What do you call 1/4 of an acre?

In Australian and New Zealand English, a quarter acre is a term for a suburban plot of land. Traditionally, Australians and New Zealanders aspired to own a 3- or 4-bedroom house or bungalow on a section of around a quarter of an acre (about 1,000 square metres), also known locally as the Australian Dream or the New Zealand dream. The land was frequently put to use with vegetable gardens,[1][2] fruit trees, or lawns for family recreation.

The quarter-acre aspiration has changed in recent decades, with sub-divisions, infill housing, apartments, and townhouses becoming more common in large cities, and nearby lifestyle farming blocks becoming popular. Most "quarter-acre" sections are not exactly a quarter of an acre. With urban growth, properties tend to be smaller with new sub-divisions averaging a half or less of the classic quarter-acre.

See also[edit]

  • Rood, an Old English unit of area, equal to quarter of an acre
  • The Half-Gallon Quarter-Acre Pavlova Paradise, a popular book by Austin Mitchell


  1. ^ Fruit and vegetables - food in New Zealand, New Zealand History online.
  2. ^ Timms, Peter (2006), Australia's quarter acre : the story of the ordinary suburban garden, Miegunyah Press, ISBN 978-0-522-85185-4

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What do you call a quarter acre of land?


How many meters in a quarter of an acre?

(1/4) acre = 1,011.7 square meters

How many square feet is a quarter of an acre?

1/4 acre is 10,890 square feet.

How many roods in a acre?

Roods is an English unit of area equal to one quarter of an acre

How many square meters in quarter acer?

One quarter acre is 1,011.71 square meters.

'QUARTER-ACRE OF LAND' is a 17 letter Phrase starting with Q and ending with D

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Sometimes a little bit is just the right amount, especially when it comes to acreage. You didn’t want a ton of land, which is why you settled for .25 acres, which no, is not 25 acres (the decimal matters!). Just how much land are you going to buy?

Given that .25 acres are less than one acre in size (which is 43,560 square feet), that makes your land approximately 10,890 square feet. Although this isn’t a tremendous amount of land, it’s very much comfortably livable. 

If you have yet more questions about your .25 acres of land, don’t worry, as we’ve got answers. In this article, we’ll present some size equivalents for your land and even offer some suggestions for what you can do with all the space. You certainly won’t want to miss it! 

Why 10,890 Square Feet?

It’s been a while since we’ve discussed land acreage on the blog, so a refresher is in order. One acre, as we’ve written about before, measures 43,560 square feet. Each side of the square foot is 209 feet. 

Keeping in mind that one acre is 43,560 square feet allows us to measure even greater amounts of land with ease. For example, you can multiply 43,560 by 100 to deduce that 100 acres are 4,356,000 square feet. Yet what if the amount of land you have is less than even one acre?

A .25-acre lot, aka a 1/4th acre lot, is only 10,890 square feet. That’s 32,670 square feet less than one acre. In other words, it’s not a ton of land, but it’s also far from nothing. 

Since one acre is a measurement of a furlong and a chain and is 66 feet by 660 feet, what would that make .25 acres? Well, let’s rewind a moment and explain chains again. This unit of measurement is 22 yards or 66 feet. You can also measure in square chains, which is 4,356 square feet. This will come in handy for calculating .25 acres of land.

Dividing 10,890 (.25 acres) by 4,356 (one square chain) tells us that .25 acres are approximately 2.5 square chains. For comparison’s sake, since one acre of land is 43,560 square feet, it’s thus 10 square chains. 

Visualizing .25 Acres of Land: 5 Helpful Examples

If you’re still having a hard time picturing .25 acres in your head, that’s okay. These examples should make clearer how much land you’d have to your name. 

11 Average-Sized Apartments

According to Rent Café, in 2018, the average square footage of an apartment in the United States is 941 square feet. You have 10,890 square feet available across your .25 acres of land. By rounding up your square footage and the square footage of the average apartment size, you could fit 11 apartments on your property. That’s quite comfy! 

What do you call 1/4 of an acre?

2+ NBA Basketball Courts

One NBA basketball court is 4,700 square feet, especially in bigger arenas such as Madison Square Garden in New York City. With 10,890 square feet accessible to you, you can fit more than two NBA basketball courts on your .25 acres of land, which is not too shabby. 

What do you call 1/4 of an acre?

About 45 School Buses 

One of the latest trends in homes is converting school buses into livable spaces. Although it requires a lot of work (first you have to remove all the seats, then you have to add insulation, electricity, etc.), the result is a cozy little home akin to life on an RV. 

