What city is close to Goldsboro NC?

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These are approximate driving distances in a radius from Goldsboro, North Carolina. Search for vacation spots within driving distance for a day trip or weekend getaway. There are many towns within the total area, so if you're looking for closer places, try a smaller radius. If you're willing to drive farther, try 80 miles.

Please note that these cities are closest to your specified radius of 30 miles. You can switch to the largest cities within 30 miles (even if they are closer). Not sure where to go? Take a day trip from Goldsboro, or if you have more time you can explore weekend trips from Goldsboro, but make sure you also check road conditions around Goldsboro. Looking for small towns or communities around Goldsboro, North Carolina? Get a full list of up to 500 cities nearby Goldsboro.

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RV campgrounds 30 miles from Goldsboro

More cities around 30 miles away

Here are more cities based on a flight circle radius of 30 miles. The driving distance may be different from the straight line flight distance.

These are approximate driving distances in a radius from Goldsboro, North Carolina. Search for vacation spots within driving distance for a day trip or weekend getaway. There are many towns within the total area, so if you're looking for closer places, try a smaller radius. If you're willing to drive farther, try 100 miles.

Please note that these cities are closest to your specified radius of 50 miles. You can switch to the largest cities within 50 miles (even if they are closer). Not sure where to go? Take a day trip from Goldsboro, or if you have more time you can explore weekend trips from Goldsboro, but make sure you also check road conditions around Goldsboro. Looking for small towns or communities around Goldsboro, North Carolina? Get a full list of up to 500 cities nearby Goldsboro.

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RV campgrounds 50 miles from Goldsboro

State parks 50 miles from Goldsboro

More cities around 50 miles away

Here are more cities based on a flight circle radius of 50 miles. The driving distance may be different from the straight line flight distance.

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This page will help you find a list of surrounding towns near Goldsboro, villages, cities nearby or close to the suburbs of Goldsboro within a (North Carolina) to the north, south, east, or west of Goldsboro; typically within a one to two hour commute or drive.

Results for the country of United States are set to show towns with a minimum population of 50 people, you can decrease or increase this number to show towns that are more densely or sparsely populated or to increase the number of towns returned where our population data is absent or lacking. You can also estimations from Goldsboro for your vehicle, based on your car or trucks MPG and cost per gallon of fuel.

40 mile radius of Goldsboro population male and female: The estimated total number of people who were resident between 0 and 40 mi of Goldsboro, North Carolina in 2020 is around 803,722 people. Of these, 414,823 were female, and 388,899 were male.

New: Want to see age groupings for this radius? Check out the

Calculations are based on the geo co-ordinates of Latitude: 35.3673, Longitude:-77.9122 and use the Haversine formula.

Population data is sourced from a variety of national and international databases. In 2021, the estimated population for Goldsboro was 32,750.

Important Data Update We recently updated many US towns and cities (19000 locations) population numbers to include the latest population estimates for 2021. Check the date field in your export for latest figures data source

Goldsboro would be considered to be a medium sized town as it has a population in excess of 10,000 but smaller than 50,000

Goldsboro Radius Area Usage Examples

You can specify minimum and maximum distances up to 999 miles and you can change the distance radius to any number below this.

You can use this page to work out a sales catchment area for suburbs, or for other business purposes such as distribution or delivery to areas in or around Goldsboro and places around it. It's also handy for moving home, business or job search research, you can find out the average weekly earnings, and salary and determine what might be the best place to relocate to near Goldsboro. It's also useful for people visiting or just travelling through, tell us how you use it if you sign up!

Between 0 and 40 mi radius Free maps are limited to a maximum of 20 results. The inner circle shows mi distance of the last result in the free table below, upgrade for the full experience

Where we have the data, you can also specify places with a minimum or maximum population level too, enabling you to get an idea and a list of the most populated areas. This is especially useful for only returning major cities or cities of a certain size.

Towns near to Goldsboro United States North Carolina between 0 and 40 miles

Showing a list of distances for surrounding towns between 0 and 40 miles from Goldsboro in miles and kilometers within 1 to 2 hour drive traffic permitting !

If very little is shown, then it likely means we have limited population data for the towns within that radius or that the radius is too small.

If your radius is less than 75 miles you can try to increase the number of towns returned by which will reset the result set to show all towns, regardless of population size.

If you still see unsatisfactory results, then you can try again by increasing the radius to (or any other number that suits your needs)

How many towns are within 40 miles of Goldsboro, North Carolina, United States?

