What does it mean to give credit where credit is due?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English(give) credit where credit is due(give) credit where credit is dueused to say that someone deserves to be praised for the good things they have done credit

credit where credit is due

Acknowledgement of someone's work or contribution to something. Often used in the phrase "give credit where credit is due." Come on, give credit where credit is due! I came up with that idea, and you know it! We may not get along very well with Mitch, but we have to give credit where credit is due—he worked hard on that project.

See also: credit, due

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

credit where credit is due

praise should be given when it is deserved, even when you are reluctant to give it.

This sentiment was earlier expressed in the form honour where honour is due , following the Authorized Version of the Bible: ‘Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour’ (Romans 13:7).

See also: credit, due

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

See also:
  • give credit where credit is due
  • give (someone) credit
  • give credit
  • give credit to (someone)
  • due
  • take credit where credit is due
  • reflect credit on
  • reflect credit on (someone, something, or oneself)
  • credit (someone or something) for (something)
  • credit for

give credit where credit is due

proverb To acknowledge someone's work or contribution to something. Come on, give credit where credit is due! I came up with that idea, and you know it! We may not get along very well with Mitch, but we have to give credit where credit is due—he worked hard on that project.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

Give credit where credit is due.

Prov. Acknowledge someone's contribution or ability. Jill: Jane, that was a wonderful meal. Jane: I must give credit where credit is due; Alan helped with all of the cooking. Ellen: Roger is pompous, petty, and immature. I think he's completely worthless. Jane: Now, Ellen, give credit where credit is due; he's also extremely smart.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

See also:
  • take credit where credit is due
  • credit where credit is due
  • due
  • give (someone) credit
  • give credit
  • give credit to (someone)
  • reflect credit on
  • reflect credit on (someone, something, or oneself)
  • charge (something) on (something)
  • charge on

What does it mean to give credit where credit is due?

This page is about the saying "Give credit where credit is due"

Possible meaning:
The implication is that even if we are reluctant to praise someone, we should do so if the praise is deserved.

credit (noun) = public praise or acknowledgment | due (adj.) = merited; deserved

Quick Quiz

"Give credit where credit is due" suggests that we should express approval or admiration whenever it is

a. merited

b. asked for

c. unwarranted

a) merited b) asked for c) unwarranted

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Contributor: Josef Essberger

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Also, extend credit. Trust someone to pay at some future time what he or she owes. For example, I haven't enough cash this month, so I hope they'll give me credit. This use of credit dates from the mid-1500s.


Acknowledge an accomplishment, as in They really should give her credit for the work she's done. [Late 1700s] The phrase is sometimes amplified to give credit where credit is due, meaning the acknowledgment should be to the person who deserves it. This expression was probably coined by Samuel Adams in a letter (October 29, 1777), which put it: “Give credit to whom credit due.” It is sometimes put give someone their due, as in We should really give Nancy her due for trying to sort out this mess.



Should you take this quiz on “shall” versus “should”? It should prove to be a quick challenge!

Question 1 of 6

Which form is used to state an obligation or duty someone has?

Words nearby give credit

giveback, give bad marks to, give birth to, give chase, give color to, give credit, give free rein to, give ground, Give him enough rope and he'll hang himself, give in, give it one's best shot

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

How to use give credit in a sentence

  • But give the Kingdom credit for its sense of mercy: The lashes will be administered only 50 at a time.

  • With chemotherapy, her doctors give her at least an 80 percent chance of survival.

  • One of the other cops fired three times and those who were still able to give chase did.

  • Our fans have seen all our sketches, so we wanted to give them something a little deeper about each character.

  • Could the (thus far) timid trembling give way to a full-on, grand mal seizure?

  • Bacteria, when present in great numbers, give a uniform cloud which cannot be removed by ordinary filtration.

  • Give a sweet savour, and a memorial of fine flour, and make a fat offering, and then give place to the physician.

  • Finally, let me ask the general reader to put aside all prejudice, and give both sides a fair hearing.

  • If you have any thoughts of influencing me or my men to join the regular Confederate army, you may as well give up the idea.

  • It was he who first said, If thine enemy hunger give him food, if he thirst give him drink.

What does it mean by credit where credit is due?

credit where credit's due Used to justly praise someone for their achievement or contribution.

How do I give due credit?

Here are a few rules designed to help you do it better:.
Give credit where credit is due. It sounds obvious but it doesn't always happen. ... .
Credit team members for crediting one another. Good leaders incentivize their team members to acknowledge and appreciate others' contributions. ... .
Avoid the temptation to blame..

What does it mean to give credit to someone?

To give someone praise or recognition. We must give credit to Samantha for getting the project finished on time. You have to give credit to John for the humility he shows regarding his financial success. 2. To grant or extend financial credit to someone.

Where credit is due or do?

If you say ' credit where credit's due', you are admitting that you ought to praise someone for something that they have done or for a good quality that they possess.