Just how much room is there in the interior of a school bus when you take out the seats and everything else? You have anywhere from 245 to 300 square feet available inside. If the interior of the bus is only 245 square feet, then you could fit about 45 school buses on your .25 acres of land. If the bus interiors were 300 feet each, then you’d have room for about 36 yellow school buses. 

What do you call 1/4 of an acre?

About 18 Three-Car Garages

Owning a three-car garage shows that you’ve made it, as you have the space on your property to showcase all your pricy vehicles. The average size of a three-car garage is 600 to 640 square feet. At 600 square feet, you could fit approximately 18.15 three-car garages, which we’ll round down to 18 garages.  

Even if the three-car garage was bigger at 640 square feet, you’d be able to accommodate 17 of them. Now all your friends and family can park nearby! 

What do you call 1/4 of an acre?

258 King-Sized Beds

When you snuggle up for a long night of sleep, a king-sized bed can feel like the largest, comfiest thing in the world. In actuality, the average king-sized bed is only 42.15 square feet. Knowing that, we can now calculate that, with 10,890 square feet, you’d be able to squeeze in 258 king-sized beds on your .25 acres of land. That’d be one big sleep.

What do you call 1/4 of an acre?

How Long Does It Take to Walk Across .25 Acres?

It’s your land, so you want to enjoy it to the fullest. Before you build anything on it, you’ve decided to take a walk across all .25 acres. How much time should you set aside for this endeavor? 

We’ll assume that you’re walking at about the average pace, which is 3 to 4 miles per hour. Since walking a square acre takes 35.61 seconds to do and your land is under an acre in size, it would take you less than 35 seconds to walk across it. 

What Can You Do with .25 Acres of Land?

Now that you’ve taken your walk, it’s time to get down to business and determine how you’ll use your new land. Here are some useful ways for filling your .25 acres.

Start an Apartment Complex

Considering that you can fit 11 average-sized apartments on your .25 acres of land, there’s no reason why you couldn’t start your own apartment complex. Sure, it’d be a small complex compared to some apartment complexes with room for more than 100 apartments, but that’s not always a bad thing.

The exclusivity of your small apartment complex will certainly drive interest. Also, with only 11 households in the area, all your apartment dwellers will feel like they have plenty of room. They won’t have to fight over parking spaces either, as there should be enough for everyone. 

Build Some Homes

Today’s homeowner prefers properties that are 2,500 square feet. At that size, you could fit more than 4 homes on your .25 acres. Maybe you’d whittle that number down to 3 homes so you can create more adequate space between one property and another. 

Sure, these aren’t enough homes to really count as their own association, but you could live in one home and then let your closest friends and family claim the other two. You’d always be near your favorite people.  

Get Your Own NBA-Sized Court (or Make That Two!)

If you’re the sporty type, there’s no reason why you couldn’t replicate your own NBA basketball court on your .25 acres. You could fit more than two such courts, although keep in mind that you wouldn’t be able to use your land for much else beyond basketball. 

Final Thoughts 

Owning .25 acres of land is approximately 10,890 square feet. Although you don’t have as much room as a full acre would afford, you can still build multiple apartments, several homes, and even two NBA basketball courts, so what you have to work with is plenty! We hope this article helped you realize the potential of your .25 acres.  

How big is 5 acres of land? The size of a football field? Bigger? What could you do with so much land? We’ll tell you all this and more ahead so you can make the most of all 5 acres of land that you’ve purchased!  

Here is a list of other articles on outdoortroop.com which show you visual comparisons for different sizes of land acres, all with helpful visual comparisons.

  • How big is 1 acre of land?
  • How big is 10 acres of land?
  • How big is 100 acres of land?

What size is a quarter acre section?

A typical quarter-acre section had a street frontage of 66 feet (20.1m) – corresponding to the standard surveyor's measuring “chain” – and a length of 165 ft (50.3m).

What is the perimeter of a 1/4 acre?

4) 104 (linear feet) x 4 (sides) = 420 linear feet to enclose a quarter of an acre.

What is a quarter of land?

1 quarter = 160 acres. 1 section = 1 square mile or 640 acres. 1 township = 6 miles square or 36 square miles.

What lot size is 1/2 acre?

1 acre is 43,560 square feet, so a half-acre shall be 21,780 square feet. Any piece of land having this much area (21,780 square feet) is half-acre land.