Weather in puerto rico in april 2022

In this section, check out the weather forecast for april for most popular cities in Puerto Rico. These predictions are probabilities for april from weather reports for over 10 years. The percentage indicates the probability of having the weather mentioned.

Where to go in Puerto Rico in april?

Where to go in Puerto Rico in april: destination map


perfect weather
very bad

Where should you go in Puerto Rico in april when it comes to the weather?

The climate in Puerto Rico in april ranges from perfect to good depending on the region and city.

warning in april the weather is different depending on the city and regions of the country.

Good news: Although it is not perfect the weather in Puerto Rico in april is pretty good in Arecibo, Bayamón and San Juan. I allows to savor sightseeing in these cities. And even why not take a little time to relax under the sun!

If you do not go to spend your time in a lounger by the pool, but, for example to discover the heritage, the cities of Caguas‎, Mayagüez‎ and Ponce have a ok but correct weather for this kind of activity in april.

Climate in Puerto Rico in april

Climate in San Juan in april

In the month of april, maximum temperature is 28°C and minimum temperature is 26°C (for an average temperature of 27°C). The climate comfortable in that area in the month of april. With 49mm over 2 days, rainfall can happen throughout your holidays. But this is reasonably and it will not be continuous.
With a good weather, april is a good time to go in this city in Puerto Rico.

March April May
Average temperature 26°C 27°C 28°C
Highest temperature 27°C 28°C 29°C
Lowest temperature 25°C 26°C 26°C
Sea temperature 26.3°C 27°C 27.6°C
Rainfall 53mm 49mm 89mm
Number of days with rainfall 3 day(s)
2 day(s)
6 day(s)
Humidity 79% 79% 81%
Daily sunshine hours 11 12 13
Cloud cover 32% 29% 33%
Length of day 12:02 12:34 13:00
Our opinion at perfect perfect good
more information about the climate in San Juan in april

Climate in Arecibo in april

In the month of april, maximum temperature is 28°C and minimum temperature is 25°C (for an average temperature of 27°C). The climate quite nice in that area in this month. With 115mm over 6 days, rain may occur for your journey. But this is rather reasonably and it will not be continuous.
With a good climate, the month of april is a recommended month to go in this city in Puerto Rico.

March April May
Average temperature 26°C 27°C 28°C
Highest temperature 27°C 28°C 29°C
Lowest temperature 24°C 25°C 26°C
Sea temperature 26.3°C 26.9°C 27.5°C
Rainfall 91mm 115mm 240mm
Number of days with rainfall 5 day(s)
6 day(s)
14 day(s)
Humidity 80% 79% 81%
Daily sunshine hours 11 11 13
Cloud cover 30% 27% 31%
Length of day 12:02 12:34 13:01
Our opinion at good good tolerable
more information about the climate in Arecibo in april

Climate in Bayamón in april

In the month of april, maximum temperature is 28°C and minimum temperature is 26°C (for an average temperature of 27°C). The climate enjoyable in this city in the month of april. With 59mm over 4 days, you will experience some showers for your holidays. But this is reasonably and it is only of temporary showers.
With good weather conditions, april is a good time to go in this locality in Puerto Rico.

March April May
Average temperature 26°C 27°C 28°C
Highest temperature 27°C 28°C 29°C
Lowest temperature 25°C 26°C 26°C
Sea temperature 26.2°C 27°C 27.5°C
Rainfall 63mm 59mm 109mm
Number of days with rainfall 3 day(s)
4 day(s)
7 day(s)
Humidity 80% 79% 81%
Daily sunshine hours 11 12 13
Cloud cover 32% 30% 35%
Length of day 12:02 12:34 13:00
Our opinion at perfect perfect good
more information about the climate in Bayamón in april

Climate in Caguas in april

In april, the mean temperature in Caguas‎ is 27°C (maximum temperature is 28°C and minimum temperature is 25°C). The climate comfortable in that area in this month. With 96mm over 6 days, rain may occur throughout your trip. But this is reasonably and you will not be too bothered by it.
With proper weather, the month of april is okay (but not the best month) for traveling there.

March April May
Average temperature 26°C 27°C 27°C
Highest temperature 27°C 28°C 29°C
Lowest temperature 24°C 25°C 26°C
Rainfall 79mm 96mm 163mm
Number of days with rainfall 4 day(s)
6 day(s)
10 day(s)
Humidity 80% 80% 82%
Daily sunshine hours 11 12 13
Cloud cover 34% 34% 40%
Length of day 12:02 12:34 12:59
Our opinion at perfect good tolerable
more information about the climate in Caguas in april

Climate in Culebra in april

In april, the mean temperature in Culebra is 27°C (maximum temperature is 27°C and minimum temperature is 26°C). The climate is quite good here in the month of april. With 86mm over 5 days, you risk getting wet slightly for your holidays. But this is rather reasonably and it will not be continuous.
With good weather conditions, the month of april is a good month to go in that area.

March April May
Average temperature 26°C 27°C 27°C
Highest temperature 27°C 27°C 28°C
Lowest temperature 25°C 26°C 27°C
Sea temperature 26°C 26.9°C 27.7°C
Rainfall 93mm 86mm 180mm
Number of days with rainfall 5 day(s)
5 day(s)
10 day(s)
Humidity 77% 78% 80%
Daily sunshine hours 11 12 13
Cloud cover 36% 35% 41%
Length of day 12:02 12:34 13:00
Our opinion at good good tolerable
more information about the climate in Culebra in april

All cities in Puerto Rico in april

San Juan in april perfect weather
Arecibo in april good weather
Bayamón in april perfect weather
Caguas in april good weather
Culebra in april good weather
Isla De Mona in april good weather
Mayagüez‎ in april good weather
Ponce in april good weather
Vieques in april perfect weather
Adjuntas in april perfect weather
Aguadilla in april good weather
Aibonito in april good weather
Anasco in april good weather
Arroyo in april good weather
Boqueron in april good weather
Cabo Rojo in april good weather
Carolina in april good weather
Cayey in april good weather
Ceiba in april perfect weather
Cidra in april good weather
Coamo in april good weather
See full list of cities (44)

Weather data for Puerto Rico in april:

Weather data for Puerto Rico in april is derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Puerto Rico. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Puerto Rico can vary slightly from year to year, but these predictions should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags and check when is the best time to go to Puerto Rico.

Is April a good time to go to Puerto Rico?

The best time to visit Puerto Rico is from mid-April to June, right after the busy winter season and just before the rainy summer. Spring weather is also very pleasant, barely escaping the mid-80s on most days.

How is the weather in Puerto Rico in April?

April Weather in Puerto Rico Puerto Rico. Daily high temperatures are around 85°F, rarely falling below 81°F or exceeding 90°F. Daily low temperatures are around 74°F, rarely falling below 71°F or exceeding 78°F.

Is April a rainy month in Puerto Rico?

Precipitation. The island wettest month is August with 7 inches (18cm) of rain. Puerto Rico's rainy season lasts from April to November and the driest season is December to March.

Can you swim in Puerto Rico in April?

April is a hot and very rainy time for sunbathing in San Juan. April is an excellent month for swimming in San Juan with very warm sea temperatures. Consider visiting San Juan in the months of January, February, March, April, for the best beach weather.


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