities.

Eventually manipulating the Princess's former knight commander Sandra Divas (who was horrifically defiled and raped by her liege and her knights) once again into executing the treasonous imperial before the eyes of the entrapped citizenship all while his falsified past crimes were cleared while her father and his former companion delivered the news of her revoked royal status.

With Victoria's death, he finally avenged his family and the people he swore to protect after they've lost their lives through the depraved peeress's cruelty. After Victoria is impaled by Sandra, the disgraced knight committing suicide herself soon after, Raul gives them both an undying enchantment. Dragging the former princess in front of the entrance gate to the Kingdom, where she is crucified right beside the remains of all whom the hero pursued in his quest for vengeance. Leaving the reviled Victoria be eaten alive by wild animals, crows & insects, just as the fiefdom did to him some time ago, after which he takes parts that are left of Victoria's body to his hiding place, keeping it in a little pot on his wall shelf, along with the remains of other people he avenged himself upon, like the beheaded Sandra Divas, the remaining bones of General Brown and the zombified Mad Scientist Dr. Beneke (except for Priest Gustalf who was burned alive in his church by Raul for murdering and gangraping his sister), and thus ends his vengeful crusade against Victoria, but that is also the beginning of a new one, with Raul going to get revenge on Wendel, Cristiana, lastly the King and said debauched capital which he ruled.

In the meantime Raul would entertain himself through the ailing monarch's indulgence. Enjoying a bloody bacchanal at the colosseum where the deceased General Brown's men, responsible for committing atrocities in his name, were viscously skinned and disembowlated by the executioners at the Dark Heroes behaste.

He would later receive orders from his majesty to make his presence known within the throne hall. Seeking to push Raul's quest against his treacherous ex-companion Wendell and his cohort in a demon trafficking's ring that recently came to the kings attention; Cameron Allingham. A depraved sexual deviant whom indulges in violating new wears while his men begat immense cruelty to demon child slaves. He and Raul have a mildly intense converse about whether or not the assailant needed orders to deal with them, as well as an impostor wearing the face of the Hero to aid in they're schemes. But Raul simply turned and left while internally ruminating about how he was aware of everything from the start. Throwing a mild intimidation glare with a small surge of dark power at his majesty which frightens the sickly regal.

Raul soon soon catches up to his imitator while they're puking out of disgust in the lavatory. He soon undoes her magical guise and the two privately converse within the expense of the mind.

Where he indulges his curiosity by accurately guessing the imitator masquerading around as him did so in order to grab the real heroes attention. Evans revealing his cheap imitations real identity as Ada Taylor while continually probing into her reasons for wanting revenge when Allingham killed her father, Charles Taylor.

Sympathizing with her motives, Raul jovially pronounces his own deranged philosophy about how revenge must be savored and held close to the heart when Ada expectedly calls him out on his own depravity while reveling in her therapy grade trauma. While they ruminates on how to do away with they're targets, Raul says the best way to deal with that scoundrel Archmage is to slap him with a mental attack that undermines his vanity and confidence. Seeing as Allingham has no real fighting ability of his own.

Having contemplated enough in the mindscape, Raul begins enforcing their plan by absorbing Ada's consciousness into his body. The two now sharing a single vessel for the remainder of their escapade against Wendel and Allingham with Raul playing backseat driver while Ms. Taylor's anima is dominant.

Until the two are properly disposed of, Raul would act as her guide on how to move and act as well as in using his powers while she is in control. His first instruction being to bar the bathroom withholding Ada's comatose body with magic. So as to prevent anybody from coming upon it by accident. The two eventually come across a hall where slavers are seen brutalizing innocent demon children. Ada is hesitant to get involved but Raul manages to convince her that it was their fault her father (Charles Taylor) was murdered when trying to expose the depraved noble he worked for. Making them targets for her revenge as well as the Hero's. The pair set about dispatching them all in Raul's typically ruthless fashion whilst freeing the child demon slaves whom they were cruelly belting for sport. Raul took the reins from Ada for a time to rally their new followers against their shared foe. Due to his partner in crime suffering a breakdown due to indulging in her first mass murder. Raul/Ada make their way to the main hall where Allingham and Wendell await with their small band of demon slaves in tow. The Archmage boastfully argues that the Raul they've been affiliated with for so long was a fake whom Wendell had seen through from the start. But his bravado is quickly overturned when the assailant flashes his power in magnanimous fashion to prove his authenticity.