There are 52 towns and cities for the specified radius with a minimum population of 50, we are showing the nearest ones for free. See population data (** where available) with less restrictive criteria and get download access for up to 365 days for as little as $0.28 per day today, click on the 'Get The Download' button to get your access and data now. Includes drive distance estimates, times and geo co-ordinates. *

** We have 53 results with defined populations over 0 in the full result set for this distance and radius.

* Downloads are subject to a fair usage policy during the period. If you exceed these limits, access will expire without notice.

Map Showing Clicked Location

Nearest Beaches to Goldsboro, North Carolina

Key: mi = miles | km = kilometers | pop = population | dir = direction | NA = Not Available

Colour Key Places: Red Denotes a place typically considered to be a city with a population over 100000 people (unless located within a mega city) - Blue Large Towns > 50k - Orange Medium Sized Towns > 10k - Purple Small Towns > 4k Grey Towns or Villages < 4k people

If you needed all towns that were 40 miles to the south of Goldsboro, then you'd (after upgrading) export the Goldsboro results to CSV and then filter the table values by SE and SW. Alternatively, if you wanted to get all cities or towns that were 40 miles to the east of Goldsboro you'd filter by SE and NE in your spreadsheet program.

Need to increase or decrease the radius for towns near Goldsboro?

Use these shortcuts to show towns:
Between 0 and 30 mi of Goldsboro Between 0 and 50 mi of Goldsboro Between 5 and 50 mi of Goldsboro Between 10 and 60 mi of Goldsboro Between 10 and 70 mi of Goldsboro

Alternatively, use the to enter new specific values or use the dropdown presets here...

Processing Your Request - Check the table for updated records

Excellent Value - From less than 28 cents per day

Change the between and distance values to get a different set of results for cities near to Goldsboro

Cities and Towns near Goldsboro North Carolina

Counties between 0 and 40 mi radiusWayneNorth Carolina5.231231315997263159GreeneNorth Carolina15.2021069115409529LenoirNorth Carolina17.82559492673729212WilsonNorth Carolina23.28818013878343018JohnstonNorth Carolina27.52209339102577106762DuplinNorth Carolina29.94587412869130050PittNorth Carolina34.051807428478095962SampsonNorth Carolina36.79635313124532286JonesNorth Carolina39.05941945744845

Upgrade to export these results to an excel spreadsheet

Get up to 365 days access to CSV downloads For Excel or Apple Mac Numbers Software for as little as $0.28 per day * View zoomable maps and get site wide access to all features. Payments made payable to Think Fish Media Services and are securely processed by paypal

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Fetching aged based results

How many people between Age 80 to 84 years live within 40 mi of Goldsboro?

Premium Feature: How many people in the Age 80 to 84 years age group live within 40 miles of Goldsboro?

40 mile radius population Age 80 to 84 years: In this example, we can see that the estimated total number of people resident Age 80 to 84 years, between 0 and 40 mi of Goldsboro, North Carolina is around 15,038 people. Of these, 9,042 were female, and 5,996 were male.

Counties between 0 and 40 mi radius people Age 80 to 84 yearsWayneNorth Carolina5.2326041049155580 to 84 yearsGreeneNorth Carolina15.2040112627580 to 84 yearsLenoirNorth Carolina17.82142556685980 to 84 yearsWilsonNorth Carolina23.281786701108580 to 84 yearsJohnstonNorth Carolina27.5229561201175580 to 84 yearsDuplinNorth Carolina29.94133757076780 to 84 yearsPittNorth Carolina34.0528231104171980 to 84 yearsSampsonNorth Carolina36.79144756788080 to 84 yearsJonesNorth Carolina39.0525911214780 to 84 years

Gas Cost Estimator - Drive Costs and Times To Towns Within 40 Miles of Goldsboro

Enter your truck or cars MPG and the fuel price that you pay per litre . Click on the mileage of the respective town in the mi. column of the results table and see the estimated journey costs for each town within a radius of Goldsboro.

In addition to longitude, latitude, population data (where available), paid users can also export drive time and drive distances to a csv file export. Click to access the data download for use in Excel or Numbers on your Mac.

North Carolina State Counties Earnings 2021 - Wayne

Nearest Designated Shoreline to Goldsboro United States (Beta )

The nearest recorded water source (Lake, River or Coastline) with a "designated shoreline" to Goldsboro is 49.98 mi away. Geo Co-ordinates: 35.53680178,-77.0480407 East Main Street, Washington, Beaufort County, North Carolina, 27889, United States .

