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The Last Spirit Wolf by
Elena Norwood

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Jill K. Davis I read it on AnyStories. It cost about 2400 coins which is equivalent to about $24. Fortunately, I've been logging in and earning free coins for long …moreI read it on AnyStories. It cost about 2400 coins which is equivalent to about $24. Fortunately, I've been logging in and earning free coins for long enough, I only had to spend about $1.99 to get it!(less)

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This book has a great story line of trials a tribulations, I am upset it just ends the way it did, I hope there is more to come. Well written, Keeps you engaged and intrigued.

I found this book through an ad on Facebook for a serialized story app. I normally avoid those, but the premise sounded interesting so I started reading it. The first several chapters are free, then you have to pay to unlock the chapters. There are some grammatical/spelling errors, which is to be expected due to the format in which it's published, and it does seem like the author is going back and correcting them since I get notifications chapters have been updated. I'm invested now and plan to I found this book through an ad on Facebook for a serialized story app. I normally avoid those, but the premise sounded interesting so I started reading it. The first several chapters are free, then you have to pay to unlock the chapters. There are some grammatical/spelling errors, which is to be expected due to the format in which it's published, and it does seem like the author is going back and correcting them since I get notifications chapters have been updated. I'm invested now and plan to continue to book 2, but it will cost you more than a regular ebook to buy the tokens. ...more

May 09, 2022 Jill K. Davis rated it it was amazing

Given that I typically hate this type of platform, where it costs you $30 to download a book if you're not careful, I was very hesitant to read the book. I login daily to earn free coins and had accumulated enough to buy the book (I was short $1.99 that I willingly spent). My purchase gave me all of book 1 and book 2. There were a few typos, but most did not hinder the reading. Most books on these platforms are filled with typos, but this one was pleasantly not.

The story was well developed, and

Given that I typically hate this type of platform, where it costs you $30 to download a book if you're not careful, I was very hesitant to read the book. I login daily to earn free coins and had accumulated enough to buy the book (I was short $1.99 that I willingly spent). My purchase gave me all of book 1 and book 2. There were a few typos, but most did not hinder the reading. Most books on these platforms are filled with typos, but this one was pleasantly not.

The story was well developed, and thoughtful. I read a comment in the book that this was a story with a little sex, instead of sex with a little story, and I totally agree. The hero/heroine covered a lot of ground, both physically, and figuratively. My biggest issue is that Vera doesn't actually find her place in Noah's world before the end of the first book. The end definitely leaves it open to book two, but I'm not sure if I'm going to read it right away. This book was EIGHTY-EIGHT chapters and while most of them were short, this was still more like reading a 3-book series. Part 1, Vera and Noah's time with Vera's pack and the the fight of the monster that attacked them. Part 2, Vera and Noah's time with the Lycans(view spoiler)[ and Noah eventually challenging the king (hide spoiler)]. Part 3, the battle between Noah's people and the person who sent the monster after him and his people in the beginning. I loved that Vera and Noah never really doubted their relationship, and while there are a lot of factors trying to keep them apart, none of it came from within the relationship. Sure, they had arguments and disagreements, but none of them were enough to shake their foundation.

Overall, I thought this was a great read, and hope to read more by this author... maybe something a tad shorter!


Oct 31, 2021 Nalei Halemano rated it really liked it

4/5 stars
First, this is a story on an app so there are some grammatical errors and while the first few chapters are free, you will likely spend more on tokens to read the rest of the chapters than you would have a regular/e-book! Second, since the chapters are short POVs you spend more tokens since you have to buy/spend more tokens to unlock each chapter with tokens.

Aside from that, the storyline is good and well-written. The characters and the growth of the relationships are also well-portrayed

4/5 stars
First, this is a story on an app so there are some grammatical errors and while the first few chapters are free, you will likely spend more on tokens to read the rest of the chapters than you would have a regular/e-book! Second, since the chapters are short POVs you spend more tokens since you have to buy/spend more tokens to unlock each chapter with tokens.

Aside from that, the storyline is good and well-written. The characters and the growth of the relationships are also well-portrayed and makes you want to know more about what happens in their own lives. I enjoyed the magical element but wish they showed her grow more into and use of her magic; also wish there was more to the end. I also wish there was more interaction in her magical growth between her and her father. The way the author ties in her fathers presence though is awesome! It was a beautiful ending but between the big battle and the epilogue there could definitely have been more.


Feb 14, 2022 Jade rated it did not like it

This book is on one of those pay per chapter books and I think I read 100 off chapters and paid more than I am willing to admit before the app reset and locked all the chapters again.

So this is a DNF for me as I am not going to try and recall the chapter I was up to before the author uploaded more. I will not spend more money on this book.

The story from where I got up to was engaging and I was enjoying it but it was not worth the money or the hassle that comes with these apps.

Love the story. The characters are strong and all have defined personalities which I love. My only thing was as the book came to its end I started to lose interest and had to take a break to finish it as it was a little winded at times for me.

Liked the story when started, but unfortunately it's on a site were you'll have to sell a kidney to keep reading it. When you wait for the free coins it's 2-3 days to read 1 chapter.
So I stopped reading.
Will most definitely read it when it's available for a normal price.
Liked the story when started, but unfortunately it's on a site were you'll have to sell a kidney to keep reading it. When you wait for the free coins it's 2-3 days to read 1 chapter.
So I stopped reading.
Will most definitely read it when it's available for a normal price.

Dec 11, 2021 Amie rated it it was amazing

This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Khgddakskskffk

Jan 17, 2022 Amandaa Starr rated it it was amazing

Didn't finish the book as it was becoming to expensive on the app it is on. What I read was really good. I hope it actually get published. Didn't finish the book as it was becoming to expensive on the app it is on. What I read was really good. I hope it actually get published. ...more

Mar 10, 2022 Sarah Dampf rated it it was amazing

Tolle Geschichte wirklich spannend und sehr Detailverliebt...nur das Ende ist sehr abrupt, ich hoffe das kiegt daran. Dass es im zweiten Buch
weiter geht.

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