After a brief trip down memory lane; revealing just how slimy and conniving the bastard sorcerer well and truly was to him from childhood to adulthood. Raul would take Wendell, Allingham, the noble that Wendell worked for, as well as the demon children (who were tortured and sexually harassed by Allingham) and teleport them all to a recreation of the capital's colosseum. Giving his hated ex-best friend a front row seat to Allingham's execution whilst offering the five demon kids (2 demon boys and 3 demon girls) the opportunity to inflict great pain upon the sleazy noble by using spiky brushes and cold water on him for what he did to them.

One amongst the demonic audience tells Raul that Allingham often stripped some of the younger of their number and painfully scrubbed them with cold water, the rest of the crowd demanding the same of Allingham in agreement. As the malignant aristocrat begged for mercy whilst being stripped naked in front of everyone whom mocked and jeered at him. Ada, in the driver seat of Raul, recounted how her host had encountered similar slime-mold's whom preached the same pathetic blubbering's while pleading innocence. Only for him to butcher and violate their mortal remains in a similar manner as to when the corrupt clergy took turns gangraping his childbearing sister.

When another demon boy brought up how he had castrated all the male demons, the enclave resounded in agreement to his being castrated in return.

Ada/Raul then conjures up a spike ringed an hole with intent to pressure Cameron's agony. Raul then captured the traitorous bastard, Wendell when he tried to escape only for Raul to easily catch up to him and take him back to the coliseum. As the Archmage attempts to fight back while pleading the case of his innocence in regards to the mistreatment of the demon kin. Raul retorts that his "eye for an eye" guideline was merely a means to bait the trap so Raul could catch his jerkass. After unleashing a mighty spell upon the former hero whilst boasting of his supremacy, Raul nonchalantly laughs off his most powerful arcana before siphoning away all of Wendell's magical power; much to the horror of the latter.

On that note, Raul immediately set about stripping him and torturing him with a giant spiked brush shortly afterwards. When the women pleaded to Raul as why he tormented Wendel so, Mr. Evans revealed the ugly truth about his despicable acquaintance pertaining to when he would dispose of women he'd often bedded and bred by imparting his impregnated flings to Allingham. Whom then passed them off to some of the sleazier nobility Wendell had kept in contact with as viable playthings before having them disposed of. A little demon girl recalled some of the cadavers being dispatched had been that of a women's remains, and another of the demon boys remembered they all looked horrific; both expression wise and in physical state. Wendel's former backers leaving, having flat out deserted the treacherous charlatan to cover their own hides now that the game was up, citing him as another rotten coward to wash their hands of the whole affair. The women whom once all fawned over the unspeakable cad and demon children whom the man he betrayed had rescued all angrily announced to Raul of castrating Wendel as well. The latter summoning a grim reaper brandishing giant ornate scissors while conjuring a bucket filled with Allingham's blood, entrails and physiological waste to kill him with. The former hero proclaiming he would spare Wendell the castration if he could keep his head dunked in the buckets contents for more than three seconds. After a while Raul gets board and feminizes his bastard of a friend himself, regardless of the conditions he set and thus ending the first death count for the disgraced Archduke. It was just an illusion however.

