The slob aron beauregard free pdf

Posted byu/[deleted]5 months ago

Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it.

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level 1

I am like 99% certain you posted this exact same "does anyone have a pirated version of The Slob" thread a week or two ago on a different account, and basically everyone on the subreddit told you to fuck off. Why did you think you'd get different results this time?

level 2

Because he's a thief and won't layout $4.00 for a book on kindle.

level 2

Thank you for the concern, but that was in fact not me. This is my only Reddit account, and I just learned about this book today :)

level 1

It’s now 2022 and they’ve invented this new thing. It’s a building that stores many many books. They will let you borrow the book for a short while. Try that building.

level 1

So the author doesn't deserve anything for what they've written for you? Pirating is theft.

level 2

I just wanted to check it out because I heard a very negative review. If push comes to shove, I’d pay for it, but at first glance I would not want to drop 15 dollars on a book I may not even like if I happen to agree with the reviewer. :)


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