They just make the best of everything

In order to be happy, you need to make sure that you are happy and contented with everything that you have. It is rather a misinterpretation that people are happy to have the best of everything.

It is important to understand that none of us can actually get each and everything that we want. Yes, that’s even true for rich people. You may be rich enough, but you can only purchase materialistic things with the money you own.

Remember that God will not give you everything that you want in your life. He will just give you all those things that you need, and it is up to you whether or not you can be happy with all that you have got in your hand. It is rather useless to keep on crying over something that you do not possess.

Life happens, and you ought to understand reality, sooner or later. The happiest people are the ones who are capable of making use of everything that they have.

You might not be happy with the expensive things, but you can see someone with a mediocre life is happier than you. Hence, it is essential to realize the value of happiness, not just based on things, but by the contentment, you have with all that you have!

You do not need to have the best of everything by any chance, and you can still be happy with just a handful of things that you have got with you. Just make sure that you give your best to keep all that you own.

It is up to you that how can you make the best use of something that you already own. There’s no point in trying to grab each and everything that you want, and rather you should be more focused on trying to make the best out of the things you own.

You should try to improve those things and make them appear as if they are the best version of everything you have got in hand. It is up to you how you make the best, and make sure that complaining doesn’t gain you anything.

Hence, you should always focus on giving your best in every shot, and do the best of everything you could ever do!

This quote, in particular, I hold really close to my heart. When my family and I went through our “big” move to Connecticut, we often looked at this quote for comfort. After the couple of months I’ve been here, I find myself looking for direction and referring to this quote to find it. Sometimes, there are situations that are out of our control. Also, sometimes there are decisions we make that we can’t go back and change. A recent decision I made, that will impact the next four years of my life, I’m afraid was the wrong one. I keep looking back and wondering “what if.” What if I chose another decision, would I be happier? Or would I be just as confused? After the numerous questions I asked myself, that I knew could not be answered, I came across this quote. I made the decision I did for a reason. Although it may not feel right at the moment, I can’t dwell on the “what ifs.” I have to simply take the situation, and make the best out of it. That’s what the happiest people do, right? They make the best out of the worst. In the end, they are happy. I think we are all meant to find our happiness, and sometimes there is no easy way there. Sometimes it takes a few bad decisions in order to get to the good ones. I believe that this is all apart of life and we can either take it or leave it. While most of us take it, we wind up finding that maybe our bad decisions were the right ones all along. One day, I hope to look back on the decision I previously made and be happy that I made it. Until then, I’m going to keep on taking life day by day and make the best of everything I am dealt with now.

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The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.

Happiness is something that we all seek. Every goal we set, every achievement we pursue, every relationship we engage in, and every journey we embark on is really just an attempt to feel happiness.

10 Habits That Will Make Us Happier

It is often said, “The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.”

Should we question this? Someone did post this on the Internet. How can we verify if this is even a valid statement? Does it make sense? Perhaps we should be asking, what position are we in - to question this statement? If it is on the Internet, then surely it must be a valid statement.

Here's my take on it. The previous questions were all trick questions. If we do find ourselves questioning the statement then we are not exactly the "happiest" people. If we were the happiest people we would have no time to ask, we would be too busy actually being happy and showing it off, sharing the moments with others, or just wearing our hearts on our sleeves.

On the other hand, when one reads literature on self reflection, it is recommended we ask ourselves that very same question: Are we happy? Did we do the best we could? How else could we have done or approached things? How else could we have obtained a “happy” result? This is also known as taking a step back to reflect.

If we perform a fair, unoffensive, and complete reflection upon ourselves and our actions we may realize something basic - that indeed we are “happy.” So we fall into the happy category. So now what?

A snapshot. A moment in time. Do we continue doing the previous (what actually made us the happiest) so we can continue to remain happy? Or do we work on different, new, more challenging plans which will drive us potentially to new heights? If we follow the model which suggests new heights we would come to the realization - we were happy, and now we are no longer happy because we're on the new path. We're not there, yet. Surely we will get there. Until then, we can imagine we're not the happiest - just yet. 

If we do it correctly we will get results. The potential is there. We are mapping a new path which will eventually lead us to a new happiness. But for now, until we get there – we suddenly find ourselves “unhappy.” It will certainly take us some time to get to make the best of the new everything – to find the new happiness.

Confused? Don't be. There is a solution.

It is only fair that we take time to reflect our position. Perhaps we do this once every trimester, or at the end of the year, or perhaps we do this every time we cook dinner,. Whatever. As long as it gets done.

By reflecting and asking ourselves about “how” we can move away from what we were used to - we can obtain a different success and therefore a different happiness. A happiness none the less. And because we can we will make the best of everything. This is what the happiest people excel at; being the happiest because we make the best of everything - we don,t have the best of everything but we certainly know how to make the best of everything. This is what we do. This is who we are. and more importantly, we do as we say. 

It is a matter of mapping the course and staying strong.

As we gain knowledge in our fields or even outside our fields, we grow. We realize the new wealth of knowledge or situations we were exposed to. We realize what works and what does not. We also realize that we can't fix everything. Some things (I would dare suggest – most things) are better left broken or in need of repair, to remind us that the key to success and happiness is making the best of every situation.

So there you have it. Whatever the situation that presents itself - good, bad, appropriate, inappropriate, freshly painted, broken, in need of major repair, leave it as is – you can and will make the best of everything. It is in you - you know how.

The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.

What does it mean to make the best out of everything?

The secret for a successful and happy life resides in making the best out of everything-in finding the right balance between the little and the big things-and in knowing how to wisely respond to the good and the bad times. Making the best out of everything in life requires constancy, commitment, and change.

Who said the happiest people don't have the best of everything they just make the best of everything?

Andreas Tsatoumas. It is often said, “The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.”

What does the happiest people don't have the best of everything they just make the best of everything mean?

The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything. Happiness is something that we all seek. Every goal we set, every achievement we pursue, every relationship we engage in, and every journey we embark on is really just an attempt to feel happiness.

How do I get the best out of everything?

The Best Ways to Make the Most Out of a Bad Situation.
Accept the good with the bad. ... .
Open up the best little lemonade stand in the county. ... .
Take some time to assess. ... .
Make it a learning experience. ... .
Work hard. ... .
Put things into perspective. ... .
Learn how to be flexible. ... .
Remember to be..


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