For after Wendell next awakens, Raul shows him a book of Wendel's death counts. Nextly he summoned apparitions of the dead priests (including head priest Gustalf) who were killed by Raul (for violating his only sibling) and stabbed Wendel through his anus with a mace. Still another illusion and showing another of Wendel's death count. Raul gives his book of Wendel's death counts to Ada for her to see. He summoned Ms. Taylor into a small toy-like appearance for her to witness Wendel's death counts. Raul kills Wendel with throwing knives. Still yet another illusion and another death count page. Raul would go onto say that if Wendell managed to break the illusions hold and escape his cycle of faux torment, he'd be free of the marry-go round of punishment. Something Ada wasn't too happy with, especially, as if jinxing it. Wondering aloud what would happen if he'd managed to meet the conditions to break away from Raul's hold. Which the traitorous shmuck did shortly afterwards.

All of which being in vein of coarse. As the Dark Hero blatantly lied about the escape clause set up just to run his dastard of a rival ragged for all the atrocities he'd put his through. Revealing to his partner Ada that there in fact was no feasible way for said lowlife to ever escape the illusion. Only offering that misleading tidbit just to further screw over his psychological state. The last illusion Raul & Ada partook of Wendell's suffering being a slap from the past, consisting of their shared childhood wherein Wendell was the one being bullied by some kids whom he'd payed to pick on Evans all so as to come off as a willing helping hand in order to get in his good graces and sponge off Raul's merit as the future hero. Only the roles would be reversed as Wendell is the one being cruelly mocked and picked on by said pukes who he hired out and a younger Mr. Evans would come to his rescue instead. Only to reveal his true intentions with a demonic grin and blackened eyes staring straight into the now demoralized bastard wizard's broken soul. Reminding him of how his greatest sin of treachery at an incredibly young age had now come full circle before his taking the hand of the friend he betrayed ends in a very grizzly eradication of the reviled lout whom would be king. Back in the real world, Raul would move the now comatose remains of the braindead scoundrel whom was his former friend. But he is temporarily stopped by the demon kids whom also wished to see the one whom aided in their slavers antics be punished unceremoniously. But the hero reminded him that they needed his help in order to see justice on their behalf done. Stating that they already got their due penance on the target of their choosing and should be satisfied with having had whilst find something else to do with their time. Although not necessarily happy about that, they agree with his statement and opt to find their own path to freedom. Something which pleases Ms. Tylor, whom still remains within his anima.

Having remember that their business is now concluded. Raul remembers to disengage the mind meld with his accomplice, stabbing himself through the heart and depositing Ada back into her own body once more. But just as he's about to head out. Raul Evans finds himself held back at knife point by the same woman whom he'd taken along in their shared crusade against the slavers.

Ada Tylor revealing all along that the true focus of her hateful vendetta was actually the hero himself and not his former aid. Raul however calmly disarms her, throwing the now deadweight deadbeat slung over his shoulder at her, before binding Ada in powerful magic runes. He rather nonchalantly states her intentions were plain as day to him, seeing as they shared a headspace and all. Having already deduced her true identity from the get go; but preferred to let her reveal it to him of her own accord. To which his would-be assailant dropped her disguise and revealed her true identify. That of Princess Theodore, sister to the late Demon Lord whom Raul slew in his prior campaign. Theodora tries to kill Raul but only to stab Wendel. Raul effortless defeated the princess. He wish he could kill her, but he offer the key to Cameron's treasury for money to rebuild their homeland and make a fresh start for their lives. Raul released her from his binds and told her even if she and her people were free, they have no place to live as their home without money. He also asked Theodora that did she kill Ada Taylor and impersonated. The princess replied the Hero that she didn't kill Ada when revealing Ms. Taylor once saved her life, Raul continued listening of Theodora's story of how both Charles Taylor and his daughter, Ada once saved her life after the death of her elder sister. He also learned Ada Taylor as well her mother and sister were killed by Raul's treacherous best friend Wendel when the latter impaled her heart with his bare hand. When telling Theodora to make a decision, the Demon Princess chose the key to Cameron's treasury to take good care of her own life. Raul gladly giving her the key and thanked her for helping him to exact his revenge on his treacherous former comrade. 2 months later, the angry citizens began the trial on Saintess Cristina Alcott.

