What are the side effects of hair gel?

Hair styling is a part of grooming. Well-groomed hair makes a man look more presentable and handsome. Probably this is the reason why young boys and men work on hairstyling. Hair gel, thus, has become an important part of a man’s haircare vanity. A hair gel works to keep your hair in place and hair style intact for hours. Combing hair at regular intervals is a task and therefore, hair gels were introduced as saviors. These are effective, no second thought on that but are these safe? Are there any harmful effects of hair gel? Regular use of hair gels is harmful as these contain chemicals which are detrimental for hair health. A lot of men are still unaware of the downsides of hair styling products including dandruff, hair loss, and baldness, in the worst case. We have given you an overview here, get all the details in the article.

1. Dehydrate the hair

Most hair gels contain alcohol and other harmful chemicals that are drying and therefore cause hair to become dry and brittle over time. These gels decrease the moisture in the scalp which makes the residue settle on hair shafts making them rough and dull. This also gives rise to itching in the scalp along with headaches.

Also Read: Tips To get Rid Of Scalp Itchiness in Summer

2. Hair Loss

Do you know that regular use of hair gels can make your hair fall gradually? It so happens that the chemical formula in hair gels impacts the sebum production which is responsible for keeping the scalp moist and holding the hair from the roots. As the sebum production decrease, the scalp loses its grip and your hair become too weak to fall easily. Continual use of hair gel is catastrophic and if you wish to have a hairy head, you need to stop using hair gels too often. Once in awhile is fine as it won’t affect the sebum production. Not just that, loss of moisture and dry scalp can also trigger scalp infections. Many people believe shaving the head brings better hair growth. Read all about it before trying.

3. Dandruff

Using a hair gel dries out your scalp because of the chemicals even if your hair may not look dry. In such a situation, your scalp loses moisture and becomes dry. In such a situation, the dry scalp becomes flaky and cause dandruff. Apart from this, it can cause itching, burning, crusting, etc. on the scalp due to the gel. 

Also Read: Hairstyles For Men: How To Get That Perfect Man Bun

4. Hair discoloration and hair graying

Not only our scalp but hair is also badly affected by the use of chemicals that are there in hair gels. This probes hair to become weak and thin. Apart from this, due to the overuse of hair gel, hair color discoloration also occur making the hair become gray faster than anticipated. With the use of gel, the pH level of the skin deteriorates and all the troubles of the hair begin. If you have gotten a hair color done, it is very important to use proper products designed for colored hair. To not look aged before age, it is better to avoid unnecessary and regular use of hair gel on your mane.

Read More in Hair Care

Updated on: 26 July 2022, 00:00 am IST

Do you style your hair every day without thinking about the side effects of hair gel? Beware of the issues it may cause.


Know how hair gel can affect your tresses. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Your hair is one of the most significant parts of your persona. It can make you look presentable and feel confident too. That’s why people end up spending time, money and mindspace to get their hairstyle on point. One of the factors to this end is the use of a hair gel. It’s a part of every style-conscious person’s hair care routine. But are you aware of the side effects of hair gel?

Using a hair gel regularly can make your hair look dull and dry due to the chemicals used in it. Hair gel can beautify your hair but can steal its real beauty and shine. These gels aid in hairstyling, making hairstyles last longer, adding texture and giving them a sleek look. It naturally uplifts a person’s outward appearance and also gives their overall confidence a boost. But on the other hand, hair gels are considered to have negative consequences on the hair, scalp, and body due to the presence of toxic chemicals. Do you know your hair gel can be too harsh on your hair and can lead to dandruff, hair fall and even baldness.

The following are some of the side effects of hair gel

1. Dehydrates your hair

According to a 2015 research cited by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), most hair gels consisted of toxic chemicals including alcohol. Alcohol can cause dryness and dehydrate your hair. The corrosive chemicals can strip off moisture from the hair and scalp. These gels mess up with the natural moisture levels of your hair. Dehydrated hair can end up in less production of sebum which is required for nurturing your hair. Less moisture in your hair could be one of the major reasons for brittle and breakage-prone hair. These chemicals may give rise to the problems of itchy and flaky scalp. All this can lead your hair to lose its strength and appearance.

You can always try a DIY gel for your hair to be on the safer side.

Hair gel may leave your hair dry. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Hair loss:

While styling your hair, do you ever think that your styling hack can be a reason for your hair loss? “While using these hair gels regularly, you must remember that these gels can steal the natural moisture from your hair and scalp, thereby making the hair prone to breakage and fall,” as per the NCBI study. The chemical compounds present in these gels along with external pollutants can impact the production of sebum, which is an essential for keeping your hair and scalp hydrated as well as strong. Slow reduction in the production of sebum results in hair fall.

3. Dandruff

Use of a hair gel can cause dry scalp. It happens because of the presence of chemicals. Due to these chemicals, your scalp and hair can lose their natural oil and therefore become dehydrated and undernourished. An infected scalp can be recognized by the issues like irritation, itchiness, and flakiness of the scalp, leading to dandruff.

Beware of dandruff after hair gel use. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

4. Premature greying

Not only your scalp but your hair too can be drastically affected by the toxic chemicals of a hair gel. Discoloration of hair is also a common side effect of using hair gels. These gels rip off the nourishment and moisture content of the hair. It disturbs the pH balance of the hair and gives birth to hair-related issues such as unhealthy, scarce and dull hair. Harmful chemicals in these gels also have ill effects on colour-treated hair and lead to fading or discoloration. Prolonged usage of these hair gels can also result in early greying of hair.

So, folks! Occasional use of a hair gel may be fine, but if you want to steer clear from its side effects, avoid using it on a day-to-day basis.

Shalini Pandey

Shalini is a Senior Content Writer at Health Shots

Does hair gel damage your hair?

Technically, gel can weaken your hair, because it prevents it from breathing. And using too much can smother you scalp, which may cause dandruff. Moreover, gels frequently have a high alcohol content which can have a drying effect. Leaving you hair dry and more prone to breakage.

Is it OK to use hair gel everyday?

If you're using gel everyday you may need to wash your hair with shampoo more often too. So keep an eye on it and try not to leave gel in for more than 48 hours without washing it out.

Is applying gel on hair is good?

Some gels make your hair healthier by giving it the necessary nutrients. These nutrients will absorb into your scalp and hair follicles, strengthen them, and give them vitamins and minerals. All of this leads to shinier, more appealing, and better hair.

Can gel cause hair loss?

As you are 17 there are a number of factors that could be related to your hair loss. However, it is highly unlikely that your hair gel is causing you to lose your hair. Many people worry that styling products can cause hair loss – but, in reality, this is very rare.


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