Things you need after wisdom teeth removal

Often the wisdom teeth removal surgery is done by an oral surgeon. While tooth extractions are routine and are known to alleviate tooth pain, it is not abnormal to experience some swelling, pain, and discomfort. The good news is that there are lots of options to keep people from experiencing too much pain and discomfort and pain during and after the procedure. Here are some things you can do to have a better experience.

  1. Get yourself ready before you have the work done. Get in and talk to the dentist or oral surgeon and ask them all the questions that you can think of. This will help you get a better idea of what you can expect during and after your wisdom teeth removal surgery. Most dental professionals will give their patients a list of things they should do before and after the procedure is done. It is crucial that you read over the list and talk to the dental office. If you do not understand something, ask them about it.
  2. Stock your kitchen. Talk to your dentist or oral surgeon about foods and drinks that are good after wisdom teeth are removed. Many people stock up on soups, ice cream, and other softer item. Getting the right things before you go in for surgery will make the process easier.
  3. Get the timing right. While a wisdom tooth extraction is a routine surgery it is still a surgery. You should make sure you have time to let your body heal afterward. You will need to have a friend or family member come with you to your appointment and get you home safe and sound after your procedure is complete. Some people make plans to have someone stay with them after the operation.
  4. Be careful with what you eat and drink after your procedure. Most dental experts recommend people start off with liquids right after the surgery. As time passes, people graduate to soft foods. After a few days, it is often possible to move on to more solid foods. You will want to skip eating very spicy foods or anything that is too hot. Also, you should avoid straws and smoking as either can lead to “dry sockets.”
  5. Make sure you rest up. Again, the wisdom teeth removal procedure is surgery and your body need rest to heal. Many people want to get back to their regular routines as soon as humanly possible. The problem with that is it can mean the actual healing process is delayed. Exercising too soon after surgery can cause more swelling and bleeding. It is better to spend a few days resting and relaxing. Prop your head on a pillow and just give your body and yourself a break.
  6. Open and close your mouth. You need to work through the stiffness if you feel any. To do anything else may cause bigger problems. Start slowly but be persistent with this.
  7. Take the time to rinse your mouth. You may get a special rinse from your dentist or oral surgeon or you may be advised to use saltwater. Either way, rinsing with one of these can help with the healing process if you are able to do this a few times throughout the day. This should be done after eating. You will experience less pain and swelling if you do this.
  8. Tea bags and gauze can help with bleeding. It is normal to bleed after this surgery but it is always better to bleed less than more.
  9. Follow the instructions you are given by your dental professional. They have made up a plan that is specific to your health and will help your recovery period. They know what they are talking about and their instructions should always be adhered to.

It is possible to have a good experience after a wisdom teeth removal operation. These nine tips can really help with the healing process.

Wisdom Teeth generally develop in our late teens or early twenties. In certain cases, Wisdom Teeth serve as a worthy asset to your mouth if strong and properly aligned. But in most cases, they are not aligned well and generally need removal.  Wisdom teeth extraction is the serious oral surgery.

Whenever we undergo any surgery the first thing we want is to let it heal properly and quickly. Therefore, we have prepared a list of wisdom teeth extraction to-do’s and don’ts.

Firstly the Dos:

  • Rest. Relax for the next couple of days. But that doesn’t mean you need to be completely bedridden.
  • Elevate your head. This will lessen your amount of swelling.
  • Use an ice pack for the first 24-48 hours after the extraction. Icing will minimize your pain and lessen your swelling. Apply the ice packs 15 minutes on and 15 minutes off for 1-2 hour time periods.
  • Bite on your cotton gauze. The pressure will aid in stopping the bleeding.
  • Keep it clean. Gargle with a salt-water solution once a day.
  • Intake liquid and soft food for a few days. For example, soups, mashed potatoes, yogurts, milkshakes, smoothies, etc. 
  • Eat on the other side. It’s crucial not to disturb the wound in your gum and allow it to heal.
  • Do jaw exercises by slowly opening and closing your mouth. But you shouldn’t do this immediately after your extraction.
  • Drink sufficient amounts of fluids, especially water – but without using a straw!
  • Take your medicines as prescribed. Don’t skip a dose, or it will be difficult to soothe the pain later.
  • Brush gently. Brush your teeth from the second day after your surgery. But don’t brush the wisdom teeth extraction area.

Now the Don’ts:

  • Avoid using straws. Don’t suck, spit, smoke, or consume alcohol. Avoiding these helps maintain the blood clot that forms over the extraction region. If the clot becomes dislodged, you may experience more bleeding, and more pain. And a potential side effect will develop termed dry sockets.
  • Don’t eat, drink or talk immediately after your surgery.
  • Stay away from solid foods. Avoid popcorn, potato chips, and other hard or crunchy foods for at least a week. Stay away from hot or carbonated drinks, spicy foods, sodas, etc. Dentists say you can eat solids only after 4-5 hours of extraction.
  • Don’t ever take aspirin. It’s a blood thinner and will delay in clot formation.
  • Stop icing after the first 48 hours after your wisdom teeth extraction. Instead, use hot water on your extraction site. It will soothe your pain and promote healing.
  • Don’t poke into the gap created with your tongue, finger, tissue or toothpick. It may delay your healing. Thus it may provoke bleeding and can also result in a dry socket.
  • Don’t rinse your mouth too strenuously. The pressure might dislodge the blood clot and result in complications.

Finally, visit your dentist if bleeding continues after 24 hours or you experience great discomfort or fever.

Schedule Your Wisdom Teeth Extraction Today

We at Oak Forest Family Dental prioritize your safety and comfort. Our Surgeons are experts at wisdom tooth removal. We use the least invasive techniques possible to reduce discomfort post-surgery. So if you’re searching for a ‘dental surgeon near me in Oak Forest, IL, then surely visit our office for your extraction.


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