He later returned to the castle and informed the King of Wendel's death. He secretly lied to the King that he incinerated the demon children (in truth, he let them go). He later was assigned by the King to dispose Saintess Cristina due to her magic on Victoria was discovered by the angry citizens. Raul went to the dungeon to see Cristina only to see her naked in her unconditional statement.

Raul already know that Cristina is responsible for his misery when she casted the light magic to brainwash his formerly false friends. He revealed that he removed the light magic to bind anyone's lust for Cristina. In the trial, he brought the devoured-yet-alive naked Victoria in Cristina's trial. He witnessed Cristina's execution when she was sentenced to death by burn into a stake. Raul added the burnt Cristina to his collections of his victims. Unfortunately, Princess Theodora fired a light magic imbued arrow at Raul when she still wants to get revenge on Raul for murdering her older sister, the Demon Lord. Raul dared Theodora kill him. She declared he will not get an ordinary death as she is planning to execute him just like Victoria once did. The demon princess stabbed Raul with a light magic imbued dagger when she angrily revealed to Raul that her sister was only protecting their kingdom and people as well she declared her people were only to live normally. The animals starting to devour Raul and Theodora will watch until Raul's last breath. 5 days later, Theodora shattered her tears even though she finally killed Raul when she thought she would be liberated from her suffering, but instead she still feels empty and pain where seeing the dissected Raul.

After his death by princess Theodora for her revenge on him when murdering her elder sister, the Demon Lord, Raul returned to the realm that he died. He acknowledge the Demon Princess that she did a good job. He reunite with his perverted love interest, the Goddess of Love to find and get even with Cristiana.


Raul is about 178 cm tall and weights around 64-68 kg. His date of birth is April 13.


Originally, Raul was a weak-minded yet kindhearted young man. Having been once loyal to the kingdom and willingly put life & limb on the line to protect those he cared about. Until after defeating the demon lord, he faced abject misery whence upon he was betrayed, tortured and executed by the machinations plotted by the corrupt Princess Victoria. The former hero deeply cared for his family and everyone from Macaulay villa whom accepted him with open arms until it was devastated, unbeknownst to him at the time; by both General Brown, the Knight Captain Sandra, his former contemporary the Archmage and all under the order of one tyrannical heiress, Victoria. Whom was coaxed into it by the Saintess Cristiana.

Following his revival by the Goddess of Love, Evans became borderline misanthropically vengeful. Devolving into a sadomanaical, psychotic and coldblooded butcher who exacts cruel and ironic punishments on all who've crossed him. He enjoys torturing his victims until they die. He doesn't care about helping those who doubted him, he simply manipulates them to do his bidding. The dark hero abhors the Kingdom of Kurz and those who caused misfortune towards him and/or others related to him by killing his family and destroying his home when its demonstrated as Raul is planning to kill them all as he murdered many of the kingdom's knights, General Brown, Brown's family, Prist Gustalf and the rest of his synagogue, the Kingdom's scientists, his old adventuring buddies and even archfoe, Princess Victoria. He is also emotionally & psychologically intelligent when goading the Knight; Dame Sandra, into exposing the truth behind Victoria's true rotten nature. He is very cruel towards his enemies who were falsely masquerading as his allies, such as when he mocked General Brown (the destroyer of Baden village and the murderer of his mother and clansmen) to be so weak and later laughed at Victoria's humiliating breakdown when her father had barred her as heiress to the throne; disowning her as his daughter after the revived heroes rampage cost his kingdom so dearly, eliminating a few of the king's most trusted confidantes and tricking her former right hand into massacring's his attendants and the Ruler of Kurz ordering Saint Cristiana to clear Raul's name and depose Victoria. He doesn't have any interests of bargains (such as money, nobilities or women) from those deemed enemies whom begged him to spare their lives such as Priest Gustalf (who participated in the gangrape of his sister).

