What are the dos and donts after liposuction?

8 Do’s and Dont’s of Liposuction Recovery

After you and your surgeon invest time, effort, and money in the operating room for the body contour and flattering shape and profile you have always wanted, you may ask yourself: What now Well, liposuction is just the beginning of the overall procedure After that comes recovery; over the next few... | Read More

| Date | Liposuction |

After you and your surgeon invest time, effort, and money in the operating room for the body contour and flattering shape and profile you have always wanted, you may ask yourself: What now? Well, liposuction is just the beginning of the overall procedure. After that comes recovery; over the next few months, your body will heal and slowly adjust to its new, slimmer form.

It is too easy to get complacent after your liposuction procedure, but the truth is that taking proper care of your body now will further enhance your profile for years to come. What you do during the recovery process ultimately determines the results that you will get. Follow the recovery tips below, and you will be well on your way to a better and more confident you!

The Dos

  1. DO minimize excessive movement after the surgery. This reduces the risk of infection, swelling, and bruising around the treated areas. It also stabilizes the blood flow within, letting your body adjust to its new shape faster.
  2. DO have someone accompany you home after surgery. You may experience difficulty moving around during the first 24 hours after the surgical procedure, which is why having a loved one help around will be very useful. Get plenty of rest and speed up your body’s healing and reduce swelling.
  3. DO wear liposuction compression garments. You will be provided one before you leave the hospital, and you must wear it constantly. Compression garments keep your new figure intact as it heals, enhancing the final results. These garments also help prevent infection, so keep it and your wounds clean. You should also wear loose-fitting clothing to avoid putting pressure on the surgical area.
  4. DO attend your post-surgical check-ups. This allows us to monitor your recovery and ensure that you are healing properly. During these follow-ups, we can also recommend further action, such as when to stop taking pain medication and wearing a compression garment. Our surgeon will also check on the progress of your wound healing and let you know how soon you can resume certain activities and return to work.
  5. DO stay hydrated. Adequate hydration is crucial to avoid dehydration during the recovery period after liposuction. Drinking plenty of water daily will help the body recover more quickly.
  6. DO move around your home. While it is important to allow your body to rest and recover in the first 24 hours after liposuction, light exercise, including short walks, can speed up the body’s healing process. Light movement around at home during the first week after surgery will improve blood circulation but still avoid strenuous activity and exercise.

The Don’ts

  1. DO NOT take ibuprofen or any anti-inflammatory medications. These may thin your blood and cause it to flow faster than normal. Negative effects may include blood clots and swelling in parts of your body far away from the treatment area.
  2. DO NOT smoke or drink within the recovery process. Nicotine and alcohol also thin the blood. They also have a host of other side effects that further impede healing or the results of your operation.

What to Eat after Liposuction

Maintaining a balanced diet is important to help your body have the essential vitamins and nutrients it needs during the healing process of liposuction surgery. Although liposuction removes excess fat from specific areas of the body, a common misconception is that the removed fat will never come back…

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But What About Long-term Maintenance?

Obtaining your ideal results is one thing, but keeping your new figure in the years to come is the final step. Liposuction does not remove all fatty tissue in your body, and what remains can often pick up the slack and ruin your figure.

Maintain a healthy body by sticking to a proper diet and exercise routine so you can enjoy the results of liposuction longer. Another round of surgery is an option, but undergoing liposuction multiple times in the same area can cause unsightly skin rippling or painful scar tissue to develop.

The first liposuction will always produce the best results, especially when paired with a proper recovery process. It takes some work to develop the habit, but it will be worth it for that boost in looks and confidence once the results settle.

*This blog is created and maintained for informational purposes only. The images present may not accurately reflect actual cases per individual. Individual cases are unique, and the descriptions and solutions will vary per patient.

What can you not do after liposuction?

Don't Smoke Or Drink Smoking interferes with the healing process and should be avoided for at least a month after surgery. Drinking alcohol makes you dehydrated, and this also can inhibit your recovery. It also can make scars more visible, so avoid alcohol for the first month or so after your liposuction procedure.

What is the best thing to do after liposuction for results?

How To Get The Best Results From Liposuction.
Wear Your Compression Garment. After liposuction, your body's natural response is to fill the treated area with fluid. ... .
Maintain a Healthy Diet. Right after the procedure, it is important to drink plenty of liquids to stay well hydrated. ... .
Exercise. ... .
Long Term Results..

How long do you need to rest after liposuction?

The area will probably be bruised and swollen for at least 10 to 14 days. You will be able to return to your normal activities as soon as you feel comfortable. This may take several days to a few weeks. Most people can return to light work within a few days.

Can I bend over after liposuction?

Answer: Bending will not affect Liposuction. I encourage my patients to be out exercising after the girdle is removed. They can be in the gym usually by day 4 or 5 but not in the sun.


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