The nearest town to that location is Washington Park North Carolina in United States and is 0.92 mi from the water source. Nearest Beaches to Washington Park

Getting Around Washington Park

Pitt-Greenville Airport is the nearest travel hub at 21.05 mi away from Washington Park. Wilson, North Carolina is the nearest Amtrak Train Station and is 49.93 mi away from Washington Park. Report Issue

Sample New York City CSV File  Looking to download data for your business or personal use? See how an upgraded package gives you access to extra data by viewing this sample CSV database file for towns and cities near New York USA 10 mile radius - showing population, drive estimates, geo co-ordinates, navigation data and map links for directions in use in your favourite spreadsheet program. Get up to 365 days access to downloads and maps for as little as £0.22 pence per day!

There are a further 32 results for this location, upgrade to view all distances, population sizes, estimated drive times and .

Get 365 days of zoomable maps with towns, downloads and population data for as little as $0.28 cents per day!

Upgrade today for as little as $0.28 cents per day! View distances, population sizes, estimated drive times and zoomable maps.

Map showing miles radius from Goldsboro - Minimum Population of 50 People

 For a map that showed towns near to Goldsboro, North Carolina the following key would apply.

  • Places up to 25 miles from Goldsboro North Carolina
  • Towns between 25 - 75 miles from Goldsboro North Carolina
  • Towns and places that are over 75 miles from Goldsboro North Carolina

Generate a new set of distances for Goldsboro

Viewing a list of towns between and Miles KM of Goldsboro. Increase or decrease the radius to get different results.

Use the button below to generate a new page with towns and distances.

You can eliminate towns or cities that are too near by setting the first distance indicator at something like "10" miles; this will then show the cities and towns that are between 10 and 40 miles from Goldsboro

To preserve server resource and to speed up page loading time, the default for this particular country is usually set to show towns where our population data says there are over 50 people living there.

The current search was set to show towns with a population over 50. You can flex this number up or down. Change the population number in the box below to get different results; eg if very little is shown, then it likely means we have limited population data for the towns or cities within that radius or that the radius is too small.

Setting population numbers too low with a high radius will take an extended time to process.

Important Note: We don't yet have population numbers for ALL towns in United States, but if the radius you have set is less than 75 miles and you then set the population number below to 0 you'll get more town or city names returned.

Restrict results to United States: Restrict results to North Carolina State :

Processing Your Request - Please Wait...

Town NameWeb LinkDistance MilesDistance KMPrecise Drive time and Directions URLApprox Drive milesApprox Drive TimeAssumed Average MPHTotal MinutesRegionCountryPopulationDirectionLatitudeLongitudeDateGoldsboro-00-0000North CarolinaUnited States35.3673-77.91222020Mar-Mac//www.distantias.com/towns-radius-mar-mac-united_states.htm8.4013.518456//www.distantias.com/distance-from-goldsboro_united_states-to-mar-mac-united_states.htmNorth CarolinaUnited Statesupgrade to seeSW2017Brogden//www.distantias.com/towns-radius-brogden-united_states.htm8.6113.8564174//www.distantias.com/distance-from-goldsboro_united_states-to-brogden-united_states.htmNorth CarolinaUnited Statesupgrade to seeSW2017Seven Springs//www.distantias.com/towns-radius-seven_springs-united_states.htm11.5618.6039704//www.distantias.com/distance-from-goldsboro_united_states-to-seven_springs-united_states.htmNorth CarolinaUnited Statesupgrade to seeSE2021Snow Hill//www.distantias.com/towns-radius-snow_hill-united_states.htm13.6521.967491//www.distantias.com/distance-from-goldsboro_united_states-to-snow_hill-united_states.htmNorth CarolinaUnited Statesupgrade to seeNE2021Mount Olive//www.distantias.com/towns-radius-mount_olive-united_states.htm16.6626.8116044//www.distantias.com/distance-from-goldsboro_united_states-to-mount_olive-united_states.htmNorth CarolinaUnited Statesupgrade to seeSW2021Stantonsburg//www.distantias.com/towns-radius-stantonsburg-united_states.htm16.8327.0851922//www.distantias.com/distance-from-goldsboro_united_states-to-stantonsburg-united_states.htmNorth CarolinaUnited Statesupgrade to seeNE2021Walstonburg//www.distantias.com/towns-radius-walstonburg-united_states.htm18.8630.3521524//www.distantias.com/distance-from-goldsboro_united_states-to-walstonburg-united_states.htmNorth CarolinaUnited Statesupgrade to seeNE2021Kinston//www.distantias.com/towns-radius-kinston-united_states.htm19.0230.6096468//www.distantias.com/distance-from-goldsboro_united_states-to-kinston-united_states.htmNorth CarolinaUnited Statesupgrade to seeSE2021Maury//www.distantias.com/towns-radius-maury-united_states.htm20.0132.2028934//www.distantias.com/distance-from-goldsboro_united_states-to-maury-united_states.htmNorth CarolinaUnited Statesupgrade to seeNE2017