Raul is also shown to be somewhat lecherous and perverted, as he enjoyed indulging in slight sexual harassments towards women. As shown when he joyfully and sadistically disrobed his archenemy, Princess Victoria by shredding away her red dress leaving her naked before badly damaging her womb at her wedding events in Chapter 2-4. Later still hanging the mutilated remains of his former mentor's wife at a tree in Chapter 8. Despite this however, he remains a celibate individual before dying and reviving as the laughing mad punisher exacting retribution upon his tormentors and betrayers. Indicated by his blatant disdain for the sleazy royal whom ordered his sisters murder once upon his return; citing in the novel that the princess looked to him as if a disgusting sow unworthy of praise after shredding apart her wardrobe. Raul doesn't even flinch when staring down the barely alive ex-knight commander, Sandra Divas (who is severely agonized and naked of being excessively violated by Victoria and her soldiers both physically and sexually) after returning to the Kingdom to assassinate the hated princess.

When Sandra called him a coward for not fighting honorably, Raul took great offense to such claims as he revealed himself to be honorable (in spite of his unstable actions) when he reminded her that she captured him in a fairly dishonorable fashion, showing to be easily enraged by things such as hypocrisy and incoherence. And all for the morally bankrupt whim of a spoiled aristocrat no-less, which made Sandra herself the coward. While full of rage he is still polite and playful. When the King ordered Saint Cristiana to clear Raul's name and gave him leave to dispose of said wayward offspring, Princess Victoria (which shares in common to Raul's intention), he politely asked Cristiana to show evidence which confirmed her being conveyed such orders from her monarch to dispatch Victoria; whom in return thanked Raul for reminding her. He will not let anyone get away with their crimes and enjoy their happy life as he is willing to help those whom wanted revenge when they've also suffered by those that worked under the selfish and most hated of individuals, similarly to himself, as he helped Ada Taylor and the innocent demon children (who suffered, had been tortured and (only for demon girls) raped at Allingham's hands) to kill the morally depraved noble himself in their desires for revenge. Revealing to the nobles and the feminine fans in the illusory realm the hero had conjured; whom were all Wendel's associates of his intentions and or groupies that fawned over him, Raul tells them of his disposable former compatriot that he would often kill off the flings Wendell would impregnate by feeding them to Allingham. Who would then pawn them off to his aristocratic entourage whom often played with them until they broke and then were disposed of by the demon slaves. Raul revealed to Theodora that he is kind to those who wants vengeance just like him. He is willing to offer the demon princess the key of Cameron Allingham's treasury for her and her subjects to rebuild their home and make a fresh start of their lives. After realizing of Theodora's tragedy similar to him, he painfully understand the demon princess. When Princess Theodora chose to the key to Allington's treasury, Raul is glad of her decision as well thanking her for helping him exacting his revenge on his treacherous best friend, Wendel. He lied to the King that he burned the demon children at Allingham's palace (in truth, he set the demon kids free because they are only poor and innocent). Raul dares Theodora to kill him if she wants to avenge her sister. After he died at Princess Theodora's hands for her vengeance upon him of murdering her older sister, the Demon Lord, he doesn't seem to hold a grudge on Theodora when he appreciate the demon princess for killing him just so he could get even with Cristiana.

He will often also brainwash his victims to use them against his enemies, demonstrating this when he manipulated the former knight commander, Sandra Divas (who has been tortured and raped by Victoria and her former subordinates) into killing her fathers retainers, even the part of killing Victoria herself where Raul finally avenged his family and the people from his past who all suffered through the royal family's tyranny. He is also merciless in that he doesn't hesitate to kill his enemies even when they are trying to beg and forgive him such as a scientist whom developed mutagens that turned people into hideous berserkers. On behalf of the King (Victoria's father) and Saint Cristiana, Raul is also pleasured as he will finally avenge his family and those he cared for whom died at the hands of Victoria's unjust rule by executing the crazed lunatic princess when aiding the then brutalized and insane Sandra to impale her to death with a sword (before he revived Victoria and took her to the same area to feed her to the wild animals similar what she did to him).


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