Visit our Kenly hotels section for places to stay around here.

Visiting United States? Get Inspired!

See local hotel deals for this area?

Latest Hotel Deals in North Carolina?

Check out these great hotel deals from our accommodation partners for places to stay in North Carolina .

Drive times and distances are guideline indicators only, drive times and distances are affected by many factors such as road closures, rush hour drives, different routes, water masses, mountains, speed etc. You are strongly advised to make additional checks before commencing any journey.

The state capital of North Carolina is Raleigh and as of 2016 had a population of around 403892

There are 52 results for this Goldsboro radius and population, we are showing the nearest towns to Goldsboro.

See more results and population data (where available) with less restrictive criteria with the ability to download CSV files to your computer.

Get full access to CSV downloads to use with Excel or Mac Numbers, and see zoomable maps and more. Get up to 365 days access to downloads and maps for as little as $0.28 per day! * Click on the '' button to get instant access.

Get up to 365 days access to zoomable maps with towns, directions, downloads and population data for as little as $0.28 cents per day!

Click here to get up to 365 days access for as little as $0.28 cents per day! View distances, population sizes, estimated drive times and zoomable maps. Payment Via PayPal

FAQ Summary

Click on a heading to expand the answers to commonly asked questions.

How many towns are there within 40 miles of Goldsboro North Carolina United States?

For this distance and location, we are showing 52 towns within 40 miles of Goldsboro North Carolina United States. Results will vary subject to chosen parameters like population and distance.

How many people live within 40 miles of Goldsboro North Carolina United States?

For this distance and location, there were an estimated 803722 people resident. The male and female breakdown was as follows...

How many females live within 40 miles of Goldsboro North Carolina United States?

For this distance and location, there were an estimated 414823 females resident. The full male and female breakdown was as follows...

How many males live within 40 miles of Goldsboro North Carolina United States?

For this distance and location, there were an estimated 388899 males resident. The full male and female breakdown was as follows...

How can I use this Goldsboro radius tool?

You can use this page to find towns within a defined area for all manner of purposes; business, travel, personal or education. Learn more

I can't login and get my CSV results for Excel what do I do?

Enter your payment transaction ID reference as supplied in the 'Access' email sent to you. Alternatively if you cannot find your access email, then check your paypal acount for details of the CSV Download transaction reference. Use the to do so, or email us supplying the date you paid and we will investigate.

Which hotels or places to stay are there in and around Goldsboro?

We've a selection of hotels and places to stay for most places in United States. See a few that are shown on the Kenly hotels section.

I've found an error on the Goldsboro page - what should I do?

That's fantastic, please use this Report Error link and detail the specifics of the error you encountered and how you think we should change things.

How current is the population data for United States and do you have data for all countries?

We don't have data for every town and city in United States and we specify this with NA in our data table. Population data is sourced from a variety of national and international databases some of which are more current than others. Our last data update for some locations was for 2021 population estimates. . The data should be used as an indicator rather than a real time fact.

What city is Goldsboro NC close to?

Smithfield, NC. Wilson, NC. Kinston, NC.

How far is smithfield to Goldsboro?

There are 21.29 miles from Smithfield to Goldsboro in southeast direction and 23 miles (37.01 kilometers) by car, following the US-70 E route. Smithfield and Goldsboro are 28 minutes far apart, if you drive non-stop . This is the fastest route from Smithfield, NC to Goldsboro, NC.

How far is Goldsboro NC from VA?

How far is it from Virginia to Goldsboro? The distance between Virginia and Goldsboro is 124 miles. The road distance is 196.6 miles.

How far is the beach from Goldsboro NC?

Distance conversions.


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